Consultancy Assignment: Exposure visit facilitation and management At Oxfam

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Terms of Reference for Consultancy Assignment: Exposure visit facilitation and management

Under “Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services” Project”

Ref: 24/009/OPTI/JRM

  1. Palestinian Agricultural Sector

The relevance of agricultural insurance derives from the importance of the agricultural sector itself in social and economic development in Palestine. The country is rich in agricultural biodiversity, enjoys a variety of climatic and geographical variations that enable diversity in agricultural production, and benefits from its ability to keep abreast of agricultural technological development. The Israeli occupation, however, proliferates drivers and vulnerabilities, including the confiscation of land, fragmentation of Palestinian territory, control over water and resources, especially in Area C, limited access to international and national markets, and military and settler violence. Despite manifold Israeli restrictions on Palestinian access to resources, movement, and trade, which have led to an overall decline of the sector, agriculture remains an important source of food security, livelihoods, and export revenues. Although impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and operating under Israeli restrictions, which have resulted in continuous loss of land and water, the percentage contribution of agricultural activity value added of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to reach 7.6% according to 2021 forecasts. Further, agriculture provided jobs for 6.2% of the employed in the third quarter of 2021 and a secondary source of income for many more households in the occupied Palestinian territory, where farming widely depends on family labour. Women play a critically important but often unrecognised role in the sector, supplying 87% of the labour input in livestock production and 54% in rain-fed crop production (Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2020).

However, agriculture’s overall economic importance is broader than just the sector itself. It has forward and backward linkages with sectors such as industry, retail and wholesale trade, transport, tourism, and hospitality services, which rely on it as a source of inputs or as a market that absorbs their outputs.

Over and above its economic roles, agriculture is an intrinsic component of the Palestinian cultural and social fabric. It plays a crucial part in the national narrative and is privileged in literature, songs, and other artistic expressions. It has come to symbolize Palestinian resilience and perseverance in the face of ongoing land loss due to prolonged occupation and the expansion of Israeli settlements. Within the context of political volatility, one of the world’s fastest-growing populations, and increased climatic variability exacerbated by environmental degradation, the risks faced by farmers, producers, and other agricultural value chain actors are expected to increase unless adequate measures are taken to protect the agriculture sector better.

Within the context of political volatility, one of the world’s fastest-growing populations, and increased climatic variability exacerbated by environmental degradation, the risks faced by farmers, producers, and other agricultural value chain actors are expected to increase unless effective measures are taken to protect the agriculture sector better. As described by climate change experts, climatic risks will potentially increase with future climate scenarios for Palestine projecting a temperature rise and a decrease in average annual rainfall, translating into an increase in the risk of drought and flood risk, with the wettest days becoming more frequent. While currently, farmers and producers who have incurred such risks are partially supported through direct loss compensation, a more optimal system of professional risk transfer – insurance – is necessary, especially with the increased vulnerability of farmers and producers to risks.

A 2018 demand survey, administered on a sample survey representing small-scale producers, conducted by the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (PADRRIF) to assess farmers’ and producers’ attitudes towards agricultural insurance, revealed that 83% of the respondents expressed the need and willingness to participate in an agricultural insurance scheme when it is available and ready. This indicates that PADRRIF should move forward with activating an agricultural insurance programme.

  1. Project Background

The ‘Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance Systems and Services’ project is a 36-month action led by Oxfam and the Economic and Social Development Centre of Palestine (ESDC) and funded by the EU. The action aims to increase the resilience of Palestinian farmers and producers against shocks resulting from production risks, including climate change and infrastructural risks, with the specific objective of putting in place an operational and sustainable agricultural insurance system and services through the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (PADRRIF), with the participation of the private sector.

This project and its two predecessors stem from the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (PADRRIF) strategy adopted for 2017-2022. The strategy included three significant programs, one of which was the Agricultural Risk Management Programme. This programme’s key output was to develop “a market for agricultural insurance and partnerships to mitigate agricultural risks.” The Agricultural Risk Management Programme drives the ‘Building the Palestinian Agricultural Insurance System and Services’ project, ensuring its continuity and alignment with PADRRIF’s objectives.

