Consultancy to Conduct Final Project Evaluation LEARN Phase III At Solidarités International

Deadline to respond to the consultancy : by end of 27 th January 2023 (UTC+3)

Start Date: March 2023

End Date: April 2023

Location: Syria Mission


Over its third phase, the LEARN Consortium has maintained a response strategy focusing on assistance for the most vulnerable populations in Northeast Syria (NES), leveraging its geographical reach to cover otherwise underserved areas, and its integrated and multi-sectoral approach to provide WASH, protection, shelter, Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), Economic Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS), and health services. LEARN has enhanced its role as a strategic actor and supporter of the humanitarian architecture in NES through leadership in the WASH, Health, Protection, Nutrition, Shelter Non-Food Items (SNFI) and Operations and Support working groups, as well as the Gender Based Violence (GBV) sub-working group.

LEARN has continued, in Phase III, to further leverage its complementary and collaborative approaches between partners e.g. partners’ complementary program designs across all sectors (specifically livelihoods and shelter). LEARN has expanded its Cell-Based Approach (CBA) (the area-based approach of understanding wider community needs and their relationship to public health, and directing LEARN’s resources to meet those needs) to reflect more broadly the prevention of public health risks through community-based needs analysis and is looking to introduce elements of a neighborhood approach in urban settings, pushing integration one step further. LEARN has maintained its coordinated and timely Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) enabling LEARN to respond to acute shocks across the whole of NES.

LEARN operates under a coordinated structure building on established and strong relationships with local authorities and civil councils across NES. It is designed to be agile and responsive to the rapidly changing context, using its flexibility to constantly adapt programs and reallocate resources where required. Rooted in the communities, the consortium network ensures a proactive operational approach, based on early warning and sound contextual analysis. The consortium uses a joint integrated data management and M&E system, drawing on extensive experience and strong FCRM capacity. The consortium focuses on ensuring monitoring data, learning and beneficiary feedback is integrated into program design throughout the program cycle. To ensure accountability and effective management, LEARN management and governance structure has developed robust processes and controls, which guides operations, decision-making, risk management, communication, grant management and compliance.


The purpose of the end of project/final evaluation is to assess the overall success of project outcomes, measuring the effectiveness of partner-specific as well as coordinated interventions. The final evaluation will also present recommendations for future programming in the locations and sectors. Reaching 4.5 years of collaborative integrated humanitarian programming, LEARN will also seize the opportunity given by the final evaluation exercise to take a step back and reflect on the evolution of LEARN and its humanitarian impact since October 2018. In particular, the evaluation will seek to 1) analyze how strategic programming adapted to the changing context and aligned to humanitarian strategies in NES; 2) assess partners’ best practices in understanding needs, involving communities in project implementation and providing inclusive services; 3) evaluate the added-value of the consortium in promoting coordination, efficiency, and in meeting the needs of communities; 4) analyze eff orts to carry out activities of a short-term emergency nature taking into account longer-term perspectives and sustainable exit strategies; 5) assess the needs that were best met and the most significant changes reported by communities.


The evaluation study consultant or team is expected to demonstrate the following experience and qualifications:

  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in conducting evaluations for multi-sectoral/integrated program approach-based consortium projects/programs, collecting data and producing quality baseline/midterm/end line study reports, preferably for international non-governmental organizations or multilateral agencies (mandatory for lead evaluator)
  • Evaluation lead to be based in the region and be able to conduct field visits to North East Syria (mandatory)
  • At least a Master’s degree in Social Science, Political Sciences, Statistics or related field (mandatory for lead evaluator)
  • Demonstrated experience in designing and administration of quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments (mandatory)
  • Experience working in the conflict or post-conflict environments (mandatory)
  • Good knowledge of the context and the conflict in Northeast Syria, where the project is being implemented (preferred, not mandatory)
  • Experience of effective interaction with local non-government organizations, government departments, and population (preferred, not mandatory)
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English (mandatory) and Arabic/Kurdish (mandatory for at least one evaluation team member). Translation and Enumerator costs will not be covered by LEARN
  • Strong established field-based structure to enable autonomous data collection (preferred)
  • At least two field team members must be able to access LEARN project sites in Northeast Syria, including one woman and one man (mandatory)
  • Evidence of similar work in the recent past (mandatory)
  • Knowledge of USAID-BHA donor requirements (mandatory)
  • Well established organizational Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption and Protection Policies (mandatory)
  • Ability to deliver report within the deadline set out in the TOR (mandatory)


“Interested consultants/ agencies must submit a Cover Letter outlining their financial offer, full technical proposal to meet the ToR (including the analysis and understanding of the present ToRs), scheduling, CVs of key evaluation team members (Lead evaluator, Sector experts) providing information on their capacity and experience showing that they are qualified for the services and 2 latest samples of Evaluations conducted previously by the Lead evaluator and/or Evaluation team. The Financial offer must be submitted in USD, with a TOTAL budget, with a breakdown of following chapters:

  1. Daily Rates/ Consultant Fees
  2. Logistics Costs (travel, accommodation, visa, etc. expenses)
  • Taxes (all taxes that are payable by SI to the consultant according to the tax regulations in the consultant’s residence country

Interested consultants/agencies may express their interest by sending an email to the following address: and by end of 27th January 2023 (UTC+3) and expressly mentioning « LEARN Final Evaluation Consultancy»

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