Call For Expression Of Interest: Interim Evaluation Mission Of A Law And Health Project For Sex Workers At Doctors of the World


Médecins du Monde (MdM) is an international solidarity association whose mission is to guarantee access to quality, universal and sustainable care for all, without any discrimination, without any judgment through its fundamental approach: Treating, testifying and advocating, and supporting populations in their desire for social change.

MdM has been present in Madagascar since 1986. Initially positioned as an NGO responding to climate and epidemic emergencies, MdM has diversified its programs to address the country’s major public health issues, in line with its strategy and its resolutely community-based approach. Strengthening civil society and working jointly with health authorities are the underlying themes of all our interventions.

Since April 2022, MdM, alongside 4 local implementing partners (PMOs) – AFSA, FIVEMIMAD, Réseau LGBT and SISAL – has been leading a health and rights project for sex workers (SWs) in Madagascar. The action is funded by the French Development Agency and Expertise Française/Initiative (since April 2023). This evaluation constitutes a mid-term progress report, essential to take a step back on possible substantial readjustments to the actions carried out. It will cover the period April 2023-September 2024.

Brief presentation of the project

The overall objective of this project is to contribute to improving the health and rights of sex workers (SWs) on the Antananarivo/Tamatave road axis.

The specific objectives and expected results are:

  • Specific objective 1 : Within 3 years, improve access of PS to a quality basic care package and in particular services

HIV and STI prevention included in sexual and reproductive health services, through strengthening the quality of

the supply of service and demand.

  • Result 1 : The provision of prevention and care services for sexual and reproductive health is improved.
  • Result 2 : The demand for SRR care services from PS is increased thanks to better knowledge of their rights and the services available in health facilities.
  • Specific objective 2 : Strengthen the empowerment of direct beneficiaries of the project by developing an integrated gender and rights approach while combating all forms of gender-based violence.
  • Result 1 : Gender-based violence against sex workers is documented and made visible, and survivors are better supported.
  • Result 2 : The individual and collective capacities of PS are strengthened to assert their rights and develop new skills and activities.
  • Result 3 : Community associations are equipped to participate in national debates promoting the application of laws and the recognition of the rights of sex workers.
  • Result 4 : Implementation partners are strengthened.

This project, in a logic of complementarity with the national HIV program financed by the Global Fund, aims to strengthen the capacities of PS to act for access to health and rights, through the development and implementation of a model and inclusive project. This project combines public health response and community approach based on human rights, associated with advocacy in order to influence the definition of national health policies. The aim of this project is, on the one hand, to give PS the means to remove barriers to access to care according to a global approach (preventive, promotional and curative) for optimal use of health services and with a view to strengthening individual and collective capacities to act. On the other hand, it aims to improve the provision of quality health services in terms of SRH according to an approach of risk reduction and access to the rights of PS.

2_Objectives of the consultancy

The general objective is to evaluate the added value of the approaches developed in order to contribute to improving the health and rights of PS on the Antananarivo/Tamatave road axis of the project implemented by Médecins du Monde and its implementing partners (PMO): AFSA Network, FIVEMIMAD, SISAL, LGBT Solidarity Network.

The specific objectives therefore consist of assessing the effective achievement of the initial specific objectives halfway through the project, observing the short-term consequences and drawing lessons, particularly on the sustainability of our actions, which can improve our practices in the context of a future project.

This assessment should result in:

  • An analysis of the level of completion/achievement of activities in relation to the initial objectives and expected results and the implementation context halfway through the project (was able to adapt/evolve or not depending on the context);
  • An analysis of the approaches developed according to OECD criteria;
  • Recommendations for the continuation of the project, integrating the dimension of the sustainability of the actions.

The evaluation criteria used are those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The maximum total budget available for this consultancy is set at EUR 20,000 including VAT. This budget cannot be exceeded.

3_Profile sought

  • Strong experience in conducting results-based evaluations of public health/community health projects using the evaluation criteria of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Experience on the theme of strengthening the health system
  • Experience in partnership work and capacity building themes
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Perfect command of French
  • Previous similar experience with NGOs
  • Knowledge of the context of Madagascar is a plus
  • Mastery of Malagasy is a plus

4_Indicative calendar

  • Deadline for expressions of interest: August 4, 2024
  • Deadline for full proposal: September 1, 2024
  • Preparation phase: 2 weeks (September 23 to October 6, 2024)
  • Estimated duration of the field phase: 3 or 4 weeks (October 7 – October 27, 2024)
  • Interim report within two weeks after the end of the field phase
  • Final report expected and final restitution: 1 week of rewriting following the comments of the steering committee (final report due the week of November 18, 2024)

This schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.

How to apply

Documents to submit:

Providers wishing to express their interest are invited to provide the following 2 elements:

  • Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV) of up to 3 pages of the members of the proposed team, specifying where applicable the consulting firm to which each member of the team is attached.
  • A letter of interest of maximum three (3) pages indicating: experience of similar missions, at least two (2) references concerning the execution of similar contracts, dates of availability to carry out the consultancy, etc.

The expression of interest will be considered complete only if it includes these 2 elements. It must be sent to the email address: < > specifying in the subject of the email ” Interim evaluation of a project on the rights and health of sex workers – Madagascar “. No expression of interest submitted through any other channel will be considered.

Up to four candidates will be pre-selected and invited to submit a full proposal in response to the terms of reference sent to them.

The information collected as part of this call for expressions of interest is subject to computer processing intended to create and archive a professional file for each application received and in the event of an audit of our internal procedures. The recipients of the data collected are: the Health Advocacy Department of MdM-F. In accordance with current French and European legislation, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting < > or “Médecins du Monde France, Direction Santé Plaidoyer, 84 avenue du Président Wilson 93210 Saint-Denis”. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

To be eligible to apply, bidders must be able to provide proof, at the discretion of MdM-F, that they meet the required legal, technical and financial conditions and that they have the necessary capacity and sufficient resources to carry out the mission.

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