Consultancy for training in barrier analyses in Burkina Faso and Mali At Norwegian Refugee Council

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These terms of reference aim to frame the recruitment conditions and the consistency of the mission of a consultant to contribute to the training of staff and the realization of barrier studies in Mali and Burkina Faso. This will help to guide the activities of 02 NRC projects funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Bureau for Humanitarian Aid (BHA). The consultancy focuses on strengthening the capacities of NRC staff in both countries on barrier analysis followed by the realization of barrier studies. An option for remote support of field teams in the medium term is possible. The recruitment process of the international consultant will be done in collaboration with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Regional Office in Dakar, Senegal.

  1. Context

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an international non-governmental organization under Norwegian law established in 1946 and whose framework agreement with the governments of Burkina Faso and Mali was signed to work to protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people affected by population displacement caused by humanitarian crises. Through multi-sectoral programs, NRC provides assistance to meet immediate humanitarian needs in order to save the lives of displaced people and contribute to finding durable solutions.

Despite the multiple water, hygiene and sanitation (WaSH) projects implemented by humanitarian actors to improve the living conditions of populations in general and vulnerable people affected by humanitarian shocks in particular, many displaced sites and host communities in both countries lack access to drinking water and quality and sustainable sanitation and hygiene facilities, and the adoption of good hygiene practices is far from being a reality.

According to the results of a multi-sectoral assessment and an after-action review (AAR) carried out by NRC Mali in 2022-2023, payment for water services by beneficiaries is either non-existent in most cases or insufficient in other cases, which directly contributes to the repetitive breakdowns observed and the delay/lack of repair of water points. On the other hand, the management of menstrual hygiene in Mali remains a taboo subject and difficult to master, the implementation of which requires a deep understanding of different aspects. However, the mechanisms and processes of community and institutional governance of the water and sanitation sector remain a complex challenge and deserve special and strategic attention. In Burkina Faso, water point management committees are difficult to sustain and the latrines built are not always used.

2. Justification

Governance in the water, sanitation and good hygiene practices sector in the context of humanitarian and resilience projects remains a real challenge for humanitarian actors in both countries. This operational, structural and cyclical problem does not make it easy to guarantee the autonomous and sustainable management of infrastructure and the adoption of good hygiene practices. There is a real need to understand in depth the factors underlying these constraints and to identify the key people and actors who could help us. However, our field teams are not trained in the method of analyzing barriers and facilitators.

This term of reference defines the objectives, scope or consistency of the services of the consultant as well as the methodological approaches, and the expected results of the service. in order to ensure a structured and methodological approach to identify barriers in terms of operational gaps or bottlenecks and formulate strategies aimed at optimizing the efficiency of community structures in the management of infrastructures in order to promote good practices in the autonomous management and sustainability of water and sanitation infrastructures and improve good hygiene practices.

In the current context of the humanitarian emergency, community governance of community management of latrines and water points in all areas targeted by the 2 BHA projects presents real challenges in terms of functionality. The recurring problems encountered are common such as the lack of maintenance and upkeep of the structures, the inadequacy of financial resources due to lack of fund recovery, low community involvement, low involvement of municipalities, poor use of latrines and water points, the non-functionality of Water User Associations (WUAs), the non-application of the Framework Document for the management of the public drinking water service in rural areas in Burkina Faso and finally the inability of ONEA to cover water demands in urban areas within its territorial jurisdiction. The relevance of this study is to identify specific barriers and levers for action as well as influential people to make things change.

It is expected that the teams, once formed, will be able to replicate the methodology at other barriers.

The consultant will have to travel to both countries to train the teams separately. For cost saving reasons on transportation costs, the 2 visits will be done back to back. The same methodology will be applied in both countries.

3. Objectives

General objective: WASH teams in the field, in Mali and Burkina Faso are trained and autonomous in carrying out barrier studies and are able to analyze the results, draw conclusions and adapt their operational strategy. It is expected that the teams, once trained, will be able to replicate the methodology to other barriers.

