Conduct a study on Cross-Border Conflict, Cross-boarder movement, economic integration and enabling environment for community resilience building in M At Ayuda en Acción

Ayuda en Acción (AeA) is a Span based International Non-Government Organization established in 1981 with a global commitment to tackle the structural causes of poverty, inequality, and exclusion by promoting the solidarity of people to develop their capacities to achieve their aspirations for a dignified life, in a sustainable way. AeA works in 20 countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe, including Spain and Portugal.

In Ethiopia, AeA has been operational since 2002 in partnership with Partners in the development and humanitarian interventions. After opening its country office in Ethiopia in 2018, it is currently working in Oromia (3 districts of Arsi Zone and 5 districts of Borena zone), SNNP region (three districts of Wolaita zone) and Afar Regional State (two district of Zone-4) in the wide ranges of integrated sectors under a working model of long-term programs, nexus building and humanitarian response. Thematically, AeA has been implementing program on market system development, employment, access and quality education, sustainable food and adapting to climate change, gender equality and child protection, live saving and nexus building. Annually, AeA reaches on average of 60,000 people in Ethiopia through direct implementation using own structure and in partnership with six NGOs.

Program in Borena

Ayuda en Acción works in five districts of Borena zone (Moyale, Guchi, Wachile, Dire and Miyo) targets pastoral and agro-pastoral communities to the vulnerable people hit by poverty, recurrent drought and conflict. Pastoralism is the main source of livelihood affected by climate shocks. Recurrent drought caused loss of livestock, the main source of livelihood, which leads to food and nutrition security, overall economic loss and frequent conflict over resources. Lack of undiversified livelihood and job opportunities, prevalence of gender inequality and poor services are the main challenges in the area. Hence, Ayuda en Acción in partnership with the national NGOs have been implemented emergency response, recovery and resilience building projects to drought, COVID-19, conflict and desert locust affected host communities and Internally Displaced People in Moyale, Guchi and Wachile districts from 2017 to 2020. However, Ayuda en Acción has been learned that short term and limited sectorial focused project undermine the development needs and bring less contribution for resilience building. Hence, in 2020 Ayuda en Acción decided to start long-term and integrated program linking humanitarian response to long-term development actions (Nexus building). Cognizant to these, AeA has been implementing integrated program since January 2021 on access and quality education, market system development mainly focused on livestock development (health, rangeland management, digitalization to improve access to information, value chains, etc.) youth, pastoral dropouts, and women economic empowerment (generation of self-employment), crisis modifier, evidence generation and influencing.

Moyale, Dire and Miyo districts where AeA has presence, share border with North Kenya. The communities in target project areas are connected with bordering areas of Kenya through sharing common rangeland and water during the drought period (trans humane), trading of livestock, different goods and services. On top of these, it is one of the major rout of migration used by Ethiopian to migrate within horn of Africa and/or toward South Africa or Europe. The vulnerability of this areas because climate shocks as well as cross-border conflicts, informal trade, border crossing restrictions and migration, hampers the potential the cross-border should have gained to build resilience. Hence, Ayuda en Acción believes working on the cross boarder needs evidence for program design and influencing. There is dearth of data on such issues, which necessitate commissioning a study.

Background of the study areas and rational of the study

Among the border area Kenya and Ethiopia share, Marsebit County on the Kenyan side and Borena zones on Ethiopian side are the one. The two communities are socio-aculturally and economically connected. Pastoralism is the dominant socio-economic activity and source of livelihood for most of the population in Borena zone of Ethiopia and Marsebit County of Kenya.

This cross-border area is characterized by poorly developed physical infrastructure, remote from the respective capitals (Nairobi and Addis Ababa), and high poverty levels. All the development indices in this cross-border area are much lower than the national averages of the respective countries. Poor infrastructure and weak governance system hinder movement of people, goods and information.

Climate change already contributes to tensions and conflict in Ethiopia and Kenya through its diverse and complex impacts on land, water, natural resources, animals and humans. While climate change impacts everyone, cross border areas, already affected by violent conflict face particular challenges relating to its effects. Furthermore, violent conflict can make it more difficult to act to fight climate change and to mitigate its impact. During the dry season, the pastoralists are compelled to migrate to other areas to access pasture and water points, often-crossing international boundaries. These cross-border movements oftentimes lead to conflicts over water and pasture. Long-standing pastoral conflicts caused by boundary disputes, cattle raids, illegal firearms in the hands of civilians, presence of armed groups and weakened customary structures. The target cluster faces major challenges of disputes and a series of intercommunal conflicts that have been witnessed over the years.

