Baseline Evaluation for Integrated Food Security and Livelihoods project, Taita Taveta At Kenya Red Cross


Baseline Evaluation for Integrated Food Security and Livelihoods project, Taita Taveta

Document Release Date:

6th October 2021

Last Date for Receipt of proposals:

20th October 2021



Tender Number:


Submission Method:

Email to

Tender Opening Venue and Time:

Download the full document here:



1. Summary of the evaluation

1.1. Purpose: The baseline evaluation will establish benchmark statistics and help refine and set project targets for the specific sectoral and sub sectoral indicators against which the progress and achievements of the project will be measured and assessed. The findings will shape the project design and provide any adjustment to the indicators, resources and improve on the planned interventions.

1.2. Partners: British Red Cross, County Governments and Kenya Red Cross Society

1.3. Duration: 30 Calendar Days

1.4. Estimated Dates: 1st November to 30th November 2021

1.5. Geographical Location: Taita Taveta County, Taveta sub county – Kenya

1.6. Target Population: Community members and stakeholders within targeted locations.

1.7. Deliverables: Inception report and tools, final report, all data sets, summary PowerPoint presentation

1.8. Methodology: This will include document review, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with key partners and stakeholders; Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), household surveys and observations

1.9. Evaluation Management Team: KRCS MEA&L, Program representatives and British Red Cross Representative

2. Background Information

Climate change and variability remains a threat to sustainable development in Taita Taveta County especially Taveta Sub-County as it is a mixed agriculture zone with both crops and livestock production. Widespread loss of income due to COVID-19 effects, broken supply chains, disruptions in basic social services, as well as unprecedented threats to the basic well-being of the affected persons and community members which by and large has resulted to reduced productivity, heightened food insecurity and negative coping mechanisms further undermining the livelihood sources. Therefore, there is an urgent need for interventions that consider best and modern practices to help communities become more resilient in the face of imminent threats to their health, safety and livelihoods.

With support from BRC, this project which will be implemented by KRCS seeks to support the community in Taita Taveta county to cope and adapt to climate variability and change so as to enhance their resilience. The purpose of this baseline survey is to provide an information base against which to monitor and assess the projects progress and effectiveness during implementation and after the project is completed.

3. Assessment Purpose & Scope

The baseline, which will cover Taveta sub county will provide a starting point for the program and the basis by which performance, progress, achievements and impact will be measured during and after the project life. As well, the findings will enable the project team to review the project plans to ensure that they have realistic and evidence-based targets, strategies and timeframes in lieu of the objectives and indicators. The baseline survey is expected to provide benchmark statistics against the programme indicators and objectives to enable tracking of the project results.

The specific objectives of the baseline survey will be to:

  1. Establish baseline information against the projects log frame indicators at community level which will be used as a benchmark for this project to assess outcomes and impact.
  2. Document community perception of the relevance of the project and their participation in the project.

3.1 Project Objectives and indicators

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustainable livelihoods for the poor and the vulnerable households living in Taita taveta county (Taveta sub county) by August 2023.

The specific objectives are:

1. To improve food security for the target beneficiaries through adaptation of modern farming practices by August 2023.


GI 1. percentage of Targeted households with sustainable income sources

1a: Percentage of households within acceptable Households food consumption scores

1.1a: Percentage of targeted farmers practicing productive modern farming technologies

2. To enhance healthy living through improved nutrition and improved access to safe and sustainable drinking water.


1.2a. Percentage of children who are underweight (MUAC <12.5cm)

1.2b. Percentage of Targeted households establishing Nutrition sensitive IGAs

1.2c. Number of supported communal water points at which management committees promote kitchen gardening

3. To improve access to social and economic safety nets among the vulnerable households of Taita taveta county by August 2023.


3.1a: Percentage of targeted mothers delivering in health facilities

3.1b Percentage of targeted CVA recipients making at least 4 ANC visits before delivery

3.2a: Number of county government personnel engaged in KRCS CVA programme

3.2b. Number of government social protection programmes supported by KRCS

4. Effective monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning coordination and supervision.

4. Key Baseline questions

The baseline survey will seek to answer the questions below:

· What is the current coverage of the log frame indicators?

