Core Functions / Responsibilities:
Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Timor-Leste in close coordination with partnering UN organizations and the government. The international consultant will work with a national project assistant throughout the implementation of the project.
Responsibilities and Accountabilities:
• To provide technical oversight and quality assurance for design and delivery of GBV risk mitigation, prevention and response activities to promote survivor-centered and do no harm approaches.
• To mainstream GBV in the multi sectoral rapid assessment format.
• To ensure that GBV is integrated in existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for DRR.
• To develop training on GBV in emergencies to address the needs of vulnerable groups, mitigate the risk of GBV during disaster response and safely respond to disclosure of GBV incidents.
• To develop training on the collection of sex- age and disability-disaggregated data (SADDD) during emergencies situation and inform disaster response systems for the National Disaster Operating Center (NDOC) under civil protection directorate.
• To build the capacity of National Disaster Risk Management Directorate, National Disaster Operation Centre and municipal DRR actors in data analysis and update the existing IMS database and generate reports for disaster response system.
• To develop workshop guideline/process for women and girls to identify, map and assess evacuation center and disseminate evacuation center routes.
• To provide technical expertise and develop training materials for government stakeholder (Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI), Ministry of Interior (MOI), Secretariat of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) and Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) on protection, GBV core concept and principal, GBV risk mitigation measures, PSEA, AAP, code of conduct and set up of referral pathways.
• To build capacity of IOM staff and partners on GBV prevention, mitigation and response in as well as the development of referral procedures and improving procedures/practices around GBV disclosures.
• To develop training materials for the capacity building of women groups and women leaders in DRR decision making including GBV integrated Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) plans and identification of CBDRM resilient and sustainable livelihood projects that contribute to enhancing women’s economic empowerment.
• To develop IEC materials for awareness raising to support comprehensive resilience building against emerging emergencies including COVID-19.
- Update disaster multi-sectoral rapid assessment format for DRR.
- Revise existing Government emergency Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to include GBV component.
- Develop training on GBV in emergencies, including how to support GBV survivor as a non-GBV specialist, in a safe and ethical manner in case of
- Develop training on the collection of sex- age and disability-disaggregated data (SADDD) to generate evidence and inform disaster response systems
- Develop guidelines to support NDRMD, NDOC and municipality in data analysis through existing IMS database and generate reports for disaster response system
Develop guidelines to identify evacuation center & evacuation routes assess and map, using a protection lens to ensure vulnerable groups are not put at further risk before, during and after a disaster. - Develop training on protection, GBV core conduct and principal, GBV risk mitigation, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), code of conduct and establishment of referral pathways.
- Develop training for the capacity building of women groups and women leaders in DRR decision making including GBV integrated CBDRM plans and identification of CBDRM resilient and sustainable livelihood projects.
- Develop IEC materials for awareness raising to support comprehensive resilience building against emerging emergencies including COVID-19.
- Any other duty that may be assigned
Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment and Realistic Delivery dates and details as to how the work must be delivered - Build national capacity for multi-sectoral joint rapid response and crisis management through update of rapid assessment format, development of SOP and training on GBV in emergencies.
- Ensure sex- age and disability-disaggregated data is collected to generate evidence and inform disaster response systems through development of training on data collection, and guidelines in data analysis and reports.
- Develop guidelines to identify evacuation center and evacuation routes, and design training on protection, GBV core concepts and principles, risk identification, GBV mitigation measures, PSEA, AAP, Code of Conduct, available support, and referral pathways.
- Support comprehensive resilience building against emerging emergencies through the development of GBV integrated CBDRM plans, identification CBDRM resilient and sustainable livelihood projects, and IEC materials for conducting awareness raising.
Timelines Deliverable # Activity
1.1. Submission of inception report after signing contract
1.2. Provide technical oversight and quality assurance for design and delivery of GBV risk mitigation, prevention and response activities to promote survivor-centered and do no harm approaches.
1.3. Update multi-sectoral rapid assessment format
1.4. Revise existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for DRR
1.5. Develop training on GBV in emergencies
2.1. Develop training on the collection of sex- age and disability-disaggregated data (SADDD) to generate evidence and inform disaster response systems
2.2. Develop guidelines to support NDRMD, NDOC and municipality in data analysis through existing IMS database and generate reports for disaster response system
3.1. Develop guidelines to identify evacuation center & evacuation routes assess and map
3.2. Develop training on protection, GBV core conduct and principal, risk mitigation, GBV mitigation, PSEA, AAP, code of conduct and referral pathways.
4.1. Develop training for the capacity building of women groups and women leaders in DRR decision making including GBV integrated CBDRM plans and identification of CBDRM resilient and sustainable livelihood projects
4.2. Develop IEC materials for awareness raising to support comprehensive resilience building against emerging emergencies including COVID-19
4.3. Submission of all documentation and materials to IOM
How to apply
How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications via e-mail to
Please include the reference code CFA-TL 21-012 followed by your full name in the subject line.
Applications should include:
a) Letter of Motivation
b) Detailed Curriculum Vitae
c) Duly completed IOM Personal History Form attached or can download from HERE
d) 2-3 writing samples, optional (relevant topic of your choice)
e) Quotation (Technical and Financial Proposal)
f) Financial Proposal
g) Proof of previous related work (strategic documents developed through your consultancy)
Posting period:
From 27.10.2021 to 10.11.2021