Call for Tenders “Reference lists audit firms and question/answer service” At Brot für die Welt

Call for Tender

Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) is an organization for development cooperation of the Protestant regional churches, their diaconal charities and free churches in Germany. The Organisation provides help for self-help for the work of church, church-related and secular partner organisations. Altogether, more than 1300 projects are supported in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The work focuses on food security, the promotion of education and health, the strengthening of democracy, respect for human rights, equality between men and women and the preservation of creation.

Brot für die Welt is looking for a consulting firm or consultants to assist in the preparation of country-specific reference lists of audit firms in about 13 countries, to assist with additional quality checks and supraregional workshops and to provide a question/answer service for specific questions on financial management and auditing.

How to apply

The procurement documents are available for download under

The tender must be submitted in writing by 20 August 2021, 12:00 pm UTC +1 (Europe/ Berlin) to the following email address: tender must be received electronically at the above email address by the time and date above.

For more information about our organisation and our work, visit our website at

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