Call for Refugee Led Organizations to Partner with the DREEM Project At World University Service of Canada

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Call for Refugee Led Organizations to Partner with the DREEM Project

Role: Driving the development, operations, and activities of an RLO consortium

centred on disseminating information about higher education

opportunities through the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and

application support

Location(s): Refugee-led organisations based in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei

Integrated Settlement, Dadaab Refugee Camp, and Nairobi, Kenya

Reports to: Pan African Initiatives Manager, DREEM

Contract term: Eight (8) Months starting 1st of November, 2024


WUSC (World University Service of Canada) is a Canadian non-profit organisation committed to improving the lives of millions of disadvantaged youth worldwide through education, economic opportunities, and empowerment programs.

Through the DREEM project – WUSC serves as the Mastercard Foundation’s partner on the inclusion of refugees and displaced persons (RDP), and supports the foundation and its partners to fulfil their commitment to meaningfully include refugee and displaced young people in the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. By strengthening relationships between Refugee-led Organizations (RLOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in refugee contexts and the universities participating in the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, DREEM aims to create sustainable systems that allow RDPs to access higher education opportunities on their own.

WUSC is looking to partner with six local refugee-led organisations, forming three pairs—one pair per geographic location in Kakuma and Kalobeyei, Dadaab, and Nairobi. These pairs will work together to shape the direction and operations of the project and lead important activities, such as sharing information about the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program with refugee and displaced youth and co-creating an outreach model that RLOs can manage in the future. This partnership aims to empower RLOs to design and deliver refugee-led solutions that address the needs of refugees and displaced persons in their communities.

As part of its goal to establish a sustainable refugee-led outreach model, the DREEM project will provide mentorship and coaching, and offer technical assistance and support to RLOs who could continue to support higher education institutions with outreach activities and promote opportunities to the refugee and host communities after the project ends.

Objectives and scope:

The project aims to improve access to higher education for refugees and displaced youth by building a consortium of Refugee-led Organizations (RLOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) who will work with WUSC to promote the higher education opportunities available through the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program to refugees and youth from host communities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei, Dadaab, and Nairobi. The project will focus on strengthening capacity and empowering RLOs to lead efforts that create lasting connections between students and higher education. By leveraging local knowledge and partnerships, the project seeks to create solutions that can be scaled and have a big impact, focusing on outreach, program design, research, and policy influence.

Selected RLOs will take part in activities that strengthen their skills and help develop a long-term plan that ensures lasting results. The goal is to create a service model that can be fully led by RLOs in the future, while building strong networks with universities, schools, and other RLOs to share information, resources, and opportunities without overlapping efforts. Specifically, the project will work towards the following objectives:

  1. Increase awareness and access to information about higher education opportunities available to refugees and displaced people in Kenya.
  2. Develop and pilot a sustainable and scalable RLO-led outreach model to promote and support RDP youth to access higher education opportunities available to refugees and displaced people in Kenya.
  3. Strengthen connections between RDP communities and postsecondary institutions offering Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program opportunities.
  4. Build a network of RLOs who collaborateto promote and support candidates to apply for higher education opportunities available to refugees and displaced people.
  5. Strengthen the organisational capacity of participating RLOs to serve their communities, access funding, and become more sustainable.

Main Tasks and Responsibilities of RLOs

  • Share information and updates about the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program to refugee and host communities, especially targeting marginalised groups like young women, single mothers, and people with disabilities. This will include coordinated announcements, events, and workshops.
  • Collaborate with other RLOs and partners to co-create and operate a lasting RLO-led outreach model that promotes and shares information about higher education opportunities, and ensures long-term access to education.
  • Recruit and train peer educators to provide higher education and scholarship application support, prepare candidates for interviews, and offer personalised support to students interested in pursuing opportunities offered through the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program.
  • Collect, consolidate, and represent the experiences and knowledge of different settlements to help shape the outreach model and its strategy.
  • Expand and maintain a network of RLOs across Kenya to encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and resource exchange.
  • Participate in mentorship and technical support sessions provided by the DREEM project to strengthen organisational capacity (such as sessions on digital skills, financial management, monitoring & evaluation (M&E), and train-the-trainer (TOT) programs etc).
  • Contribute to reviewing the monitoring and evaluation plan and help refine project activities based on feedback and progress reports.

