The recent conflicts in Iraq led to large scale recruitment of children by ISIS group, and a number of these children are still detained by relevant authorities. Some children deprived of liberty may have committed acts of violence while simultaneously being victims of ISIS. Mental health issues observed in juvenile facilities show high rates of trauma related disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies and aggressive behavior. The majority of children deprived of their liberty are also generally treated with suspicion / stigma, which creates barriers to their reintegration, no matter the crime they might or might not have committed. Tdh aims to provide support to children, youth and their communities who have been used by armed groups through an innovative pilot project combining Tdh’s expertise in providing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services with the development of an approach to addressing violent behavior and trauma in youth, due to grooming by violent groups, to enable youth to strengthen their resilience and move forward with their lives as peaceful, independent and active members of society. Awareness work with the communities on social cohesion will help the youth reintegrate into the society and help them reconcile with their families. Tdh’s approach to Juvenile Justice and Child Protection is strongly based on child protection system strengthening and community empowerment strategies as well as child/youth participation.
The objective of this consultancy is to guide and advice Tdh in its risk analysis and interventions model to support the Mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of children and youth in juvenile facilities, particularly children and youth convicted or accused of terrorism-related offences, within the interventions in the juvenile facilities and aiming at successful reintegration.
Home based with travel to Iraq if possible (meet juvenile facilities manager, representative of the juvenile department of the MoJ, judicial stakeholders, partners and workshops with Tdh staff)
The consultancy is expected to take place between October 2021 and March 2022
Content of the consultancy:
Develop a risk analysis / do no Harm matrix for providing MHPSS activities for children and youth in juvenile facilities (at each level of the IASC pyramid) – linked to concerns of counter terrorism- national security framework) and in line with Tdh’s program objectives.
Carry out detailed risks analysis with Tdh teams to identify risks and identify mitigation measures
Carry out consultation with relevant stakeholders and key actors (see below. Consultation with children and youth is not foreseen to be possible to guarantee do harm)
Provide a detailed risks analysis based on the elements above
The risks analysis should aim at responding to the following questions (not exhaustive) _
o Given the situation in the juvenile facilities centers and context, what risks could arise for children in detention if being provided the 4 different level of MHPSS support (aiming at ensuring wellbeing and dignity in detention as the ground foundations for the reintegration plan.
o What are the risks for the different stakeholders linked to these activities (prison staff and management and NGO staff)?
o What are the risk linked to existing and potential roles and responsibilities of different stakeholder involved in providing MHPSS (Tdh / detention staff))?
o What legal frameworks and information sharing/confidentiality protocols and practices exist and how do these impact the risks linked with MHPSS activities/interventions in juvenile center? What should be done on this aspect by Tdh?
Identify mitigation measures and red flag to ensure safety of children and other stakeholders for each level risk (linked with context and resources)
Provide recommendations for Tdh in terms of future MHPSS support interventions in juvenile facilities for children accused of or convicted of “terrorism”;
o What recommended MHPSS intervention as per the outcome of the risk analysis (for immediate implementation) at the different IASC levels? what should be the priorities? Who should be leading on these activities? with what Approaches? Are there any Prerequisite?
o What recommendation for Tdh Road map towards supporting MH in juvenile facilities strategy in order to answer to MHPSS needs of children and support reintegration of children? (tdh / detention center)
· Matrix for assessing risk for all MHPSS levels of intervention in juvenile facilities ( in link with the context)
· Guidance for using risk analysis tool for further use
· data collection/interview tools
· Recommendations for MHPSS types of interventions aiming at successful reintegration (Risk analysis report – good practices- recommendations) – in light of risk analysis
· Road map for Tdh’s longer term interventions and strategy to support mental health of youth in juvenile centers in order to support successful reintegration, responding to/mitigating some the risks/limitations identified (by the above deliverables).
Desk review: Do no harm principle linked to MHPSS interventions (Project/programme documents; Relevant country strategies; child safeguarding policy and embeded do no harm commitment)
Consultations with external partners
· Other Organization with expertise on working on MHPSS/ detention (ICRC)
· Other external expertise on CP / CAFAAG / MHPSS; UNICEF/ Alliance/CPC
Consultations with Tdh team in Iraq
· Tdh lay counsellors/ tdh social workers / tdh management
Consultations with Tdh team in Iraq
Consultation with detention centre actors
· Detention staff (monitors, guards, social work, supervisors, management staff)
· Former detained children interviews
· Children in detention
Collaborative work
· Workshop with Tdh team for risks analysis; mitigation measures and recommendations
· Submission of draft and review
· Regular discussion with Tdh technical focal point for this consultancy
Activities to be considered and cost:
The consultancy is expected to include the following components:
-Inception : 1.5 days
-Desk review : 3 days
-development of interview/workshop tools : 1.5 days
-Consultations with other actors : 2 days
-Internal consultations and workshops ( and preparation) : 15-20 days
-Discussion with Tdh technical focal points : 1.5 days
-Development of risk matrix and guidance : 2 days
-Risk matrix and analysis : 2 days
-Recommendations (2 levels, short and long term) : 3 days
-Report : 3 days
-Road map for longer term interventions and strategy : 3 days
-Presentation to Tdh teams : 1.5 days
-Total : 44 days days
-Potential cost for consultancy days only : 18 000 CHF
· University degree in Psychology, social sciences or law
· Strong expertise and experience in MHPSS, ideally in similar contexts
· Desired experience working in detention centers as social worker or providing MHPSS services
· Experience of or knowledge of humanitarian and/or development contexts
· Expertise in either child safeguarding, risks analysis or operationalization of do no Harm
· Knowledge of, experience in or strong knowledge of or therapeutic/ethical/confidentiality principles within MHPSS and therapeutic approaches.
· Demonstrated experience/knowledge of mental health considerations and best practices related to the treatment for war victims is required
· Knowledge of MHPSS global guidelines and best practices. Experience in MHPSS with children and adolescents preferred
· Excellent English communication (quality writing and presentation)
· Ability to conduct high quality programmatic products, meet deadlines and respond to request and feedback provided timely and appropriately
· Respect for institutional values, processes, and rules
· Mastery of the basic computer tools (Word, Xcel, PPT, etc.)
How to apply
Interested consultants that meet the requirements should submit expression of interest, which should include the following:
Updated CV
Cover letter including the consultant’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information. It is necessary to highlight the availability of a registration under consultant status or equivalent (max. 1 page).
2 samples of previous similar work.
CVs are processed on rolling basis and interested candidates are highly recommended to apply ASAP
Payment(s) will be made upon completion of deliverable.
The post holder is polite, respectful, honest, punctual, creative, proactive, committed and – during office hours – non-political. S/he is in constant exchange with colleagues and supervisors, communicates problems and enriches discussions. S/he treats people of different religion, age, sex, and economic status appropriate and equally and actively ensures their wellbeing and raises his/her voice when required. S/he is willing to improve own capacities and is open for all topics Tdh is working on to actively contribute to a comprehensive programme implementation.
S/he uses Tdh equipment, vehicles and premises, internet and electricity economically and responsibly. S/he positively represents Tdh to beneficiaries, stake holders and the general public.
Global Code of Conduct:
The post holder complies with Tdh Global Code of Conduct, of which the Child Safeguarding Policy and Policy on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Safety Policy and Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy.
S/he abides by these standards and reports any breach or suspected breach observed in the framework of this policy during his/her professional activities.