Présentation d’Expertise France
Agence public, Expertise France is the interministerial actor of international technical cooperation, a subsidiary of the Agence Française de Développement group ( AFD group ). Second agency by its size in Europe, it designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. It intervenes in key areas of development such as governance, health, education, the environment and contributes alongside its partners to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals ( ODD ).
Contextual elements on the support mission
As part of its partnership with the Central African Forest Initiative ( CAFI ), the ( PI-PUDT ) Sustainable Land Use Program Investment Program is the second component of PUDT carried by the Government of the Republic of Congo. PI-PUDT intervenes in addition to PUDT, with the ambition to implement on the ground, the main national spatial planning guidelines defined by PUDT.
Its general objective is to make pilot investments aimed at contributing to the diversification of the national economy and the sustainable development of rural areas. The Program aims in particular to : i ) select pilot territories in which territorial management plans will be implemented, ii ) support the structuring of resilient agricultural value chains in savannah and forest areas, and iii ) make innovative investments in the sustainable agriculture sector.
The Program also plans to support research and development, as well as the dissemination of good agricultural practices, by supporting the local administration by rehabilitating its service offer and developing new offers, through innovation centers in sustainable agriculture and a network of relay farms and / or ZAP. In this regard, the PI-PUDT provides for capacity building for state and non-state actors.
The activities are coordinated and implemented by the MATIER and the two sectoral ministries concerned ( MAEP and MEF ). The Program receives financial support from CAFI, AFD and the European Union ( EU ).
Objectives and results pursued by the consultancy mission
- General objective
Appuyer Expertise France dans la formulation d’une proposition de projet visant à fournir l’Assistance technique prévue dans le cadre du PI-PUDT.
- Objectifs spécifiques
Conduire une mission d’instruction en République du Congo aux côtés d’Expertise France qui va permettre de
- Rencontrer/identifier les principaux interlocuteurs concernés par le projet ;
- Faire un état des lieux des données et informations existantes, et les compléter si nécessaire par une collecte sur le terrain (réglementations existantes ou en préparation, revue de presse, informations techniques – statistiques ou rapports officiels / experts / ONGs /bailleurs)
- Préciser les questions opérationnelles déjà identifiées et identifier tout autres leviers/obstacles et enjeux opérationnels liés au projet et au contexte d’intervention.
Appuyer Expertise France dans :
- Les échanges avec les ministères locaux (notamment le MATIER, le MAEP et le MEF)
- La formulation d’une proposition de projet précisant
- le contexte et les enjeux du projet (notamment techniques et environnementaux spécifiques à la thématique) ;
- les obstacles identifiés et options envisageables ;
- Comportant un volet opérationnel et financier (méthodologie d’intervention, moyens techniques, logistiques humains et financiers à mobiliser, gouvernance du projet et des filières concernées).
The complete offer is found according to this link :—1—consultant-e-formulation-d-un-projet-de-developpement-agricole-et-forestier-durable-en-republique—fr_FR?backlink=search
How to apply
Applications ( technical and financial offers ) will include the following documents and information :
- CV with references
- Examples of deliverables and achievements produced on agricultural and forestry development themes
- Daily rate.
- Brief chronogram of the distribution of man-days to carry out the tasks listed in the terms of reference