Child Protection Officer (Ventimiglia) at Save the Children


As part of the intervention of Save the Children in the North Frontier in the intervention program for the protection of minors in the Frontier, the collaborator / collaborator will contribute to strengthening the system of protection and reception of migrant minors, through the implementation of child protection activities in the first arrival, transit and reception areas of Ventimiglia, in the Liguria region, as well as in the neighboring territories where necessary.

The collaborator will guarantee the enhancement of the focus of child protection in the emergency context, supporting information, training and capacity building aimed at institutional and non-institutional subjects engaged in the management of migratory flows.

The main areas of intervention will be Ventimiglia and the province of Imperia. Transfers to the Region and to neighboring Regions are possible, where required.


  • Support the implementation of the protection activities in line with the protection principles, the program objectives and the intervention methodologies in connection with the Field Coordinator and the Border Manager, as the thematic technical reference.
  • Support the implementation of the multidisciplinary intervention of Save the Children aimed at the protection of incoming, transit and reception migrant minors, both in safe spaces and in street activities, and when necessary, and conduct the implementation of the multidisciplinary team intervention aimed at same purpose, within reception centers.
  • Carry out child friendly legal information activities, through individual interviews and group activities for minors identified as unaccompanied, accompanied and those identified as vulnerable in the same areas of intervention, described above.
  • Carry out group activities in conjunction with the team, aimed at implementing the right to participate and supporting activities in safe spaces.
  • Ensure the maintenance of the family unity of minors incorrectly identified as unaccompanied.
  • Contribute, in coordination with the Field Coordinator and in conjunction with the team, to the regular planning and preparation of activities and interventions.
  • Contribute to the definition of the best intervention and protection strategies and identify an adequate analysis of individual situations and management of case management, in conjunction with the team and in coordination with the Field Coordinator and the Frontier Manager, as a thematic technical reference.
  • Carry out training and capacity building interventions to institutional and non-institutional actors, involved in various capacities in the assistance and support to foreign minors and families on the basis of a programming previously agreed with the contact person on the basis of any requests received.
  • In coordination with the Field Coordinator, ensure a correct referral mechanism towards Save the Children teams operating in Ventimiglia and other territories, and all potential stakeholders operating at regional territorial level and beyond.
  • In coordination with the Field Coordinator, to guarantee a timely and complete collection and processing of data, both quantitative and qualitative, aimed at drawing up weekly, monthly and quarterly reports on the activities carried out by the team; report on the reception conditions of minors and families met; and where required, contribute to the drafting of phenomenology analyzes and on the protection system.
  • In conjunction with the Field Coordinator, take care of relationships and maintain communications with representatives of institutions, associations and organizations engaged at local level, in a functional way for the organization’s work and strategic objectives.
  • Contribute to the design, development and review of activities and / or information materials aimed at unaccompanied minors, accompanied minors and reference adults where necessary.
  • Communicate and relate to all the components of the Protection Structure and other areas of the Organization for an effective performance of activities.
  • Carry out missions in regions adjacent to your duty station as well as on the national territory if the need arises compatibly with the programming agreed with the Field Coordinator and the Frontier Manager, based on the priority of the activities to be carried out.


  • Weekly and monthly update documents on the activities carried out, flow phenomenology and risk and protection factors have been created.
  • Realized group legal information and individual in-depth interviews aimed at emerging vulnerabilities and identifying the multidisciplinary protection strategy.
  • Managed vulnerable individual cases of both unaccompanied and accompanied minors.
  • Supported a correct case management mechanism and reporting to colleagues from Save the Children teams.
  • Attended weekly coordination meetings.
  • Contribute to the implementation of monthly reports.
  • Guaranteed regular presence at the Safe Spaces of Ventimiglia and support (even in the presence) for street activities.


  • Guaranteed connection with the rest of the team and coordination for the guaranteed presence in the Safe Spaces and in road activities. Where necessary, guaranteed presence in reception centers and arrivals by sea if they occur.
  • Guaranteed the connection with the rest of the team and coordination for the guaranteed intervention in the reception facilities for unaccompanied and accompanied foreign minors.
  • Guaranteed intervention at any coordination meetings between UN agencies, NGOs, prefectures, Social Service and other key stakeholders in the reference territory.
  • Regular intervention reports and data collection.
  • Draft final narrative report relating to the intervention carried out and final project report.
  • Supported the drafting and finalization of Standard Operating Procedures that support the operational framework of intervention, for example for Safe Spaces.
  • Where possible, the organization of institutional meetings aimed at disseminating good practices regarding the protection of migrant minors between institutional actors and qualified subjects is supported.
  • Contributed to the realization of the training material aimed at capacity building actions.
  • Contributed to the creation of training sessions dedicated to the actors of the protection system, institutional and non-institutional.


  • Master’s degree in political science, jurisprudence, social sciences, humanities or other disciplines related to the activities described (preferential).
  • Good written and spoken knowledge of the English language.
  • Good ability to use the Office package.
  • Experience of at least 2 years in a similar role in another organization.
  • Proven ability to relate effectively to minors in vulnerable conditions, even in informal and problematic contexts.
  • Good knowledge of issues related to children’s rights.
  • Good knowledge of issues related to migratory phenomena.
  • Knowledge of the main competent authorities in the area and previous experience in the support and orientation of unaccompanied foreign minors (preferential).
  • Competence in the preparation of reports.


  • Ability to relate to different interlocutors.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Strong aptitude for teamwork.
  • Availability, creativity and dynamism.
  • Strong relationship skills.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Ability to give priority to the most relevant project activities.


  • Sharing the mission and principles of Save the Children.
  • License B.
  • Willingness to make trips to the national territory.

How to apply

Following the link below:

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