Human poverty in the regions co-exists with a rich store of livestock, are critical to the lives of the people.

The completion of Moyale highway corridor linking Kenya and Ethiopia, has placed Moyale at the center of aspired to be trade hub and economic zone, however this ease of travel has also made Moyale highway attractive to human trafficking and goods smuggling hotspot. The enabling environment to facilitate trade and economic integrations remain unclear despite the efforts of the two countries government.

The youthful population, poverty, inadequate water supply, recurrent droughts and the resulting land degradation creates natural resource-based conflicts, among others. In these borderland areas, prolonged underinvestment in basic public goods such as security, and roads has exposed the communities to vulnerability and external shocks. These challenges have led to a situation, both chronic and acute, of depleted resources (natural and otherwise), narrow livelihood opportunities, and widespread poverty.

The result is an ever-increasing conflict, humanitarian crisis, and migration. The economic environment of the target cluster is deteriorating. Unemployment is rising especially pastoral dropouts and among young people.

Cooperation incentives over climate change mitigation efforts and impacts can also support peacebuilding and reconciliation between divided communities, representing opportunities for conflict resolution and becoming entry-points for mediation and dialogue. It is essential for AeA to address the linkages between climate change and peace in its external action, in particular by supporting key stakeholders involved in the area of climate change and conflict. Ayuda en Acción also believes resistance building will be achieved with better conflict resolution mechanism, economic integration and better sharing of resources both across borders. At present, our knowledge of the cross-border described above is limited, and we would like to bridge the knowledge gaps.

Hence, AeA and partners needs evidence to design program and influence for better enabling environment to tackle the main determinants of vulnerability, conflict and cultivate potentials. This term of reference set out the analysis that needs to take place, to provide us with the evidence on which to design cross- border interventions.

The possible interventions will respond to the evidence to be obtained from this analysis and the collation of existing research; it should therefore be multifaceted, addressing multiple vulnerabilities whose effects are of direct interest for the peace building and economic development and/or resilience building of the cross-border cluster, and for the AeA, partners and stakeholders. It will address factors contributing to the peace building and the root causes of vulnerability, through e.g. the creation of economic opportunities, and the promotion of resilience. We learned that there are ongoing and recently completed EU, UNDP, IGAD and USAID supported similar cross-border program (peace building, resilience building, economic development, cross border coordination, etc) the consultant will take a stock considering a complexity of cross-border activities and limited scope of this study.


General objective

The overall objective of the Cross Border Study is to undertake a mapping and analysis, and identify evidence based possible interventions that will build greater resilience, economic integration and peace buildings in Ethiopia- Kenya boarder.

Specific objectives is to:

· Gain a better understanding and analysis of the drivers of insecurity, instability and irregular migration, the sources of resilience, economic integration and challenges;

· Catalogue the existing cross-border initiatives, the two Countries collaboration and strategies (Agreements, recently signed operations manual for Moyale One Stop Border Post, Plan, etc) and coordination mechanism by government, NGO, CSOs, IGAD and UN including donors to address peace building and resilience building, and assess what is working well to provide lessons learned, tools and models that can contribute to the development of the cross-border area,

· Recommend strategies (including influencing) and actions at different levels (Countries, regional, and national) to build peace and resilient communities and

· Identify potential fundraising opportunities and design interventions for future engagement.

Scope of the study

The scope of the mapping of cross border programming is limited to the Ethiopia-Kenya borderland area. The study will cover both sides of the border areas including the towns, villages, informal crossing areas and other places where there exists movement of people, goods and cattle across the border in any form.