· Does the coverage differ across gender?

· Are there additional indicators to assess that will add value to project processes?

· Based on the findings, what would be the proposed targets of the indicators?

· Is the project relevant to the community? What’s the community perception of the project importance to their wellbeing? How should the community be made to understand the project?

· How should community be involved in the project decision making? How should the community be engaged during project implementation, M&E?

· What would be the preferred means of communicating Feedback between KRCS and the community?

5. Survey Methodology

The consulting firm/individual will be expected to propose most suitable study design, sampling methods, sample size, data collection and analysis approaches that are suitable for this project during the baseline study. This should be clearly outlined in the technical proposal and if qualified to oral stage to have further discussion with the evaluation management team. The consulting firm will also propose targeted respondents to interview or data sources that can answer the log frame indicators and ensuring a participatory approach in the process. The baseline survey will use the following literature and any other for reference and to inform the process further*:*

• Project proposal and log frame

• Existing project documents by the time of data collection.

• Documents, policies and frameworks by partners, county and national government

The project outcomes and outputs are shown in the table below and with indicators mentioned earlier: –



Outcome 1.1 Improved food production through appropriate irrigation technology, drought tolerant crop farming, mixed subsistence and commercial farming (agri-business) in Taveta Sub-County

Output 1.1.1: Modern farming practices are adopted by the target beneficiaries

Output 1.1.2: Increased proportion of target beneficiaries have improved Nutrition status

Outcome 1.2: Improved access to safe and sustainable drinking water, improved sanitation as well as adaptation of good hygiene practices at household level in Taveta Sub-County.

Output 1.2.1: Improved water supply systems are in place

Output 1.2.2: Improved hygiene and sanitation

Outcome 1.3: Strengthened social protection delivery systems to increase access to social and economic inclusion interventions.

Output 1.3.1: Strengthened Cash and Voucher Assistance and Market Based Programming-

Output 1.3.2: Improved access to humanitarian assistance through Government Social Protection-

Outcome 1.4: Strengthened capacity of KRCS and targeted community groups to support sustainable community owned development

Output 1.4.1: Enhanced Community Engagement and Accountability

Output 1.4.2: Protection and Gender inclusion and PSEA

6. Quality & Ethical Standards

The consultant shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the study is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the assessment is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organizational learning and accountability. Therefore, the assessment team shall be required to adhere to the assessment standards and applicable practices as recommended by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

• Utility: Assessments must be useful and used.

• Feasibility: Assessments must be realistic, diplomatic, and managed in a sensible, cost effective manner.

• Ethics & Legality: Assessments must be conducted in an ethical and legal manner, with particular regard for the welfare of those involved in and affected by the assessment.

• Impartiality & Independence; Assessments should be impartial, providing a comprehensive and unbiased assessment that takes into account the views of all stakeholders.

• Transparency: assessment activities should reflect an attitude of openness and transparency.

• Accuracy: Assessments should be technically accurate, providing sufficient information about the data collection, analysis, and interpretation methods so that its worth or merit can be determined.

• Participation: Stakeholders should be consulted and meaningfully involved in the assessment process when feasible and appropriate.

• Collaboration: Collaboration between key operating partners in the assessment process improves the legitimacy and utility of the assessment.

It is also expected that the assessment will respect the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: 1) humanity, 2) impartiality, 3) neutrality, 4) independence, 5) voluntary service, 6) unity, and 7) universality.

7. Qualifications and Experience for Consultants

The lead consultant/team must possess the following qualifications:

i. A master’s degree in disaster risk management, sustainable livelihoods or other relevant social sciences.

ii. Relevant experience in the field of sustainable livelihoods approaches with a focus on the thematic areas including, Food security, Nutrition, Cash and voucher assistance, Water Sanitation and Hygiene.

iii. Proven experience in participatory and results-based M&E.

iv. Must have led in at least five participatory assessments. Experience of conducting baselines, monitoring and assessment work in the target or similar communities (preferred)

v. High level of professionalism and an ability to work independently and in high-pressure situations under tight deadlines.

vi. Strong interpersonal and communication skills

vii. The team must have a statistician able to analyze quantitative and qualitative data as well as key technical team members in to handle specific components of the project evaluation

viii. Firm/bidder must have experience in using mobile phone technology for data collection, monitoring and reporting

ix. The lead consultant must have strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports in a timely manner.

x. Availability for the period indicated.