The consultant will have to travel to both countries to train the teams separately. For cost saving reasons on transportation costs, the 2 visits will be done back to back. The same methodology will be applied in both countries.

Specific objectives:

  1. For each country, train field teams in the use of the barrier analysis tool. Training will be both theoretical and practical.
  2. For each country, carry out 2 barrier analyses with the teams in the field (Design of questionnaires, data collection)
  3. For each country, organize a workshop to analyze the results and identify recommendations and strategic directions while challenging the methodologies and tools currently used. All this will be consolidated in a report.
  4. Provide a remote “hotline” to provide support on demand, if needed.

4. Topics to be covered and study questions

The study will address different themes depending on the country as detailed in the table below.

Burkina Faso

  1. Sustainable management of water and sanitation works
  2. Using latrines and stopping open defecation


  1. Payment for drinking water supply services
  2. Menstrual hygiene management

And more specifically, the consultancy will focus on conducting a formative study aimed at identifying the determinants of the influencer groups and other factors that influence target behaviors, both the barriers and the factors that promote these behaviors. The consultancy will notably help our staff to answer the following questions:

  1. Are current awareness methods adequate? What are good practices? What modifications or training are needed to improve teams’ behavior change skills and methodologies?
  2. What are the current barriers (physical, social, religious, economic and cultural barriers (e.g. cost, social norms, poor infrastructure) that hinder the adoption of key hygiene, sanitation and drinking water behaviours? Are these barriers or needs different for men, women, girls/adolescent girls, boys, authorities and vulnerable groups, and to what extent?
  3. What are the factors, motivations, influencers or positive elements that facilitate the implementation? To what extent do the perceptions of men, women, girls, boys, authorities and vulnerable groups have aspects that facilitate behaviors? What are the suggestions for improvement or solutions proposed by users?
  4. How can the results of the study be used to translate them into concrete activities that will strengthen the positive levers/aspects, and reduce the barriers that hinder the practice? Are there populations/groups that require special attention or different modalities when carrying out activities aimed at changing behavior? (eg women/men, people with disabilities, young children, adolescent girls, ethnic groups, etc.)

    5. Scope of the Study

The study will be carried out initially in Burkina Faso and subsequently in Mali and the areas concerned are as follows:

For Burkina Faso:

  • The training will take place in Fada in the East which is safely accessible and the precise area of ​​data collection will be definitively defined in due course taking into account security restrictions.
  • Target groups : Displaced persons, host communities, water and sanitation infrastructure management committees, WaSH actors and local authorities (DREA/DPEA, Town Halls, ONEA, etc.);
  • 12 staffs will participate in the training for the BF .

For Mali:

The project targeted by the study is implemented in the Gao region in the North of the country. The expected location for the training and the barrier study is Bamako but this could change and hold the activity in Gao.

If the training is held in Bamako

  • Training: 5 staff members
    • Barrier analysis in villages/neighborhoods surrounding Bamako

If the training is held in Gao

  • Training: 5 staff members
    • Barrier analysis in the project intervention area in the city of Gao
    • Include two days of travel (1 out and 1 return) from/to Bamako

6. Methodological approaches

The consultancy will take place in five phases: (1) Preparatory phase; (2) Capacity building phase for staff on the theoretical bases of formative research (3) Practical formative research; (4) Reporting and development of tools; (5) Remote support

6.1 Preparatory phase

Once the contract with the consultant is signed, this phase will essentially consist of developing the tools and the methodological approach. Three deliverables are expected:

  • The ToRs detailing the approach that the consultant will follow to achieve the objectives and results
    • French language training module
    • Data collection and analysis tools

All these deliverables will be presented to the people concerned and will undergo one of the possible revisions before their validation and moving on to the next stage.

This preparatory phase will take place at the consultant’s home following a prior meeting with the two countries concerned.