The current project builds upon a previous EU-funded technical assistance project called “Developing the Agricultural Insurance System in Palestine: Pre-Development Phase.” As part of this project, a group of experts was recruited to assess the current environment in oPt and prepare a ‘Roadmap on Agricultural Insurance Development.’ The roadmap in March 2018 outlines the technical, policy, legal, financial, market, and organizational requirements for establishing agricultural insurance in Palestine. Importantly, the roadmap was developed closely with PADRRIF and key stakeholders. Additionally, the project builds on the achievements and lessons learned from the ‘Developing the Agricultural Insurance System in Palestine’ pilot project, funded by the Government of Sweden and led by Oxfam in partnership with PADRRIF, concluding in 2019.

  1. Assignment Objectives and Expected Results

The Agricultural Insurance project is focused on building the insurance system with and through the different stakeholders to increase the resilience of Palestinian farmers and producers against production and market risks in the agricultural sector arising from climate change and other infrastructural risks. The project’s direct capacity-building objective aims to understand better and gain more knowledge of agricultural insurance’s main functions and operations, so a focused technical capacity-building programme for stakeholders, mainly in the public sector, will be developed (as part of the project).

As part of the strategic development of the agro-insurance system and the capacity building of related stakeholders, Oxfam is planning to conduct an exposure visit to Spain. The project’s technical committee recognized it as a country with extensive experience in risk management in agriculture, particularly through insurance. The expertise and knowledge acquired by the dedicated staff at Spanish institutes and cooperatives serve as important reference points for the operational steps and market development of agricultural insurance in Palestine.

We hope to benefit from the experiences of institutions such as i) The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ii) ENESA – Spanish National Agency for Agricultural Insurance, iii) Agroseguro, which is the manager of agricultural insurance in the name and on behalf of insurance companies that are part of the co-insurance pool, iv) insurance and reinsurance companies, as well as v) related agricultural cooperatives)

From this visit, Oxfam aims to provide the partners and stakeholders with an experience and in-depth understanding of Spain’s agricultural insurance system and its operation. Through this visit, partners and stakeholders will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn from Spain’s extensive experience: Gain insights into Spain’s risk management practices in agriculture, particularly in agricultural insurance. Understand the challenges faced and the solutions implemented by Spain to enhance farmers’ resilience against climate and infrastructural risks.
  • Explore best practices: Observe and learn about the best practices employed by Spanish institutes and cooperatives (such as the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ENESA, Agroseguro, insurance, and reinsurance companies, as well as related agricultural cooperatives, etc.) in the operationalization of agricultural insurance. Understand how these practices can be adjusted and implemented in the context of Palestine’s agricultural sector. Understand the prerequisites and success drivers in the operationalisation process and partnerships.
  • Gain market development insights and strategies: Learn about Spain’s strategies and approaches to develop and expand its agricultural insurance market. Explore innovative approaches and effective methods for promoting agricultural insurance products and services and the role of insurance aggregators and the government in this context.
  • Obtain practical knowledge and guidance: Interact with the specialized staff to gain useful knowledge and guidance on implementing an agricultural insurance system and its public-private partnership. Learn about Spain’s processes, procedures, and tools for effectively managing agricultural risks and providing farmers’ insurance services.

As a result of this exposure visit, Oxfam anticipates the following outcomes:

  • Enhanced knowledge: Oxfam partners will acquire a deeper understanding of Spain’s agricultural insurance system, including its operational aspects, market development strategies, and risk management practices. This knowledge will provide a solid foundation for implementing the agricultural insurance system in Palestine.
  • Improved capacity: Exposure to Spain’s expertise and experiences in agricultural insurance will enhance our partners’ capacity to design and implement effective risk management solutions for small-scale farmers in Palestine. They will have the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt and customize best practices to the local context.
  • Strengthened partnerships: The visit will foster closer collaboration and partnerships between Oxfam and relevant stakeholders in Spain, particularly ENESA and Agroseguro. This will create avenues for future knowledge exchange, technical assistance, and potential collaboration opportunities in agricultural insurance.
  • Actionable insights: Oxfam partners will gain actionable insights and practical guidance that can be applied to the ongoing project of building an agricultural insurance system in Palestine. These insights will contribute to the successful implementation and sustainability of the project, ultimately benefiting small-scale farmers and enhancing their resilience against climate and infrastructural risks.
  1. Assignment Scope of Work

Oxfam seeks to contract a service provider to coordinate and facilitate this exposure visit to Spain for staff from relevant stakeholders, including PADRRIF, PCMA, Farmer’s Representatives, Insurance Industry Representatives, and Oxfam’s staff. This service provider will help in:

Preparatory Phase:

  1. Coordinate with Spanish institutes and cooperatives (such as the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ENESA, Agroseguro, insurance, reinsurance companies, and related agricultural cooperatives) to schedule meetings, presentations, and site visits. Such meetings and visits can be done in more than one location/Spanish district. Thus, internal transportation and time schedules should consider such diversity in those locations.
  2. Provide necessary pre-departure information and guidance to the participants regarding the visit.