8. Management of the Baseline assessment

Duration: The baseline survey will be conducted between 1st November to 30th November 2021 from contract signing to delivery of the final report.


i. Inception report detailing the evaluation design, sampling methodology & sample frame, evaluation tools, agreed budget and work plan.

ii. Copies of original and cleaned data sets for both qualitative and quantitative processes should be submitted together with the report. KRCS will have sole ownership of all final data and any findings shall only be shared or reproduced with the permission of KRCS.

iii. Draft baseline report that will culminate in the final report with the following elements:

a) Table of contents

b) Clear executive summary with among others major findings of the Baseline and summary of conclusions and recommendations

c) The objectives of the end line, methodology and any challenges encountered in the field

d) A presentation of the results and discussion of the same

e) Conclusions

f) Recommendations with clear guidelines of how they can be implemented

g) Report annexes

iv. A power point presentation highlighting key results, findings and recommendations to be disseminated to the key stakeholders after approval of the final end line report. This should come with a popular short highly summarized report to be distributed during dissemination session.

v. Final Baseline Survey Reports – submit 4 bound hard copy and one electronic copy of the report by the agreed timeline.

Evaluation Management Team

The evaluation management team will be composed of the Kenya Red Cross Program team and MEA&L team. The British Red Cross representative if available will be invited to be part of the EMT. KRCS MEA&L representatives will chair the team.

Role of KRCS (Project and MEA&L team)

• Lead the recruitment and assessment process

• Coordinate the assessment implementation process through the KRCS Program and MEA&L units.

• Review of assessment products including the log frame, tools and reports.

• KRCS will organize logistics for the assessment team.

• Avail data collectors within agreed criteria.

• Avail all necessary documents for desk review

• KRCS will be the link between the community and the consultant

• Will be the custodian of all data generated from the assessment

• Organize dissemination forums as necessary

9. Application Requirements

Application materials shall include:

• A written response to this TOR in terms of a proposal detailing the technical understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the evaluation, expected activities and deliverables, proposed work plans with schedule, and financial bids. See Annex 1

• Detailed CVs of all professional (s) who will work on the study. If there is more than one contractor on the proposed evaluation team, please attach a table describing the level of effort (in number of days) of each team member in each of the evaluation activities. See Annex 3

• Professional references: please provide at least three references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees (working and active email & phone number). The reference provided need to be ready to be contacted if need be.

Please also note that the people whose names appear in the team composition template MUST be the ones to undertake the assessment. As such, they MUST be the ones to appear in person if the proposal moves to the interview stage.

Failure to adhere to any of these requirements will lead to automatic disqualification or breach of contract once the work has begun.

Kenya Red Cross Society reserves the right to cancel the contract if, convinced that the consultant is in breach of the terms and conditions including those approved in the inception report.

10. Submission of proposal

*The bidders MUST provide a technical and financial proposal in two separate folders clearly marked* *“Technical Proposal Name of the firm/consultant” and “Financial Proposal Name of the firm/consultant” and subject be marked­“Tender No. PRF08442 *- Call for Consultancy for Baseline Evaluation for Integrated Food Security and Livelihoods project, Taita Taveta”*

The proposals must be sent on mail to by 20th October 2021 at 11:00 AM.

