Consultant (e) International(e)- Expert Technique Genre (H/F) At Expertise France

Description of the mission

Expertise France is recruiting an expert, specialized in Gender and Public Health within the framework of’a technical assistance scheme in support of beneficiary countries (Benin, Guinea and Togo) and regional organizations (WAHO, WAHO, Africa.CDC.).
This’AT device is implemented as part of the implementation of the RHSP Project.

1.1. General objective

The general objective of the mission is to provide technical support to the teams and partners implementing the project in order to ensure that’il contributes to gender equality.

For this, the’expert.e technique genus S’ will support the’action genus plan developed as part of the project design. »

1.2. Mission & activities

L’expert.e, who will intervene in modality « pearl » during the project (via several missions in the beneficiary countries, and in Abuja, as well as remote work), will be responsible for the implementation of the activities listed below, divided into three axes.

For each of the axes mentioned below, in a first time, it is expected from the’expert.e technical genre, that’il or she carries out an organizational diagnosis, existing tools and gender skills of each targeted organization, in order to scale actions that meet their needs.

In a second time, the’expert.e technique genre will be brought to :
Support OH and SSI actors on gender mainstreaming in their organizational and institutional practices :
• Raise awareness and support the implementation of mechanisms to combat gender stereotypes, prevent and respond to GBVs in targeted institutions ;
• Accompany the systematization of the’integration of the genus in the data collection systems concerning the RHSP ;
• Apply to the development of’driving tools and procedures manuals facilitating the consideration of gender equality by the targeted teams ;
• Ensure that the directorates and services involved in the implementation of this project are sufficiently structured and supported in the consideration of gender ;
• Reinforce existing gender cells in institutions or advocate for their establishment and training /recruitment of staff dedicated to gender equality ;
• 2 Strengthen the capacities of the executives of the regional organizations and ministries targeted in the countries of’ intervention on gender issues. It will be’ in a first step to identify the executives concerned and their capacity-building needs ;
• Promote the effective participation of women in the various project steering bodies (multi-sectoral committees) ;
• Applying the monitoring of the’effectiveness of the’integration of the genus at all levels (institutional and operational).

Promoting gender in the policies and strategies of regional organizations and recipient countries
• Apply to the revision of strategic documents on the development of HSPRs including the following: strategies and frameworks, repositories… It will not be’ to integrate a gender perspective in the’ set of strategic documents but to’identify with the’a diagnosis and exchanges with stakeholders, the most relevant to strengthen or co-build ;
• Accompanying the consideration of gender equality in national public policies and regional initiatives. It will not be’ to integrate a gender perspective in the’ set of public policies and regional initiatives but to’identify with the help of a diagnosis and’ exchanges with stakeholders, and, the most relevant to strengthen or co-build.
The’Expert.e Technique will build on Strategic Policies and Documents Gender of regional partners and beneficiary countries by adjusting activities to existing gaps to be filled.

Support for the’integration of gender in the training of public health students (SSI /OH) provided by the INSP or equivalents of the 3 countries :
• Apply reflection meetings with stakeholders on the design of’a training module and the revision of existing modules to integrate the consideration of gender issues ;
• Co-produce a training module or revise existing modules to strengthen the consideration of gender issues ;
• Sensitize actors on gender stereotypes and harmful norms ;
• Accompany the implementation of prevention measures and specific responses to combat GBVs and harassment in PHIs.
Contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the project :
• Ensure the’integration of’indicators to measure the results and the’impact of the activities of the different components of the project in terms of gender EQUALITY ;
• contribute to the development of the’ device for analyzing the quality of the data collected (crossing of quantitative multi-source data, complementary qualitative survey, etc.) ;
• contribute to the’analysis of data on gender issues to be included in the semi-annual and annual technical reports;
• Contribute to the implementation of the’ mid-term evaluation by integrating gender-specific indicators ;
• participate in the’annual self-assessment of the project.
It is expected that the follow-up-evaluation will be oriented « change »: document the evolution of changes in behavior and practices of project stakeholders.
Any other activity, in the direction of reducing inequalities, considered relevant by Expertise France and AFD, for the’ improvement of project deliverables.

1.3. Methodology

The geographical scope of this mission is Abuja for the regional component at the Regional Centre for Disease Surveillance and Control of’OOAS/ECOWAS, the Centre collaborateur d’A.CDC, and for the country part it will’ of Benin, Guinea, and Togo The perimeter could evolve if necessary.
The’expert.e technical genre will propose the methodology that’elle/he considers most appropriate to the design and delivery of the desired results. However, the proposed approach should include :
1. The phases of carrying out the missions on the basis of the technical offer and its annexes and according to the framework contract with Expertise France.
2. Detailed chronogram of the activities to be carried out.
3. Staff mobilized for the various missions.

A framing meeting on the methodology proposed by the’expert.e technical genre will be organized with key actors, including, in order to confirm that’elle is in line with the expected results and in coherence with that of the other expertise mobilized.

As a reminder, the’s goal of reducing gender inequalities and the transversalization of the’sgender approach in the project will not only have to be based on the’expert.e gender technique and will have to be carried by all the members of the’ team project :
• This will certainly require to provide awareness sessions of the members of the’team project on the’ gender approach ;
• This will necessarily involve participating in the work sessions organized with the members of the project team’.

L’expert.e is also called upon to work in consultation with all stakeholders of the project. D’ in general, the’expert.e will ensure to use a working method allowing :
• The co-construction of the’approach, the supports and their contents ;
• Independent use of deliverables by project partners ;
• ’accompaniment of the desired change and the perpetuation of it.