Exposure Visit:

  1. Facilitate the travel arrangements for the participants from inside Spain. Another travel agency will be responsible for booking the hotels and tickets in Spain.
  2. Arrange meetings, field visits(optional), and interactions with relevant experts, officials, and staff members at Spanish institutes and cooperatives (mentioned above)
  3. Organize workshops to familiarize the participants with Spain’s agricultural insurance system, best practices, market development strategies, and operationalization steps through one or more Spanish institutes (mentioned above).
  4. Facilitate visits to agricultural sites, farms, and insurance service centres to observe and learn from practical examples; as part of the meetings mentioned in point 5 above.
  5. Provide a professional translator fluent in both Spanish and Arabic to ensure effective communication and comprehension between the participants and Spanish-speaking counterparts.
  6. Service Provider’s Responsibilities & Deliverables:

The service provider is expected to manage the full administration and implementation of the requested service, including, considering that the service provider will be responsible for the whole visit (inside Spain) and arrangements:

  1. During the visit, provide a detailed translation of verbal discussions, presentations, and written materials.
  2. Connect with a focal point from Spain/Europe who can support the coordination and the arrangements efforts and guide the process- the focal point must have a good understanding of the agricultural insurance systems and operations, with a good understanding and familiarity with agricultural and insurance terms/terminologies.
  3. Submit a final report summarizing the activities, insights gained, main takeaways, and recommendations based on the exposure visit; this should be the responsibility of the focal point in Spain.
  4. Share any relevant documentation, handouts, or materials gathered during the visit with Oxfam for further reference and knowledge sharing.

The contracted service provider is responsible for fulfilling these responsibilities and delivering the agreed-upon services to ensure the smooth implementation of the exposure visit. The accurate translation services and logistical support will contribute to the visit’s success and the effective transfer of knowledge and experiences from Spain to Palestine.

  1. Detailed approach & timeframe

To ensure a successful exposure visit to Spain in ________ (Departure date: _____________________) for Oxfam staff and partner organizations, the contracted company has to develop a detailed approach and timeframe, considering the summer holiday season for the Spanish potential institutions. The main objective of this visit is to gain insights into Spain’s agricultural insurance system and learn from their experiences. Here is an overview of our anticipated approach:

Preparatory Phase (May and June 2024):

  • Connect with a focal point from Spain or Europe who can support the coordination and arrangements efforts and guide the process. The CV of the proposed person should be annexed to the proposal, and he/she should have a good understanding of the agricultural insurance industry, preferably in Spain.
  • Coordinate with Spanish institutes and cooperatives, such as the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, ENESA, Agroseguro, and other proposed institutions, to schedule meetings, presentations, and site visits.
  • Provide the visit’s agenda and the final schedule to Oxfam for approval.
  • Provide the necessary pre-departure information and guidance to the participants regarding the visit.
  • The contracted company will manage the full administration and implementation of the visit, ensuring the smooth coordination of all activities. Their accurate translation services and logistical support are vital for the visit’s success and the effective transfer of knowledge and experiences from Spain to Palestine.

Exposure Visit (June or July “4 days only”):

  • Facilitate the travel arrangements for the participants upon their arrival at Madrid (or any related) Airport.
  • Arrange meetings, field visits (optional), and interactions with relevant experts, officials, and staff members at Spanish institutes and cooperatives.
  • Facilitate visits to agricultural sites, farms, and insurance service centres to observe and learn from practical examples (based on the agreed-upon type of visits).
  • Provide a professional translator/interpreter fluent in Spanish and Arabic to ensure effective communication and comprehension.

Post-Visit Phase (August):

  • Submit a final report summarizing the activities, insights gained, main takeaways, and recommendations based on the exposure visit.
  • Share any relevant documentation, handouts, or materials gathered during the visit with Oxfam for further reference and knowledge sharing.

The interested companies/service providers should include a detailed approach and timeframe in their proposal. They should also include the names of the Spanish institutes that we will visit, the CV of the focal point, and the translator/interpreter.