The consultant will consider all possible drivers of migration (transhumance-comprises agro-pastoralists moving in search of better pasture and water during dry seasons; irregular migration; labor migration, to other countries mainly youth, etc), driver of conflict and vulnerability affecting the cluster, including but not limited to:

· Prevalence and reasons for conflict over natural resources and the effects of climate change; socio-economic activities such pastoralism, and other traditional systems and coping strategies;

· Capacities of state actors and traditional/customary institutions;

· The consultant will map out the existing initiative and coordination mechanism by government, NGO, CSOs, IGAD and UN including donors to address peace building and resilience building. The consultant will also make an assessment of best practices and lessons learned from existing interventions (including what has worked and what has not worked), and assess what is working well to provide lessons learned, tools and models that can contribute to the development of the cross-border area,

· Assess formal and informal economic integration, legal requirement and barrier for the cross-border communities;

· Collaboration of the two Countries in the cross-border and main policy, program, plans strategy in place at regional, national and local level to address those challenges (including the governance mechanisms, peace building and resilience to climate change

· Map cross-border initiatives, mechanism and constraints;

  • It will also map partners (including local organizations) and opportunities for engagement,
  • Identify risks, constraints, and options for future engagement.

· The finding of the assessment/study is expected to generate project ideas that could address climate change problem, livelihood option, women empowerment, peace building initiatives, and youth employment. The consultant is also expected to identify and understand the enabling environment including legal and regulatory framework, mapping the potential stakeholders and identify the existing collaboration.

Study location-rural and urban areas of Marsebit County (Sololo sub-county, and Moyale sub-county) Borena zone (Moyale, Miyo & Dire districts.

The intended outputs:

i. Map out and analysis of cross-border conflicts ( causes, impacts, dynamics), peacebuilding efforts and mechanisms, conflict prevention, and community resilience;

ii. Identify connecters that create bondage for border community.

iii. Diversified livelihoods, improved community security, resilience to natural and man-made shocks, and enhanced use of shared natural resources, infrastructure, markets, etc.

iv. An assessment of best practice and lessons learned from existing interventions (including what has worked and what has not worked, especially in terms of existing cross-border mechanisms), risks and potential mitigating measures against them.

v. As an annex, a catalogue of interventions by major actors (cross- border conflict preventions and peace building), partner states and others to provide lessons learned, tools and models that can contribute to the development of the cross-border area in the Moyale cluster area

vi. A presentation of the study key findings and recommendations during multi-stakeholders forum to be organized by AeA. The consultant incorporate the inputs and comments raised by the forum participants in the final report.

vii. Identify cross boarder project ideas/intervention plan.


i. Inception report: The consultancy firm shall deliver a draft and final inception report based on preliminary research on secondary data, and consultants’ knowledge and experience. The report should outline understanding of the project, detail research methods, data collection tools (detail instruments and sources), data analysis, detail action plan, clear milestones (dates and results) and tentative final report outline. However, this shall not limit the consultant to include other points.

ii. Draft final report: A report presented in soft copy to AeA according to the schedule.

iii. Final assessment report: A comprehensive report presented in soft copy fulfilling the minimum requirements stated in this ToR, the contract and the inception report.

iv. Written presentations: Brief and summarized presentations prepared for validation workshop


i. The consultancy firm will propose an appropriate methodology. The consultant will undertake collection of all the required data/information from various sources, including community, individuals, CBO, Migrants and refugees, Government departments, UN, NGOs, customary institutions, Ministries and other relevant sources.

· Desk review**:** a brief literature review and document review to provide updates to the desk research and the findings of the multi-country research study already concluded on cross border conflict, insecurity, migration resilience, peace building and impacts of climate change. A review of national and/or regional policy documents to identify the national/regional level agenda and enabling systems.

· In-depth key informant interviews (KIIs) with relevant national, regional, zonal, EU, UN, IGAD, local stakeholders,

· Focus group discussions (FGDs) with groups of women, young and men,

· Direct observation,

· Other qualitative and quantitative methodologies and tools Consultants may consider relevant.

Since youth, women and children are at the center of AeA strategy, our expectation is to develop the research under a strong gender approach and and human right based approach.

Ayuda en Accion shall facilitate in collection of the data/information with required official letters and contact with focal person(s) wherever required in both sides.

Responsibilities of Ayuda en Accion Ethiopia

1) Ayuda en Acción country office will provide clarification and all the necessary information and docs.

2) Ayuda en Acción will facilitate logistics or reimburse the transport invoice for the consultant to travel to the study areas to gather all the necessary context specific data and information.

