CDAC Message Library – platform build consultancy At CDAC Network

CDAC Network is the global alliance of more than 30 of the world’s biggest humanitarian and media development organisations – including UN agencies, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, INGOs, media and communications organisations – committed to putting the power in humanitarian action back in the hands of communities.

One of CDAC’s core products is its message library, an online database of messages that can be rapidly deployed in emergencies and is easily accessible to those working in humanitarian response. The Network has been building such a library over the past ten years, and now has a comprehensive library of over 4,000 messages across more than 10 global languages.

The aim of the message library is to ensure the wide accessibility of generic, multi-sectoral messages that are targeted at affected populations and which include alerts, advice on how to mitigate risk, what to do in the absence of any assistance and prompts for messages on programmatic interventions/services available.

The library has been designed as a reference for those working in emergency situations about what can be shared with affected communities during and after a response. As this is a dynamic tool, messages can be added, edited, and revised at any point, should the need arise.

However, the CDAC message library has outgrown its platform, and we are now seeking a new, innovative and future-facing solution to managing and accessing the messages held in the library.

CDAC is looking for a company, or an expert consultant, to build a single platform on which all messages can be accessed. The platform will be built using best practice in knowledge management, and will use the latest technology create a simple, accessible and user-friendly interface from which messages can be searched and downloaded using pre-defined filters and tags that allow all messages to be sorted by the type of threat, the language of the message, the target audience, and other relevant filters.

How to apply
For the full terms of reference, and to find out how to apply, visit:

The deadline for all proposals is 1800 hrs, UK time, Tuesday 10 August 2021.


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