Selected RLOs will receive comprehensive support, including:

  • Capacity Strengthening and Mentorship: Selected RLOs will have access to training and receive mentorship to enhance their capabilities in improving access to higher education for RDP and host communities. This support will cover areas such as monitoring and evaluation, program and fund development, financial management, accounting, and general NGO management skills. These will assist RLOs to access opportunities and resources, forge strategic partnerships, and collaborate on advocacy and outreach.
  • Networking and Resource Exchange: RLOs will benefit from opportunities to grow their internal and external networks. This includes participating in peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, matching opportunities with organisational needs, and accessing technical assistance from diverse experts.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Reporting: WUSC will work with RLOs to develop and implement data collection tools for tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on a monthly and quarterly basis. Mentorship will be provided to assist RLOs in conducting periodic activity monitoring and assessing project progress and results.
  • Financial Support: Selected RLOs will receive funding to support their participation in the project and cover associated costs.

Selection Criteria of the Refugee Led Organizations:

Each RLO that makes up the RLO pair/team is expected to:

  • Be a refugee-led, legally registered entity actively operating in Kakuma, Dadaab, or Nairobi for the last three years;
  • Can dedicate between 2-3 days per week to the project for the duration of the 8 month implementing period
  • Have a demonstrated understanding of or demonstrated interest in improving access to higher education opportunities and disseminating information about educational opportunities to refugee and host communities;
  • Present a clear and detailed profile of the organisation’s operations, human resources, and thematic areas of operation;
  • Demonstrate commitment to learning and flexibility in programming and operations to commit to change genuinely. WUSC seeks partners that are willing to accommodate change, adapt practices and approaches, engage in ongoing dialogue and evolution in the partnership based on context, time limits, and review/renewal processes, and are willing to have discussions around any deeply entrenched structural inequalities, racism, and power imbalances, if and when they may arise;
  • Demonstrate evidence that they have managed and implemented donor-funded projects for at least three years of USD 3,000 and above;
  • Show commitment to and understanding of how to take a do no harm approach to promote safety, security, and inclusivity;
  • Have sound anti-discrimination principles and codes of conduct, or a commitment to developing/adopting them.
  • Have a proven ability and commitment to collaborate with multiple stakeholders and peer organisations.
  • Have experience in effectively sharing information in a clear, transparent, and comprehensive manner, including marketing and outreach efforts.
  • Possess strong and trusting networks and relationships within the community and relevant sectors.
  • Have experience in designing or implementing programs that address the needs of girls, women, or other marginalised populations.

“Please note that RLO pairs that include Female-led RLOs and those led by persons with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply. Exceptions may be made if organisations don’t meet the minimum criteria, in line with WUSC and the Mastercard Foundation’s inclusion objectives”

How to apply:

Interested RLOs based in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement, Dadaab Refugee Camp, or Nairobi, Kenya must apply in pairs who are based in the same geographic location, and submit one joint Expression of Interest by Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Each pair will be asked to submit information for both organisations in one single form, provide a description of activities they have undertaken, and list donor-funded projects they have implemented. Shortlisted organisations will be asked to provide more detailed information and submit past annual reports or records of financial management as part of the verification process upon selection.

Information Session:

WUSC invites interested parties to join an information session on October 9th, 2024 at 4pmEAT. This session will provide an opportunity to receive more information and ask questions in advance of the submission deadline.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 3270 3843

Passcode: 887388

Selection Process: and Timelines

Stage 1: October 2024

  1. Application, recruitment, and identification of suitable RLO pairs;
  2. Reference checks from previous funders, partners, and/or donors;
  3. Verification and diligence process on the RLOs selected to participate in the DREEM project;
  4. A detailed needs assessment of the RLOs.