6.2 Capacity building phase for staff on formative research theories

Training on formative research theories will be held successively in Burkina Faso and Mali for staff from two organizations and in the aforementioned locations. The consultant may combine different approaches to allow participants to assimilate as much as possible the theories underlying formative research. The training could use for example: presentations, practical exercises, videos, etc. At the end of this training, staff must master the following:

  • How to formulate formative research questions
  • Identify determinants and a practitioner/non-practitioner assessment
  • Design of data collection tools, data collection and analysis
  • Designing a framework for behavior change
  • Monitoring the behavior change strategy
  • Etc.

The theoretical training will have to be based on the first barrier analysis that will be carried out. It is expected that at the end of the theoretical sessions, all the tools and methodology will be in place to carry out the data collection training in the field. At the end of the training workshop, a practical simulation exercise on a barrier will be led by the consultant to allow the project team to better appropriate the tools put in place. To be reviewed by the consultant, but it is anticipated that the theory could last five days and 3 days for data collection in the field.

This phase will take place in Bamako for Mali and in Ouagadougou for Burkina Faso.

6.3 Carrying out a 2nd barrier analysis

In order to reinforce the acquired knowledge, a second barrier analysis will be done on the 2nd behavior. However, the tools as well as the organization and collection of information will be done by the learners under the supervision of the consultant. Thus, the participants in the training will have the opportunity to practice the theories learned under the guidance of the consultant. It will include the following steps

  • Design of questionnaires for “Doer” and “Non-Doer”
  • Field data collection (approximately 2 days): field surveys, semi-structured interviews with management committee members, focus group discussions with communities and local stakeholders, discussion with government WASH departments and direct on-site observations. The consultant will also use secondary data through a literature review of existing literature and similar case studies to identify best practices.
  • This phase will take place in Bamako for Mali and either in Bamako or Gao for Burkina Faso. The choice of location in Burkina Faso will be made following an analysis of the security context.

6.4 Data analysis: for this purpose, a 2-day workshop on the analysis of data collected in the field will be organized to allow staff to analyze the results and propose methodological recommendations and tools in order to propose an optimal response strategy to have maximum impact. This phase will take place in Bamako for Mali and either in Bamako or Fada for Burkina Faso. The choice of location in Burkina Faso will be made following an analysis of the security context at the time of the visit.

6.5 Reporting

This activity aims to teach participants how to synthesize the data obtained and produce a report consistent with the recommendations and a clear response framework. The consultant will have to develop a reporting framework that he/she will present to the participants and will guide them in producing a quality report.

  • This phase will take place in Bamako for Mali and either in Bamako or Fada for Burkina Faso. The choice of location in Burkina Faso will be made following an analysis of the security context.

6.6 Remote support

Depending on the needs expressed by a particular country, the consultant may be called upon to provide remote support during the implementation of other barrier studies on the ground. In this particular case, contact will be made bilaterally between this country and the consultant to refine the terms of collaboration.

This ‘hotline’ will be operational throughout the eligibility period for BHA funding. Namely until September 2026 for Mali and until August 2025 for Burkina Faso. In the event of an amendment with the lessor postponing the end of the contract, the eligibility period may be extended.

7. Functions and Responsibilities of NRC

NRC’s duties for this training service for its staff include accommodation in Guest House if available or in a hotel within each country, provision of documents necessary for obtaining visas, organization of travel within the country, assistance with workshops, etc. NRC undertakes to cover the entire costs relating to the organization of the workshop (room rental, catering i.e. coffee break and lunch as well as the provision of workshop materials). However, international transport costs, insurance, visas, food expenses etc. are the responsibility of the consultant.

