Study on the emerging trends in the field of protection
The study will inform a decision on the revision of the Professional Standards for Protection Work (PSPW)[1], i.e. a set of essential standards and guidelines aimed at ensuring that protection work carried out by human rights and humanitarian actors in armed conflict and other situations of violence is safe and effective. The standards reflect shared thinking and common agreement among humanitarian and human rights practitioners and were developed following an ICRC-led consultation process with UN agencies, NGOs and components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Some of the key organizations involved in this process form the Advisory Group on PSPW, which comprises fourteen members.
The goal of the study is to review the evolution of the operating environment, protection challenges and new trends since the publication of the last edition of the Standards in 2018 and to understand to what extent the Professional Standards for Protection Work in their current edition can address these new trends and challenges.
Given its scope, the study should be based on a combination of methods and include:
- a desk review and analysis of relevant literature, primary and secondary sources on the trends after the last revision of the Standards in 2017 (the last revision of the PSPW) are affecting protection work and actors involved in it (including, for example, the IASC PP Review).
- key informant interviews, and where relevant also focus groups, with humanitarian and human rights actors on the application of the PSPW in support of the Centrality of Protection in the changing environment and whether there are aspects missing from the Standards that could better support collective efforts to achieve protection outcomes.
- to consider: survey on the new trends and challenges in the protection field.
Scope of Work
- Organize an inception workshop with the relevant persons within the ICRC and the Advisory Group to discuss the objectives of a consultancy and the design of the study
- Based on the input from the workshop, prepare a plan for the study, including main milestones, timelines, and a list of key informants for interviews
- Conduct a review of primary and secondary sources and relevant literature on the trends, processes and initiatives that have bearing on the Standards and that emerged since 2017 in the protection sector
- Design and conduct key informant interviews
- Collaborate and consult with key ICRC and Advisory Group interlocutors
- Collect, compile, and analyse data and produce a study report
- Present the findings to key stakeholders (app. a 90min meeting).
Product 1: Final report of app. 30 pages including the following five sections (annexes come in addition):
Part 1: Introduction, executive summary and brief resumé of methodology
Part 2: Review of emerging trends affecting protection work
Part 3: Recommendations regarding the possible revision of the PSPW based on the trends reviewed.
Part 4: Conclusions
Product 2: List of key informant interviews with summary of key points (not full transcripts) as annex
Product 3: Power point presentation with key findings.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Consultant:
- Professional and independent delivery of all above listed deliverables in line with specifications given within the Terms of Reference within the specified timeframe
- Quality written deliverables that are of publishable quality
- Regular and transparent reporting on the progress to the ICRC, including any delays or challenges as they develop
- Commitment to presenting results in a professional and accessible manner
- Handle the information acquired in the framework of this research in line with confidentiality and data protection standards.
- Actively participate in the inception workshop
- Support the Consultant in accessing relevant ICRC documents, identification of key informants, and research
- Actively engaging the Consultant throughout the research and review process
- Being available for feedback and review of drafts.
The Advisory Group member organizations:
- Supporting the Consultant in accessing relevant documents, key informants, and research
- Actively engaging the Consultant throughout the research and review process
- Being available for feedback and review of drafts.
Responsibility and authority/ownership
The data and information generated in the framework of this research, from the KIIs is owned by the ICRC. The consultant is responsible for producing the deliverables within the established timeframe of the consultancy. The authority and ownership of the product/s of this consultancy are the ICRC’s own.
Tentative timeline and progress of the study
The consultancy will start on November 22 and finish by end of February 2022[2]. The study is planned for 65 days[3]. The research design should be submitted after the inception workshop by December 5, 2021.The inception workshop should include key persons from the ICRC and the Advisory Group on the PSPW. During the study, the consultant will regularly report on the progress of the work to the Protection Adviser at the PROT_CIV Unit. The final draft of the report will be subject to a review by the key persons from the ICRC and the Advisory Group.
1: Development of the study methodology and questions, compilation of data (app. 2 weeks)
2: Research, interviews, and analysis (app. 4 weeks – by 10.01.2022)
3: Drafting report (app. 2 week – by 24.01.2022)
4: Round of comments (app. 2 weeks – by 07.02.2022)
5: Integration of feedback, finalisation of the report, delivery of the products 1,2 abd 3 (app. 2 weeks by 21.02.2022)
6: Presentation of the findings (app. 90min, date TBC).
The consultancy fees will be in line with the ICRC’s practice and in consideration of the consultant’s profile. The payment will subject the submission of the deliverables specified in this ToR.
[1] The publication can be downloaded as a pdf document on the following website:
[2] The exact dates may be adapted when a relevant candidate is identified.
[3] No extra charges should incur if consultant opts for working on the weekend days.
Profile of the consultant
The consultant should have proven expertise in qualitative research, as well as
- Proven experience in analysis, desk reviews, project evaluations, compiling data and producing coherent written reports, evaluations (writing samples to be provided) in English
- Demonstrated field experience in protection work, including in undertaking protection analysis, designing, implementing, and monitoring multi-disciplinary strategies to achieve protection outcomes.
- A good understanding of contemporary situations of conflict and conflict dynamics is essential.
- Fluent in written and spoken English.
- Have registered consultancy services in Switzerland or be willing to provide services through a human resource agency.
Applications should consist of:
- A cover letter
- A short proposal, detailing proposed methodology (max 2 pages) and a budget proposal
- Three examples of similar work already conducted and contacts to organizations for which the Consultant worked in the past.
How to apply
Applications should be sent to at the latest by November 7, 2021.
The ICRC values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates.