Consultancy: Baseline survey of project ‘Women’s rights in law and in action: A strengthened feminist movement against inequalities in Jordan’ At Kvinna Till Kvinna

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Advertising agency: The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation

Date of Posting: 15th January 2025

Closing Date: 23rd January 2025

1. Background

Overview of the Organization

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation is a Swedish non-profit organization that supports women in the context of war and conflict and works to increase women’s power and influence in such contexts. Kvinna till Kvinna believes that supporting partner organizations in organizational capacity strengthening is key to enhancing their ability to deliver on their mandate as agents for change against discriminatory attitudes, frameworks, norms, and behaviors. Strengthened organizational capacity is also vital for partner organizations to advocate for women’s rights and gender equality and act as service providers without protection and state services.

In the light of Kvinna till Kvinna’s strategy, women’s rights actors have the capacities and resources to sustain and grow functional, strategic, and independent structures, Kvinna till Kvinna provides ongoing support to women’s rights organizations and networks according to their needs, and keen to develop their systems and strengthen their engagement.

Women’s rights organizations face multiple challenges in their work, including limited financial resources, inadequate support from the government, and ongoing security concerns. This application aims to help our partner organizations to sustain their operations and continue their important work in promoting gender equality, these organizations need to develop effective fundraising strategies that are tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Overview of the Project

The project: ‘Women’s rights in law and in action: A strengthened feminist movement against inequalities in Jordan’ is a 36-month action to enhance gender equality in Jordan by strengthening the participation of women, including Women’s Rights Organisations (WRO’s), and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs); to support civil society organisations in Jordan working on human rights (political, economic, social and cultural), democratisation, and development and address challenges impeding women’s economic participation including lack of daycares and lack of safe transportation.

Specifically, the aim of this action is to build capacities for WROs and local actors to enhance women’s’ access, capacity and agency in Jordan through also advocating for actionizing laws, frameworks and state funding.

2. Purpose of the Baseline Assessment

This baseline assessment should set the roadmap for an evaluation at the end of the Action to be undertaken to identify change and impact of the Action as well as ensure learning for all stakeholders.

Kvinna till Kvinna is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the baseline survey. The baseline survey aims To:

  1. Establish a comprehensive understanding of the current situation regarding women’s rights and the operational environment for Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Jordan,

2) Assess the current status of women’s rights and gender equality in Jordan

  1. Identify the capacities and needs of Women Rights Organizations (WROs) and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs)
  2. Evaluate existing barriers to women’s economic participation, including childcare access, transportation, and legal frameworks.
  3. Gather data that will serve as a reference point for measuring progress throughout the project.

3. Scope of the Baseline Assessment

With more than 20 years of experience, Kvinna till Kvinna has developed a thorough expertise in project management and monitoring systems, including efficient financial control and method development. This baseline data collection exercise at the start of the Action is meant to inform the action log frame.

Kvinna till Kvinna is advertising this consultancy opportunity, to identify a consultant to design and conduct the baseline survey for the Action to enhance learning and strengthen objectivity. The results will be gathered in a report and shared with the EU as well as all other relevant participants and stakeholders. Below we detail the proposed elements of this assessment:

  • Quantitative Analysis: Collect and analyze data on women’s employment rates, participation in civil society, and prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV).
  • Qualitative Analysis: Conduct interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders, including WROs, WHRDs, community leaders, and beneficiaries.
  • Policy Review: Analyze existing laws and policies affecting women’s rights and gender equality in Jordan, identifying gaps and areas for reform.
  • Capacity Assessment: Evaluate the current capacity of local organizations to advocate for women’s rights and implement gender-sensitive programs.

4. The Key Deliverables

The assessment should be structured around the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria and the additional criteria including gender sensitivity and inclusivenessprotection mainstreamingaccountabilityconflict sensitivity, and do-no-harm programming. The consultant will be expected to deliver the following deliverables:

  • Inception Report.
    The inception report must include findings from the desk review, a baseline evaluation matrix, a detailed workplan, procedures for data collection, analysis, sampling, and the data collection tools. The inception report and data collection tools both need to be approved by Kvinna till Kvinna before the start of data collection.
  • Draft Report.
    The draft report should structurally mimic the final report as agreed with Kvinna till Kvinna and include data analysis, initial findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • Final Report.

    In the final report the feedback on the draft report needs to be addressed. The final report will focus (and not limited to) on presenting the following aspects:

  • Current status of gender equality in Jordan.
  • Identification of key barriers to women’s participation and rights.
  • Recommendations for capacity-building initiatives for local organizations.
  • A framework for ongoing monitoring and evaluation throughout the project.

    The Final Report will be a maximum of 40 pages (Excluding executive Summary and Annexes) and consist of the following sections at a minimum:

  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary
  • Intervention description
  • Scope of the assessment
  • Purpose and objectives of the assessment
  • Methodology
  • Findings
  • Lessons learnt
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations
  • Annexes – photos, human stories, final research tools, bibliography of secondary data used, and a list of persons interviewed.
  • Alongside theBaseline report the consultant will provide the raw data.

5. Presentation or Learning Session.

  • The consultant is required to develop a presentation or learning session with selected stakeholders to present findings and recommendations.

6. Methodology

The consultant is expected to determine the methodological approach for the baseline assessment of the project. The methodology should be further detailed in the inception report and will be approved by Kvinna till Kvinna, including the research tools.

  • The consultant is expected to use and review existing project documents prior to the survey design. These documents include the project proposal and logframe, planning, and monitoring reports, policies and strategies, and any other relevant project document.
  • A mixed research methodology is preferred, which includes the collection of qualitative and quantitative data through surveys, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and document review. Participatory research methods are encouraged.
  • The consultant must consider participants’ safety throughout the assessment (including recruitment and training of research staff, data collection/analysis, and report writing) as well as research ethics (Confidentiality of those participating in the evaluation, data protection, age, and ability-appropriate assent processes) and quality assurance (tools piloting, enumerators training, data cleaning). The consultant should ensure prior informed consent for participation in the survey and for any picture being taken.
  • Triangulation of data is important. Therefore, the consultant is expected to use multiple data sources to allow for the verification of results.
  • The sample size must be statistically representative of the target population. The Baseline bteam should ensure that people from different groups targeted by the project, including people with disabilities, different genders, and age categories, are included in the sample size. The analysis among others should be disaggregated by governorate, gender, age, and disability.
  • Field work is mandatory. The consultant/consultancy team will undertake field visits to the project implementation areas to collect primary data from a variety of stakeholders, including local authorities and target groups. Participation of stakeholders in the assessment should be maintained at all times, reflecting opinions, expectations, and visions about the contribution of the project towards the achievement of its objectives.
  • The consultant is expected to be aware of and understand political sensitivities, consult Kvinna till Kvinna regularly, and adapt the evaluation approach if needed. Kvinna till Kvinna will inform the consultant about the accessibility and security situation of the project target areas before starting of the field data collection exercise and will agree with the consultant on feasible ways of data collection. The consultant should consider mitigation measures if project locations are deemed inaccessible.

6. Budget

Interested consultants are required to provide a budget including travel costs, number of working days per specific activity, daily rate including taxes, social security contributions, and VAT, and any other costs. The tender shall state the total value of tender, including all expenses such as telephone, internet, or postage, expenses for travel related to the assignment. Kvinna till Kvinna will cover no costs outside the tender. Contracted consultants cannot further subcontract the assignment without prior approval. In cases where the tender includes a team of consultants, their division of work shall be presented.

7. Required Qualifications

The specific requirements for this assignment are hands-on experience in evaluating international development cooperation interventions implemented by international and national civil society organisations, and experience in evaluating multi-sectoral with preference for previous experience in conducting baseline assessments and analysis for EU Projects.

Additional required qualifications are detailed below.

  • At least a master’s degree in economics, developmental studies, business administration, and social science or a related field for the lead consultant with 5 years experience/a minimum of bachelor’s degree in the relevant academic areas with 7 years of progressive experience in research.Extensive experience in research work and in the establishment of monitoring and evaluation frameworks and baseline with a proven track record. Knowledge of mixed research methodologies and application of various tools including practical experience in assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of humanitarian and development interventions. Proven experience of using participatory methods is required.
  • Documented experience of international development cooperation
  • Excellent knowledge of women’s rights and relating issues (Gender Based Violence and Women Economic Empowerment)
  • Knowledge and experience on gender equality, empowerment, and development, human rights, or other related disciplines, including at the international level
  • Understanding of and experience in cross-cutting themes, including gender equality, accountability, and conflict sensitivity / do-no-harm.
  • Knowledge about the context, civil society, and the situation of women’s rights in Jordan and previous work experience in Jordan, especially with refugee populations are required.
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills with skills .
  • Fluent in English and Arabic. Staff responsible for data collection need to be at least fluent in Arabic.
  • Cultural awareness and the ability to operate in politically complex and sensitive environments are required.
  • An experienced protection/safeguarding person should be included as part of the team.
  • Willing and able to travel to and work in the project locations inside Jordan.

How to apply

Individuals/firms that meet the above requirements should submit the following items in their application to Kvinna till Kvinna, at Email, by 23rd of January COB.

  1. Technical Proposal detailing the approach, methodology and work plan of the assignment (max. 10 pages). The technical proposal should only cover the baseline assessment with express interest, availability and capacity to collect the data.
  2. Financial Proposal including daily rates in Euro with detailed breakdown including travel costs, number of working days per specific activity, daily rate, any other costs and payment method.
  3. CV of the lead consultant and contact details of two professional referees. If the consultant works with a team, CV’s from team members should be included as well.
  4. Copies of at least 2 (two) similar assignments done in the last 3 years.
  5. Firms based/registered in Jordan must produce an operating license.
  6. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview.

Annex A

Summary of the Project Activities per Output:

  • Output 1: Support helpline program (psychosocial and legal services) that is directly helping women who are experiencing violence. It is a permanent program for the implementing agencies, not just an activity, the direct results can be measured by the number of women who benefit from these services, where the implementing agencies developed a program that is having a long-term impact on their lives starting from the psychosocial support services to the life skills and vocational training that enables economic independence and enhance their abilities to take decision-related to their life’s.
  • Output 2: Women are more present in public life through access to quality childcare provision and safe and reliable transportation, and policy recommendations are in place to enhance access to day-cares, it is the assumption that a more inclusive gender-equal society will thrive by firstly, increasing women’s access and participation in the economy through increasing the availability of affordability of high-quality daycares in Jordan through capacity building, and advocacy for better financing by the government. Secondly, by improving the accessibility and affordability of public transportation for women through activating the National Framework for Gender Sensitive Transport and the Transport Support Fund.
  • Output 3: Increased awareness and outreach activities among women about confronting violence through courses that address digital violence and dealing with sexual harassment, forms will be developed to measure the impact of these courses and will be analyzed by the JWU documentation center, as there is previous knowledge that these sessions have multiple effects and will further have an influence on:
  • As JWU works on amending laws that discriminate against women through the establishment of National and regional coalitions, understanding women’s issues and the context in our area will be the source of data and evidence to support the advocacy efforts.
  • Based on JWU data, women who attend these sessions will request access to available protection services, leading to an increase in their utilization. They will also share this information with other women in need of such services.
  • Part of the women attending these sessions will ask to be a member of JWU’s general assembly, which will increase accessibility to community services and civil society engagement, especially in rural areas.
  • SADAQA will ensure the instilling of a feminist perspective amongst young people through sharing knowledge on Labour Law and Social Security Law but also on feminist economics and its relation to care work and the care economy.
  • Output 4: Develop an amendment proposal for the Domestic Violence Protection Law that requires multiple stages:
  • The protection available mechanisms are insufficient from the implementing agencies’ perspective and from the perspective of the abused women whose freedoms are subject to interference by other parties. Therefore, the Jordanian government has issued a law titled “Protection from Domestic Violence.” However, it has not brought significant changes to women’s lives. The law did not abolish male guardianship but rather relied on reconciliation instead of protection, which has led many abused women back into abusive situations without providing protection for them. Therefore, this project aims to draft a law specifically to provide protection for women, not for all family members. The target audience includes decision-makers, specifically government and semi-governmental entities that issue laws. In the first stage, sub-objectives are developed for the amendment development.
  • One will be to highlight the gaps in the current law that fails to protect abused women. Some articles dedicate violence against women through the process of reconciliation instead of providing protection. Officials in Jordan believe that this law preserves the family traditions, thus target audience includes the legal implementing parties in the governmental institutions, such as the Family Protection Unit, and other stakeholders that are involved, such as other relevant ministries.
  • The aim is to change their perspective on the law by sharing personal testimonies of women who have suffered from the gaps on the protection that came from the law and the law implementation. The expected immediate result, which sets the foundation for our demands is their understanding that demands in the amendment are based on experiences lived by women that the law have been unable to provide them with protection.
  • Output 5: Capacity building of local community-based organisations (CBOs), the implementing agencies aim to strengthen national coalitions among women’s organizations working in the field. In all the theoretical training sessions related to adopting a feminist rights discourse, the implementing agencies aim to train CBOs on international conventions that work as references for human rights organizations when advocating for legal amendments. Additionally, the implementing agencies will focus on promoting international standards of human rights and the feminist rights vision regarding women’s issues and their equal rights. In the short term, this will result in finding the gaps between their mandates and the human rights and women’s rights standards. In the long term, the implementing agencies expect modifications in the organizations’ plans and programs to align their vision and plans toward these standards. There is an indirect impact on the individual trainee’s level, as the implementing agencies aim witnessed as expressed by them on multiple occasions, with changes in their perspectives towards gender equality and equal rights between women and men.
  • Output 6: Skills in addressing WHOs and WHRDs shrinking space. Kvinna till Kvinna provides support in capacity building through its broadened tools and targets in capacity development to adapt to new challenges in contexts of shrinking civic space (for example focused extensively on partners’ safety and security). The capacity-building components of this Action will increase the target groups’ effectiveness by increasing their capacity for analysis, monitoring, and advocacy as well as networking, organizing, alliance-building, and involvement in influencing policy and law-making processes to stop violence against women and for a more inclusive sustainable environment for WHOs and WHRDs in society.

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