
VSF Germany is an International Non Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. VSF Germany supports in animal health, livestock related agriculture, marketing, food safety, drought responses and mitigation, capacity development of communities and governmental institutions, peace and conflict resolution with the ultimate aim of food security and strengthened livelihoods of pastoralist communities. In the region VSF Germany implements activities in the Republic of South Sudan, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda and Ethiopia. VSF Germany has been supporting pastoral livelihoods in South Sudan since 1998 working with communities in Upper Nile, Jonglei, Warrap, Eastern Equatoria, Western Bar el Ghazal and Lakes States through times of emergency and recovery to sustain, protect and restore livelihoods by direct provision; and capacity building for improved production and productivity, diversified production as well as local peace mechanisms and governance.

VSF-Germany partnering with VSF Suisse with funding from U.S. Agency for International Development’s Office of Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) is implementing a Two years’ program entitled “Conflict and Climatic Emergency Livestock Response Program (CCLERP) in Greater Upper Nile States”. This program covers 10 Counties in Jonglei, 2 counties in Upper Nile and 9 Counties in Unity states plus the Jonglei migrating cattle from Equatoria to Jonglei. The program objective is to improve or sustain access to animal source food and related income for crisis affected individuals at risk of malnutrition particularly children and women. The program is targeting people in Greater Upper Nile, comprised of internally displaced persons (IDPs), host and returnee groups with support to local institutions and mechanisms for delivery of animal health and public health services while mainstreaming conflict sensitivity, protection and Do No Harm approaches.

VSF Germany and its partners intend to assess the impact of animal health services, peace and nutrition and Covid-19 on local market and are seeking the services of qualified and experienced consultant (s).


The purpose of this consultancy is to assess the impact of animal health services, peace and nutrition and Covid-19 on local market and specifically:

a) To determine the prevalence of common livestock diseases in the program locations as well as the mortality of livestock due to the diseases

b) To find out and the document the locations (identify gap areas) of cold chain facilities, impact of flooding on the cold chain and the management of the cold chain facilities

c) To find out and document the presence of the animal health services providers (CAHWs, Vet pharmacies / drugs suppliers, vets, AHA and stock person) and identify where there are gaps as well as finding out the sources of veterinary pharmaceuticals and supplies

d) To assess the impact of animal health service on the local market (sales, acceptance to sale, numbers of livestock, income, agro –input, milk, meat, hide & skin, etc.)

e) To assess the impact of our peace and nutrition intervention on the local livestock market

f) To assess and determine the impact of Covid-19 on the local livestock market


Provisionally, the assessment will cover 8 payams (2 per county) in four purposively selected counties (based on presence of livestock market, accessibility, security and one from each state and one additional from any one of the state depending on the existing situation) where feasible. It will be conducted in the project areas and will include both beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. Key assessment questions will be formulated using the project objectives and indicators, and project quality parameters.


The assessment design will include participatory methods and employ a mixed approach with both qualitative and quantitative methods. The consultants will be required to submit a detailed draft assessment design and methodology which will be reviewed and finalized with the effort of the program personnel.


a) A detailed study design, including methodology, work plan and timeframe;

b) Inception report;

c) A draft report incorporating feedback from the debriefing sessions;

d) A final report incorporating feedback on the draft report (one bound hard copy & electronic copy).


This Animal Health Service assessment is expected to be completed in 25 working days including inception report, desk review, field assessment and report writing. The first draft report will be expected within 10 days after the field exercise is completed. A final version should be submitted within five days of receiving feedback on first draft.


a) The assessment will be guided, managed and technically advised by the Country Program Manager / Project Manager of VSF Germany;

b) The assessment is technically and administratively fully accountable to VSF Germany;

c) Specific areas for the study will be selected in consultation with VSF’s field staff;

d) Field travel arrangements and immediate supervision will be carried out by VSF Germany & VSF Suisse in their respective areas of operation.


The two-person assessment team will consist of a team leader who will be a veterinarian and a support researcher who will preferably be an anthropologist or social scientist. Prospective assessment teams are encouraged to include a mix of gender.

The team should collectively demonstrate the following set of qualities:

a) Experience in carrying out two or more major humanitarian evaluations for a major donor, international NGO, or international organization.

b) General familiarity with the political and humanitarian context in South Sudan, particularly over the past 3 years

c) Experience in developing or applying protection measures;

d) Extensive practical experience in implementing activities aimed at pastoral livelihood;

e) National consultants are encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their profile and or curriculum vitae, a technical and a financial proposal. The financial proposal should comprise comprehensive professional fees; travel and accommodation will be covered by VSF Germany.

Proposals should be sent to the following Email addresses: strictly indicating on the subject line “CCLERP ANIMAL HEALTH SERVICE ASSESSMENT 2022”. OR Hand delivery to VSF Germany office, Hai Malakal Juba South Sudan opposite Finance Sudan. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews. The deadline for submission of applications is Thursday, 20th April 2022. **

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