Consultancy Services for Improving the Institutional Capability for Flood Infrastructure Management And Early Warning Through The Establishment GTU. At Government of Somalia

Typically, discussions surrounding climate-resilient water resource management centre on equipping communities utilizing water resources in a catchment area or river basin with the capacity to adapt to the detrimental impacts of extreme conditions, such as floods and droughts, induced by climate change. According to the findings of the Shabelle Basin Diagnostic exercise, instances of flood and drought-related disasters have tripled over the past 30 years compared to the preceding three decades. These disasters consistently impact the entire catchment area along the Juba and Shabelle rivers.

The response to the challenges outlined in the preceding paragraph is hindered by a lack of the necessary capacity to translate existing strategies into actionable measures. Moreover, the existing coordination structures fail to ensure effective collaboration among stakeholders.

In light of this understanding, GIZ is executing the multi-donor initiative “Climate-resilient Water Resource Management in Somalia,” (CrWRM) jointly financed by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in partnership with the Somali Federal Ministry of Energy and Water Resources. The objective of the initiative is to enhance systemic resilience to climate change and food crises in Somalia by enhancing the implementation of climate-resilient water resources management in the Juba and Shabelle river basins.

To achieve this goal, the project integrates the strengthening of institutional capacities of partner organizations at both federal and federal member state levels, alongside the acquisition of practical skills, with the demonstration and implementation of tangible measures on the ground to enhance climate-resilient water resources management in the Juba and Shabelle river basins. The project consists of four Outputs:

Output 1 focuses on institutional strengthening to enhance the technical and managerial capacities of federal-level and federal member state institutions in climate-resilient water resources management.

Output 2 aims to strengthen the capacities of federal member states and local actors in maintaining flood protection structures and implementing flood early warning systems along the Juba and Shabelle rivers.

Output 3 aims to enhance access to innovative approaches for expanding the usable water supply through appropriate methods of water storage, distribution, and application.

Output 4 targets gender-transformative approaches to increase women’s competencies in the productive use of water resources.

The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MoEWR) serves as the political partner of the project. However, MoEWR itself faces capacity challenges that impede the achievement of the project’s overarching goals. These challenges predominantly relate to office infrastructure, equipment, furniture, and the need for further exposure, training, and sensitization of staff on topics related to climate change and resilience in water resource management.

Based on these deficiencies, MoEWR proposes to secure funding to implement institutional capacity measures contributing to Output 1 and Output 2 of the CrWRM project. These measures include the establishment of a Geospatial Technology Unit and will encompass training and exposure for project staff, provision of equipment and furniture to provide conducive working spaces.

Through this initiative, the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MoEWR) aims to achieve the following:

Measure 1: The integration of Geospatial Technology into Climate-resilient Water Resource Management serves as a tangible initiative actionable within the regional water action plans for Jubaland, Hirshabelle, and South-West States


  1. Develop a web-based platform for sharing geospatial data and analysis results among stakeholders.
  2. Implement pilot projects showcasing the benefits of integrating geospatial technology into water resource management in selected communities.
  3. Establish partnerships with Jubaland, Hirshabelle and South-West states for geospatial technology initiatives in water resource management.

Measure 2: Enhance the expertise of the ministry.


  1. Basic GIS and remote sensing training workshops covering software usage, data management, and basic analysis techniques.
  2. Field trips to the Juba and Shabelle river catchment areas for data collection, GPS mapping, and site visits.
  3. Regular review meetings and progress assessments to track the learning outcomes and effectiveness of the training program.

Measure 3: Supply essential geospatial technology equipment to support the establishment of the geospatial technology unit.


  1. Research and select reputable vendors.
  2. Develop detailed specifications for each piece of equipment.
  3. Initiate the procurement process following established guidelines.
  4. Test and evaluate procured equipment for quality assurance.
  5. Coordinate installation and integration with technical experts.
  6. Monitor performance and solicit feedback for continuous improvement.

Measure 4: Furnishing the Geospatial Technology Unit (GTU)


  • Identify furniture requirements based on office layout and functionality.
  • Select furniture that meets ergonomic standards and enhances productivity.
  • Ensure aesthetic appeal and compatibility with office decor.

How to apply

Technical Proposal should be delivered (by e-mail) to the address below by 30th June 2024 at 4.00 pm. Somalia local time.

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