Call for tender – Virtual Training Platform At Geneva Call


Geneva Call ( is a Swiss neutral, impartial and independent international humanitarian organisation. Geneva Call develops sustainable long-term humanitarian engagement to promote the respect of international humanitarian norms by fighting parties. Geneva Call works with fighting parties in a long-term process of engagement through bilateral meetings with political and military leaderships, discussions and trainings on international humanitarian norms to increase their commitments to respect international humanitarian norms to protect civilians from the adverse effects of armed conflicts. In complement to this long-term engagement, Geneva Call raises their awareness on international humanitarian norms using mass media campaigns.

Geneva Call is seeking a suitable company to develop a virtual training platform on international humanitarian norms.

Scope of Work & Deliverables

Design and development of virtual training platform/website including:

  1. Depository of easily accessible material e.g. articles, videos, pictures in downloadable format
  2. Scenario-based learning games embedded in platform
  3. Chat bot for answering queries
  4. Development of visual identity for website in multiple languages – English, Burmese, Shan, Karen, Chin, Jingpho
  5. Mobile version of website and shareable offline version of platform in app format

How to apply


Interested bidders are requested to submit the following as part of their Proposal:

  • Website of the firm
  • Technical Proposal explaining the software, tools and means to be used
  • Financial Proposal for the Task
  • Timelines for each task given

The work is expected to be completed within two months after the contract is signed.

Closing Date for Applications: 10 December 2021.

Only the successful bidders will be contacted. Offers will be reviewed soon after closing date. A selection committee will gather administrative and technical personnel of Geneva Call.

Proposals shall be sent to

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