Stage 2: November 2024

  1. Identify and agree upon priority activities to work on during the project period and develop collaborative agreement for participating RLOs
  2. Training and coaching RLOs to disseminate information about the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and opportunities
  3. Hire and train peer educators

Stage 3: December 2024 to July 2025

  1. Regular check ins and plan meetings with the project team and deliverables.
  2. Community outreach, information sessions and tailored application support provided by RLOs.
  3. Recruit additional RLOs and community leaders to participate in the consortium and co-creation of a sustainable community outreach model
  4. Submit monthly progress reports and a final report summarising outcomes and sustainability recommendations
  5. Submit financial reports, with receipts and supporting documents.

*For more details, please review the Terms of Reference, provided in Annex A.

For inquiries, please contact:

Ella Ininahazwe, Pan African Initiatives Manager, DREEM;

For more information about DREEM, please visit:

Annex A

Terms of Reference

Refugee-Led Organization Support to the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program


WUSC, through the DREEM project, is committed to supporting the inclusion of refugee and displaced persons (RDPs) in the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program. This project focuses on strengthening relationships between Refugee-led Organizations (RLOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and universities to create sustainable systems for RDPs to access higher education.

The project objective and design to date has been based on the findings and recommendations obtained from representatives of RLOs based in Nairobi, Kakuma/Kalobeyei, and Dadaab, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program partners, and DREEM project staff.

The DREEM project will partner with six RLOs in Kenya (forming three pairs—one pair per geographic location in Kakuma/Kalobeyei, Dadaab, and Nairobi), who will drive the development and lead key project activities with the objective of creating a sustainable and scalable outreach model. The project aims to empower RLOs in disseminating information about the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program to refugee youth, providing scholarship application support, and building long-term capacity for outreach.

Objectives of the Partnership:

The project aims to empower Refugee-led Organizations (RLOs) to lead lasting outreach efforts that improve access to higher education for refugees and displaced persons (RDPs). Through this initiative, selected RLOs will:

  • Build Networks and Collaborate: Establish and strengthen relationships with other RLOs, universities, schools, and stakeholders within the country and across the ecosystem to reach more RDPs. By growing these networks, RLOs will expand their capacity to connect students to education opportunities.
  • Share Information and Resources: Foster mutual growth by sharing ideas, resources, and funding opportunities with peers, beneficiaries, and stakeholders. RLOs will build on existing efforts and avoid duplication, ensuring more efficient and impactful collaboration.
  • Promote higher education opportunities among refugee and displaced youth in Kenya: Develop and execute a plan to disseminate information to peers, beneficiaries, and stakeholders across refugee settlements within Kenya. This will enhance the visibility of educational opportunities and the role of RLOs in creating lasting change.
  • Create a sustainable RLO-led outreach model: Co-create and implement a scalable, sustainable outreach model for connecting refugee youth to higher education, in partnership with WUSC and other key actors. The model will be designed to ensure long-term impact and a model that can be fully managed by RLOs after the project’s completion.
  • Enhance their organisational capacity: through capacity strengthening sessions, guided peer-to-peer learning and support, RLOs will strengthen their organisational capacity and leadership skills to serve their communities, access funding, and become more sustainable.

Scope of Work:

  • Disseminate information about the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program and other higher education opportunities available to refugees and displaced people in Kenya.
  • Work collaboratively with local partners to co-create and operate a sustainable RLO-led outreach mode that promotes and shares information about higher education opportunities.
  • Report regularly on outreach activities and progress.
  • Participate in mentorship and technical support sessions provided by the DREEM project.

