Call for Consultant – Study on Disaster Risk Management Policies & Regulations in Timor-Leste At World Vision


World Vision Timor-Leste is seeking an individual or organization to conduct a Study on Disaster Risk Management Policies & Regulations in Timor-Leste.

Study on Disaster Risk Management Policies & Regulations in Timor-Leste


In 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the Decree Law on the Civil Protection Authority. Under the decree law, the new organogram, roles and responsibilities of the Civil Protection Authority are outlined. On the other hand, the implementation of the disaster risk management at the sub-national level is still unclear and mostly unknown to the municipality administrator and its sub-ordinates. While the disaster response and some of the preparedness measures are clearly under Civil Protection Authority, but Disaster Risk Management is a wider scope than just response and preparedness. Risk mapping, risk mitigation and the whole cycle of disaster risk management and its implementation are still unclear to some if not all non-government organizations, implementing projects in disaster risk management. This has become an issue of which government agencies to be engaged and to collaborate with in various DRM projects.

On top of that, some disaster risk management activities can be categorized as climate change adaptation because they tried to mitigate the impacts of hydrometerological hazards that have become more frequent and extreme due to the global warming. The climate change adaptation is under the coordination of the National Directorate of Climate Change with its National Adaptation Plan. In addition to that, some laws are still in the pipeline for approval.

Therefore, World Vision Timor Leste would like to understand better which policies and regulations are affecting the implementation of its DRM projects and how to navigate its partnership, especially with the government institutions in order to sustain the continuity of the outcomes. Although this study is funded under Australia Humanitarian Partnership project Phase 2 in Bobonaro Municipality, the study will benefit other DRM related projects that WVTL is implementing in other municipalities.

The Objectives:

The objectives of the consultancy are:

  1. To provide policy analysis of all laws and regulations related to disaster risk management and its implementation at the national and sub-national,
  2. To identify the challenges of the implementation of disaster risk management,
  3. To propose solutions for WVTL in building its partnership with the government in the DRM implementation.

The study does not only cover the policy analysis but also conducts a reality check on the implementation, especially at the sub-national level.


The output of the assignment is a document with a strong policy analysis, cross-examined by challenges in its implementation, and recommendations for WVTL. The outline of the document is as follows:

  1. Executive Summary (no more than 3 pages)
  2. Background
  3. Methodology: key questions, list of resources (desk study), key informants, and method used to cross-examine,
  4. Findings & Analysis: policy analysis, challenges in the policy implementation, gaps and overlaps
  5. Conclusion & Recommendations

The report is expected to be in English. Although the document is intended for WVTL’s own use, it is expected to benefit other organizations implementing DRM projects, donor organizations, and government institutions.

Key Questions

The Study is expected to answer the following key questions:

  1. What policies and regulations exist in Timor-Leste and in the pipeline that are related to DRM and its implementation?
  2. Based on the policies and regulations who have what mandates in DRM and at which level (national, municipality, post administrative, suco, aldeia)?
  3. What are the conflicting mandates and gaps, if any?
  4. How are the policies and regulations perceived in their implementation, and how does it affect their effectiveness?
  5. Based on the existing policies and regulations, what potential collaborations can be done between government agencies and between government and non-government agencies?
  6. What are the recommendations for organizations like World Vision Timor-Leste and what suggestions to recommend to the donor agencies for effective DRM implementation?


The consultant is expected to propose the methodology, combining desk study and key informant interviews. The proposed methodology should include:

  1. Policy Analysis
  2. Interviews with relevant DRM stakeholders


The starting date of the consultancy is expected to be in the third week of May and the final version of the document is to be received by mid of June 2022.


The maximum budget is US$10,000

Scope of Work

The consultant is expected to conduct the interviews in Dili (national level) and in Bobonaro Municipality (sub-national level).

  1. Conduct the case study based on the agreed methodology in the selected WVTL project areas.
  2. Arrange interviews with the support of WVTL.
  3. Arrange your own transport and accommodation for the assignment.
  4. Present preliminary findings to WVTL to get feedback and revise accordingly.
  5. Submit the report by the agreed due date.

Qualification Requirements

  1. The applicant can be an individual, a team of individuals, or an organization with at least 5 years of experience in conducting similar studies/researches; a team of individuals should identify the team leader in the proposal,
  2. A sound proposal outlining the plan that shows a breadth of understanding of the subject, including the list of the right key informants,
  3. Timor-Leste NGO is encouraged to apply,
  4. Understanding of Timor-Leste context, fluency in Tetum, and the legal language in Timor-Leste,
  5. Ability to show a good network at the government and to be independent in conducting the interview is preferred,
  6. Be based in Timor-Leste,
  7. Competitive financial proposal.

How to apply

Proposal Submission

Any interested applicant should submit their technical and financial proposals to World Vision Timor-Leste and should include:

  • understanding of the terms of reference outlining the DRM context, methodology, list of documents and key informants, and a time schedule for the assignment (should not exceed 10 pages);
  • the profile/ CV of the consultant which clearly demonstrates experience and qualification to carry out the assignment. If the consultant plans to engage any team members, their profiles/CVs should be submitted as well;
  • a detailed breakdown of indicative professional fees and costs, including data collection (for interviews) costs (travel & accommodation);
  • World Vision Timor-Leste will not cover the traveling cost from outside the country to Timor-Leste;
  • a sample of the consultant’s work in the past, preferably a similar type of assignment (research/policy analysis);
  • contact details for three (3) professional referees whom we can contact for quality assurance of the consultant’s work.

How to Apply

Interested applicant should submit their proposal through this address: or before 23 May 2023

The final decision on tenders will be taken by World Vision Timor-Leste. Only short-listed candidates will be called for the subsequent selection procedure.

World Vision Timor-Leste applies the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and has zero tolerance towards incidents of violence or abuse against children or adults, including sexual exploitation or abuse, committed either by employees or others affiliated with WV Timor-Leste’s work. World Vision Timor-Leste is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourage candidates of diverse background, women and differently-abled, to apply.

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