
The purpose of the proposed review of the 12 local partners is to provide an in-depth status of their operations, governance and management systems and structures. The assignment will assess and draw lessons and experience from their current performance and provide practical recommendations of how to improve governance and management systems and structures to be more efficient and effective in delivering quality programs and sponsorship interventions to children, their families and communities.

To provide an independent and rigorous assessment of the Boards of management structures, to identify what works, what does not and the reasons thereof.
Assess criteria used in selection of Board members and advise on the best practice on selection based on required skills and qualifications as well as the community participation and involvement in the selection process.
To assess the adherence to relevant regulatory bodies such as the NGO’s Coordination Board, the Kenya Constitution and individual NGO constitutions
To identify best practices, relevant lessons learned following the consolidation process undertaken last 3 years.


  • The consultant is expected to present a clear methodology which s/he will use to actualize the local partners’ governance and management review. The consultant should further elaborate how to capture the following points in his/her methodology:
  • Role that ChildFund and Local Partner staff have played in shaping the governance and management process of the Local partners.
  • Adequacies or gaps in the governance and management structures and systems, including guiding policies and strategies, as expounded in the local partner constitution, Community Development Plans, Annual Operating Plans and Budgets and other relevant documents,
  • Analysis of the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of the LPs,
  • Important lessons learnt by ChildFund, Local Partners, and others so far
  • Detailed actionable recommendations to help improve the governance and management of the Local partners.
  • Despite the restriction of COVID-19, the review process is expected to be as participatory as it is practically possible. Use of virtual/online facilitation or any other innovative participatory review process, where possible, are highly recommended.


The review process will focus on the 12 partners operating in the 23 counties.Looking back at the last 3 years, the review should analyse, compare and contrast the governance and management of the partners before and after consolidation. It will identify gaps and recommend practical steps of further strengthening their governance and management structures and systems.


Report of an initiation/entry meeting held between the consultant and ChildFund Management on the assignment. A detailed inception report which outlines the consultants approach to delivering the assigning, demonstrates the scope of work as stipulated. A Virtual Validation Meeting with ChildFund and LP Management representatives on the key review findings.A final report clearly stipulating all issues raised in this TOR and with clear recommendations.


The proposed consultant must have a vast knowledge and 5-9 years experience in organizational capacity assessment and development (OCAD) of community-based organizations (CBOs), local non governmental organisations (LNGOs), faith based organisations (FBOs) operating in rural areas, arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) and urban informal settlements.

Specifically, the consultant must possess the following:

  1. An Advanced degree in the following or related disciplines: Community Development, Development Studies, Sociology, Organization Development, Economics, Political Science, Strategic Planning and Management
  2. Demonstratable experience in evaluations, community-based training of groups
  3. Prior experience in documentation of OD processes, preparation of strategic plans and project design documents with a reputable international organization
  4. Vast knowledge of governance, policy development and Monitoring and Evaluation.
  5. Strong understanding of communities, civil society and their interaction with government Proven knowledge and practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research.
  6. Excellent analytical, organizational, facilitating, presentation and communication skills.

· Other experiences and capabilities the consult should have are:

  1. Additional training in Governance is an advantage.
  2. Indepth understanding of the Kenya CSO landscape.
  3. Fluency in English and Kiswahili

Management and coordination

The key people that the consultant will be working closely with ChildFund led by the Programs and Sponsorship Director, the Partnership Portfolio Manager and Area Managers.

Work plan and Timelines

The assignment is expected to be conducted for a period of three weeks from May 2021. Specific timelines applicable to this activity will be agreed with the successful consultant during the initiation meeting.

NB:The Consultant’s compensation shall be paid NET, within 30 days from receipt of a proper invoice unless otherwise specified.Payment will be made by cheque unless otherwise specified.The payment shall be subjected to 5% withholding tax as required by the Law at the time of payment.

How to apply

Interested candidates and firms should submit technical proposal their understanding of the assignment, an outline on how they would go about delivering on the assignment, details of their relevant experience, and contacts of references with whom the consultant have done similar work by 3rdMay 2021 to with the TOR title on the email subject line.Evaluation of the proposals will be done by ChildFund Kenya who may engage in an interactive process with the would-be consultant to further specify the scope and methodology to be used as well as budget, deliverables, and deadlines.

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