Communication officer H/F At Doctors Without Borders

More Information

Created in 1989, The MSF Foundation aims to promote the humanitarian and social’action in France and abroad and the implementation of research, training,’assessment and’innovation projects.

The MSF Foundation is aimed at an expert public (in the humanitarian, scientific and medical fields), its donors (fidelization and prospecting) and the MSF movement as a whole (France and International). Its communication aims to make known and to radiate the medical projects and tools that’elle develops, in progress or exploratory.

In order to meet these ambitions, the Foundation is recruiting a Communications Officer in CDI.


In close collaboration with the Director and the MSF Foundation and MSF teams, the communication officer will have the following main tasks:

Participate in the strategy and design the communication plan of The MSF Foundation

  • Feed the reflection on the communication strategy set by the roadmap and the positioning of the MSF Foundation 2025-2027
  • In close contact with the Director of the MSF Foundation, to stimulate reflection and to develop, if necessary, the public positioning of the MSF Foundation in the light of new issues identified.
  • Establish an annual communication plan based on the roadmap

Ensure the dissemination of content

  • Design an editorial calendar of The MSF Foundation and its projects on all its’ expression channels
  • Community Management for the linkedin account of the MSF Foundation and’other networks if creation (creation of posts – interaction with the community)
  • Editorial animation of the MSF Foundation website: post articles, manage the news front and hub
  • S’sensure of the coherence of the’image and the messages of The MSF Foundation on the’ set of communication variations, print and web supports, donor messages or events
  • In conjunction with the MSF Collection Department, participate in the’organisation of’events for donors.ices and partners
  • S’sensure to follow the evolutions and that the digital formats disseminated are always in line with the uses
  • Identify and define the mapping of communities of interest on digital and in events (global and by project), existing or potential (media, influencers, groups)

Produce the editorial content

  • Videos
    • Produce videos – interviews : script, film and coordinate post-production
    • Coordinate the production of video reports in the field (identification of the provider, link with the field teams, writing, brief, coordination of post production)
  • Photos : coordinate the photographic production to illustrate the projects (identification of the provider, brief, coordination of the post-production, link with the land)
  • Write articles for the website (interviews, feedback on research studies, follow-up of projects..), etc.
  • Initiate new formats for digital media
  • Write the MSF Foundation Monthly Newsletter
  • Creation of graphic materials (infographics, posts Social networks.)
  • Creation and writing of institutional communication materials (ROOT report, project sheets..).

Monitoring, reporting and adjustment of the communication plan

  • Reporting on mentions and performances and impacts of MSF Foundation content for dissemination to management and teams
  • Adjust the actions according to the evolutions of the projects, the competitive’environment and the audiences

Allocate the necessary resources for the implementation of the projects under his responsibility:

  • In contact with the head of the budget division, develop, manage and monitor the annual budget dedicated to communication

Profile sought

Experience :

  • At least 5 years of’ experience in a similar position in a recognized organization in the fields of humanitarian and/or international health’action.
  • Experience at MSF is an important asset.

Languages : French and English level B2: written and spoken

Skills :

  • Knowledge of humanitarian and public health topics and ability to write content and interact on major health issues, medical and scientific fields.
  • Excellent writing ability.
  • Proficiency in Adobe (Indesign – Photoshop – Premiere) and Canva
  • Mastery of social networks and digital’writing
  • Strong capacity for’analysis and synthesis


  • Autonomy and taking initiative’
  • Sense of dialogue
  • Quality d’ listening
  • Excellent relationship
  • Quality d’icipation
  • Ability to work in a small team

Status : CDI, full-time. Framework post. The position is based in Paris 19th

Salary conditions : 49 779 € gross annual over 13 months.

22 RTT days per year. Complementary health care 100% supported by Doctors Without Borders. Titles restaurants of’a face value of 9€ (60% support by Doctors Without Borders). Support for 50% of the public transport ticket.

Post to be filled 1 October 2024

How to apply

Thank you to’ send your application (letter of motivation and CV) Until’au 24/09/2024 included to:

Only(e)s the candidate(e)s whose files have been selected will be contacted(e)s.

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