Chief Component “Animal Sanctuary” At Wild Chimpanzee Foundation


Guinea is committed to protecting its national biodiversity by ratifying international conventions such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is committed, following the Aichi objective, to increasing the national territory from 15 to 25%. surface area of ​​protected areas. The Guinean Office of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves (OGPNRF) of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) particularly wishes to develop a network of protected areas made up of 17 national parks. It is with this in mind that the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) has been supporting the Guinean government since 2015 with the project to create the Middle Bafing National Park (PNMB) with an area of ​​6,426 km2. This park was created in May 2021 by presidential decree. Building on this success, the WCF was mandated again by the European Union to create the Pinselli-Soyah-Sabouyah (PSS) and Badiar National Parks. In these new perspectives, the action of the NaturaGuinée project aims to improve the resilience of ecosystems, flagship species and rural populations of Guinea in the areas of the future PNSS and the Badiar National Park. This approach is based on three pillars: the conservation of biodiversity through the management of protected areas, the development of a green economy, and the improvement of territorial governance.


The Natura-Guinea Project is a four-year European Union initiative which is implemented by the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Guinea. The Project includes a “sanctuary” component dedicated to the management and reintroduction of animals confiscated by the authorities.

The keeping of wild animals is prohibited by law in Guinea, however it is quite common for local populations to keep animals and the trafficking of live animals by organized criminal networks still remains a threat to biodiversity.

The objective of the component is to strengthen the Government’s capacity to effectively manage wild animals confiscated during law enforcement operations through the construction and management of a sanctuary whose purpose will be to ensure the care, rehabilitation and reintroduction of wildlife.


Under the direct responsibility of the Country Director, the component head will notably:

  1. Ensure the planning, coordination and implementation of the component’s activities throughout the Project, as well as reporting (monthly activity and financial reports), administrative and financial management in real time;
  2. Ensure end-to-end monitoring of the process of creation and construction of the sanctuary, then ensure the proper functioning of the sanctuary;
  3. Ensure monitoring of the planning and logistical management of major works and equipment (cars, motorcycles, generators, etc.) with the Project administration and sanctuary staff;
  4. Ensure the care, feeding, care and well-being of animals confiscated by the authorities, then the process of rehabilitation and reintroduction into natural environments;
  5. Establish specifications by species for feeding and care;
  6. Implement rehabilitation and reintroduction programs by species following international guidelines and standards, and monitor reintroduced wildlife if necessary;
  7. Ensure the management of non-releasable animals (injured, not adapted to wild life, or not originating from Guinea), including by managing procedures and documents (CITES) if transfer to sanctuaries in countries of origin is necessary;
  8. Implement a strict health protocol to avoid diseases, contamination of biodiversity and ensure waste management;
  9. Propose ways to stimulate the natural behavior of animals and develop enrichment in enclosures;
  10. Participate in the recruitment, training, monitoring, evaluation of sanctuary staff (veterinarians, animal caretakers, consultants, etc.), manage sanctuary staff;
  11. Identify potential partners, such as veterinarians, experts, specialized NGOs and donors;
  12. Identify potential for collaboration with similar multi-species sanctuaries for the exchange of information and experience in order to have the capacity to manage all species according to their needs;
  13. Ensure, with the support of experienced international consultants, training of staff on hygiene protocols, operational procedures, animal and veterinary care by type of species, disease identification and record keeping;
  14. Capitalize on knowledge and experience in Guinea for animal care by collaborating with stakeholders;
  15. Work in close collaboration with all components of the NaturaGuinée project for the care and transfer of confiscated animals;
  16. Maintain and develop external relations with local and national authorities, as well as with sanctuary partners;
  17. Develop collaboration with local populations, by promoting the cultivation and sale at the sanctuary of food (fruits and vegetables) necessary for feeding the animals (development of income-generating activities);
  18. Develop an awareness program for local and national populations and make the law known to deter the capture and illegal possession of commonly confiscated species (radio broadcasts, etc.);
  19. Be a leader, be a force of suggestion and a driving force in the development of the sanctuary;
  20. Identify potential sources of financing, develop projects and partnerships with a vision of sustainability of the post-project sanctuary.


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in a field related to nature conservation, primatology or biology, project management;
  • At least 5 years of experience in conservation project management and team management in Africa, experience in Guinea will be an important asset;
  • Demonstrated commitment to biodiversity conservation;
  • Experience in administrative and financial management, including financial and narrative reporting;
  • Strong capacity for resilience and perseverance until results are obtained;
  • Self-confidence, assertive character, ability to advise, teach and inspire;
  • Strong personal responsibility and rigor in work;
  • Ability to manage stress and work under pressure;
  • Ability to be proactive and demonstrate initiative and creativity;

    Excellent ability to plan, organize, prioritize tasks, manage priorities, solve problems;

  • Willingness to take on a range of unanticipated tasks and work a flexible schedule, including some weekends;
  • Ability to work independently and manage a team, ability to motivate and support teams;
  • Ability to build and maintain links with authorities and external partners;
  • Ability to put together files for fundraising;
  • Ability to maintain a tolerant and professional attitude at all times;
  • Good command of French and English, particularly for drafting technical documents and reports;
  • Good computer skills (Word, Excel, Power point, etc.)
  • Ability to travel for missions within the country and if necessary in the sub-region.

    In all areas of his/her activity, he/she must be proactive, that is to say, be proactive in proposing improvements or adaptations. His supervisor may ask him for additional tasks if necessary.

    This job description covers the main responsibilities inherent to this position. However, he may be asked to carry out tasks other than those listed above as well as great flexibility in the management of his function without this being considered as a modification of the contract.

    Type of contract: Fixed-term contract, 1 year renewable

    Starting position: 07/01/2024 (ideally)

    Remuneration: according to WCF salary scale and experience

    Ad validity period: 05/24/2024 to 06/20/2024

How to apply

To apply, please send us your CV and a cover letter by email to copying with the subject “application + name of position”.

Only selected candidates will be contacted to take the test.

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