Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) Coordinator (m/f/d), Ukraine Crisis, Ukraine At German Red Cross

The German Red Cross (GRC) is part of a worldwide community assisting victims of conflicts and disasters and people affected by social or health related crises. The Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement provides vulnerable people with assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions and adheres to the seven Fundamental Principles of the Movement: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. The German Red Cross assists in disaster response, rehabilitation and capacity building projects on appeals of their sister organisations within the Movement.
The GRC is currently seeking a

Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) Coordinator (m/f/d), Ukraine Crisis, Ukraine

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 a quarter of the population of Ukraine have been forced to flee their homes. As of today, more than 4 million refugees have fled Ukraine. Millions of people have been displaced internally within Ukraine. Some 13 million people are estimated to be stranded in affected areas or unable to leave. Cash and financial support, transportation, food, shelter, and hygiene items are among the most pressing needs for displaced people.

GRC is seeking an experienced Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Coordinator (m/f/d) to support Ukrainian Red Cross (URC) with the development and implementation of its cash and voucher assistance programming and coordination of GRC’s activities in that regard. The CVA Coordinator will work in close partnership with URC on national and branch level, as well as with other Movement components.

Starting date: asap.
Duration: 31.12.2022
Location: Lviv, Ukraine – might be subject to change

Main duties & responsibilities:

Response Analysis

  • Share CVA feasibility results with all sectors and support service functions for decision making on response options and modality choice.
  • Analyse information to select the appropriate CVA delivery mechanisms for different CVA components, prioritising speed and scale in relief along with cost effectiveness related aspects such as beneficiary preference, safety and security, and context specific considerations for different target groups.
  • Be responsible for setting up the CVA component including development of the plan of action and budget.
  • Ensure programme delivery follows the Plan of Action, and beneficiary selection and transfer mechanisms follow agreed NS procedures and SOPs.
  • Maintain overall oversight of all CVA elements ensuring targets are met and identified risks are mitigated.
  • Use available data generated by external CVA actors in country to determine the transfer value which best meets the project objectives and decide on the frequency of the transfer.


  • Provide technical support, resources, and inputs to implement the CVA component.
  • Oversee and support the delivery of the plan of action, including the PMER framework ensuring achievement of the set objectives and milestones.
  • Identify and advise on HR needs to ensure a smooth implementation of the programme.
  • Ensure CEA approaches are integrated throughout all phases of the implementation.

Monitoring and PMER links

  • Together with PMER, outline the PMER plan and adapt the necessary M&E tools from the RCRC toolkit. This includes tools for baseline and verification visit, exit survey, site observation, post distribution monitoring, focus group and key informants’ interviews, beneficiary feedback and response mechanisms and market and price monitoring.

Coordination and communication

  • Coordinate with Movement and non-Movement programme partners. Together with the URC cash focal point, participate in the cash coordination structure when/if established and any other coordination meetings.

Capacity building and cash preparedness

  • Provide mentoring and coaching including on-job learning to NS staff and volunteers and closely liaise with NS field coordinators and volunteers assigned to the programme to ensure coherent and coordinated implementation.

Required competencies & skills:

  • University degree in relevant areas such as Disaster Management, Project Management, Sociology, Agriculture, IT/Computer Science, Finance, technical qualification or equivalent experience.
  • Previous experience of working for the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement and in working closely with a RC/RC National Society are strong assets.
  • At least 3-year experience in disaster management with CVA component.
  • Demonstrated experience in different aspects of CVA design and implementation, including understanding and use of various beneficiary registration methods and systems.
  • Experience of providing on the job coaching and training of national staff and volunteers • Understanding and use of various beneficiary registration methods and systems.
  • Ability to transfer knowledge, skills, and/or abilities to staff and volunteers.
  • Ability to work independently and with people located in different geographical locations and in other organizations.
  • Ability and agreement to adhere to the Red Cross Red Crescent Fundamental Principles.
  • Experience in working in a difficult and volatile security situation and ability to handle stressful situations.
  • Oral and written fluency in English is required, Russian and or Ukrainian are an asset.
  • Cultural sensitivity, underpinned by substantial working experience outside your home country.
  • Work permit in EU and Schengen member countries is a strong asset.
  • Ability to complete a thorough medical screening process ‘working abroad under specific climate and health conditions’.
  • Valid Driving Licence.

What we offer you:

You will be part of a highly motivated professional and multicultural team. We offer you a compensation package according to the collective employment agreement of the GRC, an expatriation allowance during your mission as well as accommodation. You will benefit from a comprehensive training package and receive briefings and coaching prior as well as during and after your mission. Medical check-ups and Psychosocial Support Service and Rest and Recreation are included in your assignment.

How to apply

Kindly apply by submitting your application by using the GRC online application system until 04.05.2022.

Please note that due to the travel and visa regulations and the guidelines of our partners in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement certain vaccinations are required for this delegate position. Candidates on the short-list for this position will be asked to disclose their vaccination status.

We point out that the selection and nomination processes for this international delegate position may demand that information concerning your person be shared with involved Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement partners (IFRC, ICRC, National Society). This may include transmission into countries that do not apply data protection standards comparable to those of the European Union.

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