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend our online tender opening meeting on the same day at noon. Interested bidders to confirm participation on mail and thereafter we will share the zoom link for the meeting.


i. Introduction: description of the firm, the firm’s qualifications and statutory compliance (1 page)

ii. Back ground: Understanding of the project, context and requirements for services, Key questions (2 pages)

iii. Proposed methodology – Indicate methods to be used for each indicator and highlight any areas where indicators may need adjustment. The targeted respondents should be indicated for each indicator. Proposed detailed questions should be indicated. Detailed sampling procedure needs to be indicated. (5 pages)

iv. Firms experience in undertaking assignments of similar nature and experience from the geographical area for other major clients (Table with: Name of organization, name of assignment, duration of assignment (Dates), reference person contacts – 2 pages (attach reference letters).

v. Proposed team composition (As per annex 3) – 1 page –Attach CVs

vi. Work plan (Gantt chart of activity and week of implementation) – 1 page


The consultant shall only quote for the items below as KRCS will manage all other related costs (Logistics and payment of enumerators)






Unit Cost

Total Cost (Ksh.)

Consultancy Fee (for the whole assessment period)

Per day

Office expenses (Printing, photocopy, binding, communication costs etc.)

lump sum

Grand Total


Name of Team Member

Highest Level of


General Years of Experience related to the task at hand

Roles under assignment



A three-stage assessment procedure will be used to evaluate all proposals from bidders. The total number of points which each bidder may obtain for its proposal is:

• Technical Proposal 60 marks

• Oral presentation 30 marks

• Financial Proposal 10 marks

1. Mandatory Requirements

The proposal shall be evaluated on the basis of its adherence to the following compulsory requirements, this applies to both local and international firms or individuals.

Document/ Requirements

Tax compliance certificate

Certificate of incorporation/registration (Only applicable for firms)

PIN certificate

Proceed to next stage (Yes / No)

2. Assessment of the Technical Proposal

The technical proposal shall be evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the TOR. Specifically, the following criteria shall apply:

Evaluation Criteria

Maximum Points


Bidder’s score


(1) Introduction: Description of the Firm and the Firm’s Qualifications


(2) Background: Understanding of the project, context and requirements for services


(3) Proposed Methodology: The proposed methodology MUST provide an indication of its effectiveness and added value in the proposed assignment.


(4) Firms Experience in undertaking assignments of similar nature and experience from related geographical area for other major clients: Provide a summary and supporting information on overall years of experience, and related technical and geographic coverage experience.


(5) Proposed Team Composition:

• Tabulate the team composition to include the general qualifications, suitability for the specific task to be assigned and overall years of relevant experience to the proposed assignment.

• The proposed team composition should balance effectively with the necessary skills and competencies required to undertake the proposed assignment.

• Lead Consultant Qualifications – should be as per the TOR

• Provide CVs for key Consulting team including Statistician/Data Analyst


(6) Work Plan: A Detailed logical, weekly work plan for the assignment MUST be provided.




3. Oral phase assessment


Maximum points

Bidder’s Score


Understanding of the assignment


Clear and scientific methodology


Presentation of previous similar assignment (Consultant will be required to show/present 2 previous completed assignments at the oral stage)


Total Score out of 30


The bidder that attains a score of 60% in the technical evaluation will be invited to proceed to oral presentation. This will also apply for the bidder being invited to the Financial opening.

4. Assessment of the Financial Proposal

The Financial Proposal shall be prepared in accordance to Annex 2. The maximum number of points for the

Financial Proposal shall be 10% (10 points). This maximum number of points will be allocated to the lowest Financial Proposal. All other Financial Proposals will receive points in inverse proportion according to the below formula:

Points for the Financial Proposal being evaluated =

(Maximum number of points for the financial proposal) x (Lowest price)

Price of proposal being evaluated

A total score obtained including both Technical and Financial Proposals is calculated for each proposal. The bid obtaining the overall highest score is the winning bid.


Please read carefully the method of tender submission and comply accordingly.

1.1.1. KRCS reserves the right to accept or to reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of the contract, without thereby incurring any liability to any Bidder or any obligation to inform the Bidder of the grounds for its action.

1.1.2. Cost of bidding

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and the Organization will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

1.1.3. Clarification of Bidding Document

All correspondence related to the contract shall be made in English. Any clarification sought by the bidder in respect of the consultancy shall be addressed at least five (5) days before the deadline for submission of bids, in writing to the Administration Coordinator.