3) Facilitate stakeholder participation throughout the data collection process.

4) Assigns a contact person(s) for the consultants responsible to facilitate communication and the undertaking of activities that work towards the effective and efficient outcome.

5) Avails staff for access to information of various kinds in methods like group discussions or individual interviews with the consultant and other engagements.

6) Provides prompt feedback on inquiries, reports, and other deliverables

Schedule of Activities / Tasks

The consultancy for the consultancy firm is 40 calendar days.

Requirement of the consultancy firm and team members i. The applicants should be a Ethiopian national firm with a proven experience with a minimum of five years of experience in conducting socio-economic study, design cross-border program, resilience building program, peace building, humanitarian program design in cross border areas especial in pastoral context; ii. The lead consultant needs to have a master’s degree or Phd in international development, social science, anthropology and related disciplines; iii. Previous work experience in the East Africa region. Detailed knowledge of the Ethiopia-Kenyan border geographic context is an added advantage; iv. Experience with qualitative and quantitative research methods with a focus peace building and resilience building program; v. At least two experts (one from each side of the border) among the Team mobilized by the Consultant has to have the local knowledge, contacts and experience to carry out the analysis; vi. • Excellent command of English, both spoken and written; vii. The firm should mobilize a team of experts from Ethiopia and Kenya; viii. Ability to work in a flexible timetable, travel to the field office; ix. The consultancy firm should present renewed legal trade certificate and VAT registration certificate. Other members of the team (two individuals) i. An advanced university degree in international development, social science, anthropology or other related studies. ii. Previous experience in assessment/research of at least 4 years. iii. Previous experience in taking part in assessments and/or research on humanitarian, economic development, resilience building issues. iv. Previous experience in taking part in a team of consultants v. Previous experience in designing and developing tools for data collection and analysis vi. Familiarity with the Borena context and Marsebit county context vii. Excellent analytical, writing and communication skills. viii. Fluency in English and Kiswahili for Marsebit and Afan oromo in Borena with very good writing, analytical and communication skills

How to apply

To achieve the objectives, the AeA Ethiopia Country Office would like to hire the services of a consultancy firm with the relevant experience. In this regard, we invite interested and qualified firms to submit the following documents with a sealed envelope: A Concept proposal includes: a. A covering letter demonstrating how you meet the criteria set out in the required Person’s qualification above, and how you propose to organize the work outlined above b. Comments on the ToR, c. how the proposed approach (methodologies) with better delivery, d. Estimated timeline and detailed implementation plan for the completion of each step of the assignment, e. Profile of the team, f. Experience of the consultancy firm, g. Sample work and confirmation from the previous client. ii. Financial Proposal that indicates all-inclusive fixed total contract price for the project. The proposed budget will have sufficient details to allow evaluation of elements of costs proposed. Applicants should adopt the line items to most accurately reflect the costs included in their proposal. The budget should be submitted to the Ethiopian Birr . The budget notes should provide a narrative breakdown of all costs included in the budget. Applicants must indicate if their budget includes or excludes any Value Added Tax (VAT). Except for transport to and from the field, all costs have to be included in the proposal. Criteria for Selecting the Best Offer The selection of the best proposal will be done by using the Combined Scoring method – where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted a maximum of 70% and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a maximum of 30%. The technical part of the application will be assessed based on the strength of the mobile ideation that best fits Ayuda en Accion’s needs, as well as previous experiences of the provider in developing such tools. The following technical elements will be taken into account:

  • Experience of the firm and team /profile
  • Client reference of at least two successful (Completed/Running)
  • Adequacy and quality of the proposed methodology, and work plan in responding to the Terms of Reference
  • Work plan
  • Team composition / Key experts’ qualifications and competence for the assignment The selection committee will evaluate the proposals based on a best-value determination. Terms of Payment Payments will be made according to the following schedule. • 30% of payment will be effective upon the submission of an approved inception report. • 30% of payment will be effective after submitted first draft report. • 40% after testing and final acceptance of the report and presentation to the forum and incorporating feedback.

Only the applicant firm, which meet all qualifications and experience, will be contacted for further consideration.

How to apply

If you are interested in this offer please submit your CV on the following link:

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