CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Study of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents/young people in schools regarding sex education At Doctors of the World

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1. Context

In Madagascar, sex education is taught in schools in various forms, the SR-PF law No. 2017-043 is still little known, and topics related to sexuality are still considered taboo. These are all contextual elements that are unfavorable to respecting the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of adolescents and young people. This is reflected, for example, in a high fertility rate among adolescent girls: 31% of 15-19 year-olds are already mothers or pregnant, a sexual debut before the age of 17, and a low prevalence of modern contraception among adolescents in union at 34.1% (EDSMD 2021). It would therefore be important that the responses implemented to improve respect for the rights of adolescents and young people in terms of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) are consistent with the reality of these health statistics.

2. Objectives

The general objective of the consultancy is to carry out, using a quantitative methodology, an end-line survey on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on the SRH of adolescents and young people in school and/or supported by private schools and CSOs supported by the Adolescent and Youth Health Improvement (ASA) project of Médecins du Monde (MdM).

The results of this survey will make it possible to adapt the messages used for training and awareness-raising activities for adolescents and young people on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and SRHR.

The endline survey will specifically aim to:

  • Produce data on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents and young people in school/in private schools/CSOs in terms of ECS and SRHR (the notion of consent and the right to control one’s body, anatomy, puberty and menstruation, contraception and pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, gender-based violence, etc.)
  • Explore the experiences and needs of these adolescents and young people in terms of ECS;
  • Addressing the gap between the current level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of these adolescents and young people on ECS:
    • In relation to UNESCO guidelines on the subject;
    • Compared to the level of knowledge of this population during the baseline survey carried out in April 2024
  • Propose recommendations and innovative approaches to improve the impact of similar future projects.

3. Methodology

The survey protocol will have to use quantitative techniques. The shortlisted candidates will have to develop a detailed methodology in their technical proposal allowing a comparison of the results obtained with those of the 2024 baseline survey. A preliminary framework note for the survey is expected. It will present the methodology and the proposed work plan as well as the tools to be used (including questionnaires). This note will be submitted for comments to the steering committee (COPIL) before the data collection phase.

4. Expected results

The survey report should be between 30 and 40 pages (excluding annexes). A PowerPoint presentation of the main results of the survey should be available. In addition, these results should be presented during a workshop in the presence of the stakeholders concerned.

5. Organization of the survey

5.1. Criterion concerning the team formed

The survey must be conducted by independent consultants or those attached to a research firm. Possession of a tax identification number/NIF-STAT is mandatory.

5.2. Calendar

The following schedule is indicative only and may be subject to change:

  • Deadline for expressions of interest: December 8, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (GMT+3)
  • Deadline for receipt of a complete proposal (for candidates shortlisted by the COPIL): 01/26/2025 at 12 p.m. (GMT+3)
  • Desired date for the start of the survey: early March 2025
  • Data collection phase: March-April 2025
  • Desired date for submission of the interim report of the investigation: between the end of April and May 5, 2025
  • Desired date for submission of the final report: May 12, 2025

5.3. Milestones

The COPIL is responsible for validating the objectives and methodology of the survey. Progress reports will be made before the implementation of the survey, at mid-term, at the end of data collection and upon submission of the final report**.**

6. Selection criteria and procedures

A maximum of six candidates will be pre-selected and invited to submit a full proposal in response to the terms of reference that will be sent to them. The final selection will be made on the basis of the conclusions of the evaluation of the full proposals, the selection criteria and budgetary availability.

Profile sought

  • Holder of a university degree in social sciences
  • Autonomy and initiative
  • Good analytical and synthesis skills
  • Excellent writing skills in French and excellent command of Malagasy
  • Open-mindedness
  • Proficiency in computer tools Word, Excel, the Internet and data analysis software such as EPI INFO – EPI DATA- ACCES- SPSS
  • Proven experience in the field of cooperation, development aid and/or humanitarian aid within associations, NGOs or international solidarity organizations
  • Mastery of the methodology of quantitative studies in social sciences and confirmed experiences in the implementation of quantitative studies
  • Knowledge and understanding of issues relating to SRHR and ECS according to the UNESCO guiding principles for Adolescents and Young People in the context of Madagascar
  • Respect for the principles of human rights, diversity, gender equality and tolerance

7. Budget

A total budget of €3,000 (three thousand euros) or MGA 15,000,000 (fifteen million ariary) including tax is allocated for this consultancy. This budget may not be exceeded and must cover all costs incurred by the consultant to carry out his mission. Payment terms will be in accordance with the standard payment terms of Médecins du Monde.

How to apply

8. Documents to be submitted

Consultants and/or design offices wishing to express their interest must send:

  • An up-to-date CV of 2 pages maximum specifying, where applicable, the evaluation firm to which the consultant is attached.
  • A letter of interest of maximum 2 pages indicating: previous experience and references concerning the execution of similar work, dates of availability to carry out the consultancy, etc.

These expressions of interest must be sent to the following address: with the reference “Baseline SDSR/Madagascar Study” in the subject line before 08/12/2024 at 12:00 p.m. (Madagascar time UTC/GMT+3)

  • This job has expired!
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