Roles and Responsibilities

Refugee Led Organisations:

  • Co-create and guide the strategic direction of the outreach project, and contribute to the selection of key stakeholders and groups with whom to collaborate.
  • Recruit and train RDP peer educators to disseminate information about postsecondary opportunities and provide tailored application support.
  • Contribute to the development of promotional materials (e.g., posters, flyers) and launch information campaigns through announcements and digital platforms (e.g., WhatsApp) to promote events and opportunities and ensure widespread dissemination of information to target communities.
  • Develop material and procure devices to enable peer educators to promote opportunities and support RDP youth to apply to scholarship opportunities.
  • Collect, consolidate, and represent the experiences and knowledge of refugees and displaced people in different settlements or geographic areas.
  • Assign a representative to regularly attend and actively participate in Leadership Team meetings, providing input, feedback, and guidance to ensure effective project implementation and decision-making.
  • Coordinate, organise, and lead settlement/thematic working group meetings to collect input from representatives and stakeholders from their respective geographic area (i.e. Kakuma/Kalobeyei, Dadaab, or Nairobi)
  • Design and implement targeted outreach strategies for marginalised groups such as young women, single mothers, and persons with disabilities, ensuring their inclusion in education opportunities.
  • Organise and/or participate in workshops and training sessions, including capacity-building on topics like digital skills, financial management and accounting, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), program and fund development, and other NGO management skills.
  • Expand and maintain a network of RLOs across Kenya, fostering collaboration between settlements and enabling knowledge sharing and resource exchange on key topics such as higher education opportunities.
  • Contribute to reviewing the monitoring and evaluation plan and help refine project activities based on feedback and progress reports.


  • Manage the overall pilot program, including timelines, deliverables, milestones, and coordination of the project team, ensuring alignment with strategic goals.
  • Co-create and guide the strategic direction of the project, working closely with RLOs and partners to ensure shared objectives are met.
  • Provide operational support to the RLO leads, facilitating smooth implementation and reporting processes.
  • Offer funding, mentorship and coaching to RLOs, enhancing their capacity in leadership, outreach, and project execution.
  • Deliver technical assistance in developing outreach strategies, project and fund management, and program design to ensure the effective engagement of target communities.
  • Monitor project activities and expenses, provide support to ensure they align with the stated objectives, tracking progress and making adjustments as needed.

Project Deliverables:

The following outline the key deliverables to be collectively achieved by all participating partners. These deliverables represent shared responsibilities across the project, with each partner contributing to the successful completion of these objectives. Collaboration and coordination among partners will be crucial in ensuring the overall success of the project and meeting the set targets.

  • A collaborative agreement jointly developed and agreed upon by participating RLOs
  • A detailed monitoring and evaluation plan, outlining expected outcomes
  • A detailed outreach plan, including strategies and materials for marginalised groups like young women, single mothers, and people with disabilities, and pilot activities for each location (Kakuma, Dadaab, Nairobi).
  • A database of RLOs across each geographic location (Nairobi/Kakuma and Kalobeyei/Dadaab), capturing contact information, expertise, and capacity.
  • Training plan and materials for onboarding peer educators
  • Documentation of workshops and training sessions conducted for peer educators, including participant feedback and key topics covered.
  • Documentation of information sessions and tailored support provided throughout the project by peer educators
  • Reports on the number of information campaigns launched and materials developed (e.g., posters, flyers, digital communications).
  • Report on school partnerships, including the number of partnerships formed and their role in expanding education opportunities.
  • A detailed plan for sustainably implementing an RLO-led outreach model that leverages peer-to-peer alliances/ interconnection amongst RLOs
  • Financial reports in line with project guidelines, detailing expenditures related to project activities.
  • Monthly progress reports on activities, outreach efforts, stakeholder engagement, and milestones, including key metrics.
  • A final report summarising outcomes, challenges, and sustainability recommendations for future outreach.

Duration and Timeline: 8 months, starting 1st of November, 2024

Reporting Requirements:

The RLOs must submit:

  • Monthly progress reports.
  • Financial reports, with receipts and supporting documents.
  • Final report summarising outcomes and sustainability recommendations.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

WUSC and RLOs will monitor progress through regular check-ins and evaluation activities to ensure the partnership meets project goals. Evaluation will also include assessing the sustainability of the outreach model.

Accountability and Compliance:

The selected RLOs must adhere to ethical standards, maintain transparency, and comply with all legal and financial requirements. The partnership agreement can be terminated in cases of non-compliance.

How to apply

If you are interested, please submit one joint Expression of Interest here through our portal.

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