Call for proposals – Desk review: Analysis of the situation of the rights of vulnerable girls in Belgium (FR/NL) At Plan International Belgium

More Information


Plan International Belgium is seeking qualified consultants to conduct an in-depth literature review on the rights situation of vulnerable girls, adolescent girls and young women in Belgium. Using an intersectional feminist perspective and based on a thorough desk review, the analysis seeks to identify potential gaps in the realization of the rights of these girls, to better understand who they are, the challenges they face and what opportunities are available to them, while taking into account the regional diversity of the country.

For this study, we have chosen to focus on girls, adolescent girls and young women aged 10 to 24 living in vulnerable situations in Belgium, taking into account the following categories: those living in poverty, those of color, and migrant girls or girls of immigrant background. The analysis will cover two impact areas: protection against violence, and youth leadership, with two cross-cutting themes: sexual and reproductive health and rights, and digitalization.

You will find more information about this study in the terms of reference and other annexes: click here.


Analysis of the situation of the rights of vulnerable girls in Belgium –

Plan International Belgium is looking for qualified consultants to  conduct an in-depth desk review on the situation of the rights of vulnerable girls, adolescent girls and young women in Belgium.  Using an intersectional feminist perspective and based on a desk review, the situation analysis seeks to identify potential gaps in the realization of the rights of these girls, to better understand who they are, the challenges they face and what opportunities are available to them, while taking into account the regional diversity of the country.

Pour cette analyse de situation, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur les filles, adolescentes et jeunes femmes âgées de 10 à 24 ans en situation de vulnérabilité en Belgique, en prenant en compte les catégories suivantes : celles vivant dans la pauvreté, celles de couleur, et les filles migrantes ou issues de l’immigration. L’analyse couvrira deux domaines d’impact : la protection contre la violence, et le leadership des jeunes, avec deux thèmes transversaux : la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs, ainsi que la digitalisation.

Vous trouverez plus d’informations au sujet de cette étude dans les termes de références, et d’autres annexes: cliquez ici.


Analyse van de rechtensituatie van kwetsbare meisjes in België

Plan International België zoekt gekwalificeerde consultants om een grondige literatuurstudie uit te voeren over de rechtensituatie van kwetsbare meisjes, adolescenten en jonge vrouwen in België. Met behulp van een intersectioneel feministisch perspectief en op basis van een literatuurstudie, tracht de situatieanalyse mogelijke hiaten in de realisatie van de rechten van deze meisjes te identificeren, om beter te begrijpen wie ze zijn, met welke uitdagingen ze geconfronteerd worden en welke kansen ze krijgen, rekening houdend met de regionale diversiteit van het land.

Voor deze situatieanalyse hebben we ervoor gekozen om ons te richten op meisjes, adolescenten en jonge vrouwen tussen 10 en 24 jaar in kwetsbare situaties in België, rekening houdend met de volgende categorieën: meisjes die in armoede leven, meisjes van kleur en migrantenmeisjes of meisjes met een migrantenachtergrond. De analyse heeft betrekking op twee impactgebieden: bescherming tegen geweld en leiderschap van jongeren, met twee horizontale thema’s: seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten, en digitalisering.

Meer informatie vindt u in de bijgevoegde opdrachtomschrijving en overige bijlagen: klik hier.

How to apply


Interested candidates should provide:

– An up-to-date CV;
– A letter of interest (maximum 2 pages) detailing your experience and approach to conducting the literature review;
– An example of relevant previous work;
– 2 recommendations
– An outline of costs and fees as well as the number of days allocated
– Extract from criminal record

Please send your complete application to the following address: by the closing date : 17/02/2025, mentioning “BNO FY25 004 PSC- Situation analysis 2025” in the subject line, and enclosing the supporting documents as shown in the diagram. If you have difficulties accessing the folder with annexes, you can use this same email address to notify us.


Interested candidates must provide:

– An up-to-date CV;
– A letter of interest (maximum 2 pages) detailing your experience and approach to conducting the documentary review;
– An example of relevant work carried out previously;
– 2 recommendations
– An overview of the anticipated costs and fees as well as the number of days allocated
– An extract from the criminal record

Please send your complete application file to the following address: before the deadline:  17/02/2025  , mentioning “ BNO FY25 004 PSC- Situation analysis 2025  ” in the subject line, and including the supporting documents as attachments as indicated in the diagram. If you have difficulty accessing the file containing the terms of reference and annexes, you can notify us via this same email address.


Interested candidates must submit the following:

– A current CV;
– A letter of interest (maximum 2 pages) detailing your experience and approach to carrying out the documentary assessment of the analysis of the situation of the rights of vulnerable girls, adolescents and young women in Belgium;
– An example of relevant work previously carried out;
– 2 recommendations
– An overview of the costs and fees and the number of days allocated
– An extract from the criminal record

Tenders can be submitted until  17/02/2025  and must be sent to with the reference “ BNO FY25 004 PSC- Situation Analysis 2025 ”, including the attachments as stated in the assignment description. If you do not have access to the folder with attachments, you can use this same email address to inform us.

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