1.4. Expected deliverables

• Organizational gender diagnosis by partner structure
• Collection tools and measuring/evaluation instrument used
• Strategic documents and co-built tools
• 2 Reinforced or co-created gender training modules
• Report of training sessions /awareness
• Reports d’semester/annual step over the period covered by the contract

1.5. Coordination modalities

L’expert.e will work under the direct supervision of the project manager based in Conakry for the entire MISSION’. She/He will also be in regular contact with the headquarters of’Expertise France in Paris, the’ terrain team of’Expertise France and the agencies and AFD headquarters teams.

Project description or context

Expertise France is the interdepartmental’acteur of international technical cooperation, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency (group AFD) group. The second largest agency in Europe, it designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. Governance, security, climate, health, education… It intervenes in key areas of development and contributes alongside its partners to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). For a world in common. Read more about :

Within the framework of’a financing of the French Development Agency, Expertise France in partnership with the’OOAS has started the implementation of’a project entitled « Making of gender equality a lever for Strengthening Human Resources in Public Health via a One approach Health and gender sensitive », in the’community space of ECOWAS since March 2023.

This project of’a duration of 4 years and of’a total budget of 4.36 million’euros aims to reduce gender inequalities and mortality in the face of health crises in the French-speaking countries of ECOWAS by 2030. The consideration of gender issues is a major transversal objective of the project.

The project is structured as follows :

General objective : The aim of the project is to contribute, through regional health organizations and partner countries, to, reducing gender inequalities and mortality in the face of health crises in West’ Africa by 2030.

Specific Objective : More specifically, the project aims, through regional health organizations and partnering target countries, to, that the management and production capacities of the RHSPs in the’Community space of the’West Africa are improving and adapting to prevent, detecting and responding to health crises in a gender-sensitive One Health approach.

This objective is divided into two components listed below :

i. Implementation of robust and resilient HRSP development policies in West’ Africa, meeting the needs for SSI / One Health / Gender, with regional organizations mainly with’OOAS, and with the 3 target countries namely Benin, Guinea and Togo.

ii. Improvement of the’training offer of SP actors in the’community space of’West Africa in SSI / One Health / Gender meeting the needs of HRSP and complying with WHO quality standards through increased support to NSSIs in the 3 target countries.

C’is within the framework of the’ reaching the results of the 2 components that’expertise France is looking for a Consultant (e) International(e) – Expert.e Technique Gender to accompany the’integration of gender, regional level, etc, in the strategies, policies, and tools promoted in the field of HRSP, also to support their adaptation to the’ scale of the target countries.

Desired profile

The mission will be led by an individual Expert with proven experience on HRSP issues in Africa and West Africa in particular. He/she must have experience in’gender issues and HR management and training in the public service. He/she will be recruited by Expertise France on a purchase order contract over a relatively long period with regular interventions in accordance with the technical assistance plan’.

Required skills :

Degree of Master II level or equivalent to the minimum (Organization Management, Law, Economics, Public Administration, Gender or any other field deemed relevant to the mission).
Have a specialization in gender and development, gender and health or gender and training.

Experiences :

• To have at least 10 years of’ experiences on gender and development issues ;
• Have a thorough knowledge of the public health policy contexts of the countries of intervention’ , of the’ ecosystem and health actors as well as organizations and actors involved in the management and training of human resources in health ;
• 1 Have a thorough knowledge of gender concepts and issues with a specialization in the fields of public health and /or human resource management ;
• Have an Experience in conducting diagnostics and organizational strengthening kind of’actors (development of’tools, capacity building, etc.)
• Have conducted similar missions on gender and health issues and/or human resources management and training;
• Mastery of tools and methods of’skills analysis ;
• (ability to develop training plans, accompanying’, improving and strengthening of capacities ;
• Control issues related to the management of human resources in public health ;
• Knowledge of the issues and the’environment of the Public Administration of the countries of intervention would be an asset ;

Skills :

• Strong planning, coordination ability ;
• Aptitude to decision-making ;
• ’ability proven to diverse contexts/cultures ;
• Good capacity for’adaptation and’integration to teams, diverse contexts and at different hierarchical levels ;
• relational competence, d’ listening, d’ organization and collaboration in team ;
• Excellent capacity of’, editorial and presentation ;
• Excellent mastery of the’animation of groups in cultural contexts ;
• Maitrise des outils Word, Excel, PPT ;
• Have a critical mind and a force of proposition ;
• Good communication and ability to work as a team.

Criteria for selecting applications:

The candidate selection process will be based on the following(s) criterion(s) :
• Competences/experiences of the candidate
• Training/diplomas of the candidate in connection with the mission of’expertise
• Competences of the candidate in connection with the mission of’expertise
• Experiences of the candidate in connection with the mission of’expertise
• Evaluation of the’expertise of the candidate in the field sought
• The candidate’s understanding of the project and mission issues.

Additional information

Location of the mission : Field missions will take place in’intervention countries (Benin, Guinea and Togo) and Abuja ; the rest of the work will take place remotely.

Provisional start of the mission: As soon as possible

Maximum duration of the mission: 26 months

Total duration of scheduled days: 96 days/person maximum

Working language: french and’anglais

How to apply

Interested persons should send :

1. A technical offer including the methodology and proposed schedule ;
2. A financial offer including the daily rate.

Link to apply—1—consultant-e-international-e-expert-e-technique-genre-h-f—fr_FR

Expertise France is respectful of the’equality of opportunities and strongly encourages female applications.

NB : Please note that only(e)s the successful candidate(e)s will be contacted(e)s.

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