8. Deliverables

  • Terms of reference of the activity
  • French language training module with all the study tools: data collection sheet, data entry and analysis mask, etc.
  • Capacity building of key NRC staff involved in the implementation of WASH projects
  • Formative research on barriers affecting the identified themes
  • A data analysis and a behavior change framework with clear implementation strategies
  • Mapping and prioritization of barriers: Visual representation of identified obstacles, with critical points and areas requiring special attention
  • A barrier study report which clearly highlights the recommendations or concrete points of the areas for improvement;
  • A brief guidance note on how the NRC WaSH team could conduct the barrier study in a practical manner;
  • Capacity Building Plan: Proposals to train and strengthen the skills of management structures and promote community empowerment;
  • Sustainability Guide: Identification of long-term strategies for the sustainable management of water and sanitation infrastructure.
  • A global report of the consultancy

9. Profile of the Consultant in charge of the study

This consultancy is open both internationally and within Mali and Burkina Faso. Applicants must have the necessary qualifications for researchers and consultants involved, with expertise in WASH, community development, development sociology and statistical and socio-economic analysis of databases. The candidate must demonstrate similar experience successfully carried out and this with renowned humanitarian organizations.

The consultant will have to:

  • Training in public health, or social sciences/psychosocial field, other relevant discipline
  • Have expertise in WASH, community development, sociological analysis, and statistical processing, rural engineering, sanitary and environmental engineering and other related sectors;
  • Present experience in at least two (2) similar markets, including at least one as a Principal Consultant
  • Significant experience in program coordination, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; Good communication skills and experience in facilitating workshops;
  • Present proven experience in the field of barrier studies;
  • Ability to write clear and useful reports (may be asked to provide examples of previous work)
  • Ability to manage time and available resources and work to tight deadlines Understanding of the social, economic and religious context in Mali and Burkina Faso would be an added advantage.

10. Calendar

The total duration of the consultancy will depend on the budget. It will be the responsibility of the consultant to rearrange the activities and make a coherent schedule allowing him/her to achieve the objectives targeted during this specified period. The consultancy days do not include travel days, days worked before the validation of the preliminary phase or weekend days if there are any. It is anticipated that the consultancy will begin in mid-February 2025 and will start in Burkina Faso immediately afterwards. The hotline will depend on the eligibility period of the projects that finance this service.

11. Conditions and procedures for submitting the offer and the evaluation criteria

The conditions of these terms of reference will guide the study by ensuring clarity of objectives, a rigorous methodology, and practical recommendations for community management structures.

Offers will be submitted in French.

The consultant will submit a technical offer (elements for understanding the ToR, implementation methodology, etc.) as well as a timetable for the activities.

A. Plan of the technical offer to be submitted:

  1. Be in good standing with the administration (provide the necessary administrative documents);
  2. Letter of submission signed by the legal representative and sealed;
  3. The declaration of integrity signed by the legal representative and sealed (see appendix);
  4. Consultant experience (CV, certified copy of latest diploma obtained, certificate of successful completion, work certificates, bibliographical references, etc.);
  5. Description of the approach, methodology: understanding of the mission objectives and ToRs, technical approach and methodology adopted (sampling, animation tools, etc.);
  6. Work programme: implementation of the main activities/tasks of the mission, content and duration, mission timetable.
  7. Contacts of at least 2 references from renowned international organizations for similar services

    B. Financial offer

A financial offer will be attached to the request, including all costs related to the mission (fees, travel, costs of organizing workshops or meetings, supplies, communication costs, etc.).

C. Criteria for evaluating offers

  • Technical offer meeting the expectations of the study: understanding of the objectives, a clear methodology, an implementation schedule, proposals for improvements which do not appear in this ToR document, etc. (30%)
  • Consultant profile: CV, qualifications, training certificates, etc. (20%)
  • References for at least 2 similar studies (20%)
  • Competitive, clear and realistic financial offer (30%)

How to apply

Tender documents:

Download the complete specifications and call for tenders with detailed instructions HERE .

For any questions or clarifications regarding this call for tender please contact:

Submission of files:

All offers must be submitted no later than 16:00 (Senegal time) on 03 February 2025 to the above address at the NRC office in Dakar or to the following email address: .

No offers will be accepted after this deadline.

  • This job has expired!
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