Call For Expression Of Interest: Diagnosis Of The Needs For “Going Towards” In Grenoble At Doctors of the World


Origin of the request

Médecins du Monde (MdM) France is an international solidarity association whose mission is to care for the most vulnerable populations in crisis and exclusion situations in France and around the world. MdM has been present in Grenoble since 1986, through a Reception, Care and Orientation Center (CASO) open to anyone in a precarious situation and with difficulty accessing care; and mobile actions called “outside the center” or “proximity” with people on the streets from the early 2000s to 2015. Today, the Grenoble program no longer intervenes outside the walls and the visibility of the populations in street situations, in squats and in shanty towns has been lost.

This request for a diagnosis is an internal initiative from the program, the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Regional Delegation and the French Operations Directorate (DOF). The diagnosis is intended to help reflect on MdM’s action in the Grenoble metropolitan area, in particular on mobile activities for people in housing difficulties (on the street, in squats or in shanty towns), which would be linked to the CASO and the fixed common and associative rights systems, by fully contributing to the new France strategy of Médecins du Monde.

Scope of the diagnosis

The diagnosis covers the territory of Grenoble Alpes Métropole. However, if certain themes require a broader look at the outskirts of the metropolis, this could be mentioned as a recommendation in the report.

The diagnosis will focus on studying:

The existence of populations that do not have access to or are in a situation of non-use of existing health systems. We will mainly focus on populations that are vulnerable in terms of housing (street, squat, shanty town). However, a brief analysis of the systems and/or structures supporting drug users and sex workers is desired.


Objective 1: Establish a description of regional and local health policies, the organization of the health system, as well as demographic, economic and epidemiological factors, concerning the target audiences

Objective 2: Take stock of the health needs expressed and/or felt by target audiences and their obstacles to access to rights, prevention and care

Objective 3: Establish a map of the actors (institutional, operators, associations, health professionals), and analyze their interactions:

  • acting in the field of access to rights, prevention and care (with a focus on SRHR, mental health, addictions and risk reduction).
  • supporting people in street situations, squats and shanty towns and taking them into account health issues.
  • implementing a health mediation approach.

Objective 4: To identify avenues for reflection with a view to a potential new intervention , complementary to the CASO program, in particular through an analysis of external constraints and opportunities .


The diagnostic methodology will be refined with the diagnostic manager who will have to be a driving force, with the support of the project team and regional coordination.


Five productions are expected:

  • A meeting to present the preliminary results to Médecins du Monde (France Operations Department, Regional Coordination, local project team, Health Advocacy Department)
  • A diagnostic mission report of 50 pages maximum by December 31, 2024, including in particular the mapping of actors and a problem tree relating to collective health problems
  • A summary of the report of 3 to 5 pages maximum
  • A PPT presentation of about fifteen slides
  • External restitution at the local level (communities, partners, ARS, people concerned).


The mission will be organized over a period of three months, from September 9, 2024 to December 31, 2024 and will include:

  • A preparation phase (review of documents and briefings)
  • A field phase (data collection and analysis)
  • A report writing phase
  • A restitution phase


The total budget available for this evaluation is 15,000 Euros including tax maximum, all costs included including unforeseen expenses (maximum 5%), remuneration costs of the evaluation team (fees and per diem) and any other costs related to the implementation of the evaluation.

The evaluation team will prepare a detailed budget proposal with a breakdown of costs by expenditure item. The budget proposal must be presented inclusive of all taxes.


The following is required of the consultant team(s):

  • Experience in project diagnosis in the social and health field
  • Experience with disadvantaged groups (including exiled people, people on the streets)
  • Knowledge of the mechanisms for access to rights and care
  • Knowledge in the field of health mediation, risk reduction, sexual and reproductive health rights, and/or mental health appreciated
  • Experience in community approach / participatory approach
  • Excellent command of French is required;


Deadline for expressions of interest: 02/08/2024 at 6:00 p.m. (HDP)

Deadline for full proposal: 08/26/2024 at 9:00 a.m. (PT)

Desired date for the start of the mission: 09/09/2024

Desired date for submission of the final report: 12/31/2024

How to apply


Consultants invited to submit a tender must provide a file containing the elements below, to the following email address: specifying in the subject line “GRENOBLE / Diagnostic”. No expression of interest submitted through any other channel will be considered.

Providers wishing to express their interest are invited to provide the following 2 elements:

  1. Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV) of up to 3 pages of the members of the proposed team, specifying where applicable the consulting firm to which each member of the team is attached.
  2. letter of interest of maximum three (3) pages indicating: experience of similar missions, at least two (2) references concerning the execution of similar contracts, dates of availability to carry out the consultancy, etc.

A maximum of six candidates will be shortlisted and invited to submit a full technical and budgetary proposal in response to the terms of reference that will be communicated to them.

Final date for receipt of application files: 07/31/2024, 9:00 a.m. Paris time


The information collected as part of this call for expressions of interest is subject to computer processing intended to create and archive a professional file for each application received and in the event of an audit of our internal procedures. The recipients of the data collected are: the Health Advocacy Department of MdM-F. In accordance with current French and European legislation, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting < > or “Médecins du Monde France, Direction Santé Plaidoyer, 84 avenue du Président Wilson 93210 Saint-Denis”. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

To be eligible to apply, bidders must be able to provide proof, at the discretion of MdM-F, that they meet the required legal, technical and financial conditions and that they have the necessary capacity and sufficient resources to carry out the mission.

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