The queries and replies thereto shall then be circulated to all other prospective bidders (without divulging the name of the bidder raising the queries) in the form of an addendum, which shall be acknowledged in writing by the prospective bidders.

Enquiries for clarifications should be sent by e-mail to

1.1.4. Amendment of Bidding Document

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, KRCS, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, may modify the bidding documents by amendment.

All prospective Bidders that have received the bidding documents will be notified of the amendment in writing, and it will be binding on them. It is therefore important that bidders give the correct details in the format given on page 1 at the time of collecting/receiving the bid document. To allow prospective bidders reasonable time to take any amendments into account in preparing their bids, KRCS may at its sole discretion extend the deadline for the submission of bids based on the nature of the amendments.

1.1.5. Deadline for Submission of Bids

Bidders should provide a technical and financial proposal in two separate folders clearly Marked “Technical Proposal Name of bidder” and “Financial Proposal Name of bidder” both of which should then be sent to with the subject reading Tender No. PRF08442 “**Call for Consultancy for Baseline Evaluation for Integrated Food Security and Livelihoods project, Taita Taveta”**

The proposals should be addressed as indicated above to reach the under signed by 20th October 2021 at 11.00 a.m. for the tender to be opened at 12.00 noon. Any bid received by KRCS after this deadline will be rejected. Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the candidates or their representatives who choose to attend our online tender opening meeting on the same day at noon. Interested bidders to confirm participation on mail and thereafter we will share the zoom link for the meeting.

1.1.6. Cost Structure and non-escalation

The bidder shall, in their offer (Financial Proposal), detail the proposed costs as per the template provided above.

No price escalation under this contract shall be allowed. KRCS shall not compensate any bidder for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of this RFP, and in any subsequent pre-contract process.

1.1.7. Taxes and Incidental Costs

The prices and rates in the financial offer will be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes and any other incidental costs.

1.1.8. Responsiveness of Proposals

The responsiveness of the proposals to the requirements of this RFP will be determined. A responsive proposal is deemed to contain all documents or information specifically called for in this RFP document. A bid determined not responsive will be rejected by the Organization and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conforming item(s).

1.1.9. Currency for Pricing of Tender

All bids in response to this RFP should be expressed in Kenya Shillings. Expressions in other currencies shall not be permitted.

1.1.10. Correction of Errors.

Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by KRCS for any arithmetical errors. Errors will be corrected by KRCS as below:

a. Where there is a discrepancy between the amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern, and

b. Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern.

The price amount stated in the Bid will be adjusted by KRCS in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of errors.

1.1.11. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

Technical proposals will be evaluated prior to the evaluation of the financial bids. Financial bids of firms whose technical proposals are found to be non-qualifying in whatever respect may be returned unopened.

1.1.12. Confidentiality

The Bidder shall treat the existence and contents of this RFP, and all information made available in relation to this RFP, as confidential and shall only use the same for the purpose for which it was provided.

The Bidder shall not publish or disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party without the written permission of KRCS, unless it is to Bidder’s Contractors for assistance in preparation of this Tender. In any case, the same confidentiality must be entered into between Bidder and his Contractors.

1.1.13. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

KRCS requires that tenderers observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and execution of contracts. A tenderer shall sign a declaration that he has not and will not be involved in corrupt or fraudulent practices.

KRCS will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.

Further a tenderer who is found to have indulged in corrupt or fraudulent practices risks being debarred from participating, please report any malpractices to

How to apply

The bidders MUST provide a technical and financial proposal in two separate folders clearly marked “Technical Proposal Name of the firm/consultant” and “Financial Proposal Name of the firm/consultant” and subject be marked “Tender No. PRF08442 – Call for Consultancy for Baseline Evaluation for Integrated Food Security and Livelihoods project, Taita Taveta” The proposals must be sent on mail to by 20th October 2021 at 11:00 AM. 7 | P a g e Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend our online tender opening meeting on the same day at noon. Interested bidders to confirm participation on mail and thereafter we will share the zoom link for the meeting.

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