Consultant – Development of the Malaysia Red Crescent Society Policy and Strategy on Migration and Displacement At International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies

Organizational Context

In 2019, MRCS requested support from the Movement to strengthen its capacity on migration and displacement as a new area of focus for the National Society. IFRC and ICRC committed support to MRCS through co-funding a technical position to be embedded within MRCS – the IFRC Malaysia Migration and Displacement Senior Officer. The position was filled from September 2021 until December 2022, during which time support was provided to MRCS to produce several foundational pieces of work, including:

  • Malaysia Migration and Displacement Needs Assessment
  • Introductory training curriculum on Migration and Displacement

The Malaysia Migration and Displacement Needs Assessment was carried out in 2021 and early 2022 through desk-based and in-person discussions and interviews with key government and non-government stakeholders as well as with components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The analysis examined trends and dynamics related to migration and displacement, humanitarian needs at different stages of migration and displacement, the role and activities of different stakeholders, the law and policy framework in Malaysia, and the existing programmes and activities of MRCS. Key findings and recommendations from the Assessment were presented to the MRCS National Committee on Migration and Displacement in September 2022, following which the Assessment report was finalized.

Between June and December 2022, a series of Migration and Displacement training workshops were held for MRCS staff and volunteers, facilitated by the IFRC Malaysia Migration and Displacement Senior Officer. Dedicated introductory level training was delivered for staff and volunteers of key MRCS branches (Penang, Kedah and Johor), while training for NHQ staff was delivered through six weekly sessions.

Job Purpose

The purpose of this technical input is to support MRCS to firstly develop a Migration and Displacement Policy as a framework to guide MRCS staff and volunteers to engage in programming, principled partnerships and humanitarian diplomacy on migration and displacement, aligned with the IFRC Policy on Migration (2009), the Movement Policy on Internal Displacement (2009) and other relevant Movement policies and commitments.

The MRCS Migration and Displacement Policy would provide the basis for the development of the MRCS Migration and Displacement Strategy, which in turn may generate Operational Guidance (Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs) for particular migration- and displacement-related contexts in Malaysia.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Assignment Outputs

1. Inception report/plan (maximum 5 pages)

An Inception Plan outlining methodology and key timings to complete outputs 2 – 6 below. The Inception Plan will also detail key stakeholder groups and an indicative list of key informants to provide relevant context to the development of the Policy and Strategy production. The Inception Plan be will presented to MRCS and IFRC for review and feedback before commencement of work to produce outputs 2 – 6 below.

  1. MRCS Policy on Migration and Displacement (5-10 pages) including:
  2. Clearly defined migration and displacement policy principles in the Myanmar and National Society context
  3. Guidance on how to develop strategic (COVID-19-safe) interventions aligned with the policy principles

2. MRCS Strategy on Migration and Displacement (5-10 pages) informed by:

    1. Cross-sectoral consultations amongst MRCS NHQ and key branches
    2. A Migration and Displacement Strategy Development Workshop
    3. Consideration for COVID-19-safe programming

3. A Roundtable with MRCS (and other components of the Movement as appropriate) to validate the draft Policy and Strategy

4. A workshop to sensitise the Policy and Strategy with MRCS staff and volunteers in NHQ and key branches

5. A plan for adopting and disseminating the Migration and Displacement Policy and Strategy within MRCS

Job Duties and Responsibilities (continued)

IFRC or a sister National Society will provide technical assistance to MRCS for the development of clearly defined MRCS policy principles and accompanying strategy on migration and displacement in the context of Malaysia.

The policy principles and strategy will align with the Fundamental Principles of the Movement, the IFRC Policy on Migration (2009), the Movement Policy on Internal Displacement (2009), and the current IFRC Global Migration Strategy and IFRC Asia Pacific Migration and Displacement Framework for Action.

The technical assistance will include:

  • Inception Plan
    • Summarising methodology, key timings and stakeholders and key informants
  • Literature Review
    • Review and synthesis of existing IFRC and Movement global, regional and national policies, strategies, guidance, workshop materials and case studies in the context of migration and displacement, as relevant to Malaysia
    • Review of external documents, assessment tools, analysis and guidance on migration and displacement in the context of Malaysia
  • In-person/remote consultations with key stakeholders from within and external to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  • Production of first drafts of the MRCS Migration and Displacement Policy and MRCS Migration and Displacement Strategy, presented to MRCS, IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and IFRC Malaysia Country Delegation for review at an in-person Roundtable
  • Based on feedback, production of the final MRCS Migration and Displacement Policy and MRCS Migration and Displacement Strategy accompanied by guidance for operationalization of the Policy and Strategy, for presentation and further discussion at a dedicated workshop with MRCS staff and volunteers
  • Adoption of the MRCS Migration and Displacement Policy and MRCS Migration and Displacement Strategy by the MRCS National Committee on Migration and Displacement.


Desired qualifications and expertise

  • Demonstrated professional experience in migration, displacement, human rights and protection issues, and familiarity with migration and displacement trends and dynamics related to Malaysia and the wider Asia Pacific region
  • Experience working within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and direct experience working with and for migrants and refugees
  • Demonstrated experience in policy and strategy development, preferably related to migration and displacement



  • This project will be undertaken over a timeframe of 30 days (within 3 months), and to commence as soon as possible.

Project Management

  • The project will be supervised and guided by the IFRC Asia Pacific Thematic Lead for Migration and Displacement in collaboration with a representative of the IFRC Malaysia Country Delegation.
  • The MRCS National Committee Migration and Displacement will be regularly consulted for technical review and inputs to the project deliverables.

Desired qualifications and expertise

  • Demonstrated professional experience in migration, displacement, human rights and protection issues, and familiarity with migration and displacement trends and dynamics related to Malaysia and the wider Asia Pacific region
  • Experience working within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and direct experience working with and for migrants and refugees
  • Demonstrated experience in policy and strategy development, preferably related to migration and displacement

How to apply

Please submit your applications together with a letter of motivation here no later than 29 March 2023.

Job details

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