  1. Desired Qualifications, Specialised Knowledge, and Expertise

The service provider to be selected for the proposed assignment should have the following:

  • Experience in coordinating and facilitating international exposure visits and B-to-B meetings, preferably in agriculture or agricultural insurance.
  • A focal point with a strong understanding of agricultural insurance systems, including best practices and operationalization steps.
  • Familiarity with the Spanish agricultural insurance market and its key institutions.
  • Proficiency in Spanish and Arabic to ensure accurate and effective communication between participants and Spanish-speaking counterparts.
  • Excellent organizational and logistical skills to handle travel arrangements, transportation, meetings, and site visits.
  • Ability to provide detailed translations of verbal discussions, presentations, and written materials during the visit.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills to establish relationships with relevant stakeholders in Spain and Palestine.
  • Capacity to deliver a comprehensive final report summarizing the visit’s activities, insights gained, and recommendations.
  • Ability to share relevant documentation, handouts, or materials gathered during the visit for further reference and knowledge sharing with Oxfam.
  1. Evaluation of proposals and selection process

Oxfam expects to receive clear technical and financial proposals to select the company/service provider responsible for providing the services.

Evaluation of the proposals will be as follows: 70% of the weight will be given to the technical proposal, and 30% will be given to the financial proposal. All proposals will be evaluated based on internally agreed criteria as follows:

  1. The understanding of the assignment by the applicant and the alignment of the proposal submitted with the ToR (15%)
  2. Range and depth of consultant/service provider experience with similar services, mainly specific and extensive experience in designing & implementing exposure visits (25%)
  3. Expertise in focal point in insurance systems and practice and insurance and agricultural teams (10%)
  4. Proposed approach, methodology, and work/implementation plan (20%)
  5. Financial proposal (30%)

Potential and interested firms are required to submit a comprehensive proposal describing/articulating the work requirements outlined in this ToR. The proposed personnel’s professional, management ability, and interpersonal skills are important to indicate in the proposal. The applicant should score at least 50% of the technical total score to be eligible for financial evaluation.

  1. Terms and conditions
  2. The company/service provider should follow Oxfam’s Branding policies and ensure Oxfam logos are presented as per the guidelines. The company and the team in the assignment must abide by Oxfam’s child protection policy, code of conduct, sexual harassment policy, and other relevant policies. All insurance requirements, including professional indemnity, worker’s compensation, public liability, superannuation, and taxation, where applicable, will remain, at all times, the responsibility of the consultant/service provider.
  3. All proposal documents are requested in English.
  4. Oxfam reserves the right to negotiate, accept, or reject any or all proposals and quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers advantageous.
  5. Service providers may alter or withdraw their proposals by written notification before the deadline for submission of tenders.
  6. Each proposal must remain the same after this deadline. Proposals received after the closing date will only be considered if, in Oxfam’s sole opinion, exceptional circumstances have caused the delay.
  7. Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the competitive bid procedure.
  8. Any requests for clarification may be submitted by email to:

The Financial proposal should contain the following information:

  1. Budget breakdown.
  2. The submitted offers should be in Euro, Not including VAT. The tenderer should be able to issue an official invoice in addition to a valid deduction at the source certificate or will deduct a percentage from the final payment (according to the Palestinian Taxation department & laws.
  3. Prices include all expenses, such as transportation per diem, calls, … etc.
  4. Financial offer:

The service provider is required to provide Oxfam with one price offer, including the travel management fees for the whole exposure visit inside Spain for up to 6-8 persons.

The service provider should include the following services in the cost breakdown:

  • Transportation fees within Spain (e.g., metro, buses, taxis).
  • Translation fees for a translator who will accompany the group.
  • Hall rental and coffee break fees in case workshops or meetings need to be organized (in case it was not offered by the intended institution for the meeting).
  • Consulting fees are charged to the consultant/expert experienced in agricultural insurance to support the service providers in contacting Spanish institutes, arranging visits, and leading the group.
  • Costs/expenses of any other services that may be required for the exposure visit to Spain.

The service provider must break down all the above costs and any additional costs they deem relevant.

  1. Confidentiality and Copyrights

Oxfam retains the copyright of all data, information, and content created. The consultant/Service provider is obliged to sign a copyright and non-disclosure statement, confidentiality agreement, and code of conduct. Oxfam retains the full right to use the content created, for example, in local and international media, Oxfam websites, and social media pages, as well as to build on it for future studies and programmes

How to apply


Interested consultants/service providers should submit a letter of interest, separate technical proposal, and separate financial offer by May 20,2024, to the attention of with the subject: Exposure visit facilitation and management – Ref: 24/009/OPTI/JRM


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