Scope of Work: As part of the Development Alternative project, a State of Youth Civil Society Report will be produced that looks back over the past year and forward into the next to explore the new realities youth civil society and social movements find themselves in after the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight the adaptations these actors have developed in the quest toward shifting power. The State of Youth Civil Society 2021 report specifically will showcase the different ways youth civil society and social movements have stepped up around the world to respond, recover and rebuild in their communities. It is the ambition that governments and donors recognize the power and leadership of youth civil society and social movements and how young people have been mobilizing at the national level to coordinate response, recovery, and rebuilding actions. In addition, it aims to advocate to international and national CSOs to better recognize how youth action and campaigning has shifted during the pandemic and to better understand the kind of support young people now want from international and national organizations to scale up or amplify their efforts. War Child will produce the Iraq Chapter of the report.

Each chapter of the report will focus on different evidence, experiences and themes, but all will focus around the central theme of the power and resilience of youth civil society and social movements during the pandemic. Each country spotlight should be reflective over the past year while also looking ahead into the future.

The key research questions that will guide the content development of the report, including the spotlights

The content of the chapter should be youth led and/or youth inclusive and inclusive substantial input from youth civil society and/or other social movements.

Key Deliverables:

• Produce a full report on State Youth Civil Society in Iraq including: o

Develop a data collection plan o Identify and interview key stakeholders

o Complete a mapping of key youth led or youth serving civil society organizations in Duhok, Ninewa, Baghdad, Anbar, and Basra

o Identify priority issues raised by youth civil society o Identify key stake holding departments and individuals within government and other power brokers which would need to be included in solutions addressing these priority decisions and a mapping of their positions on these issues

o Identify key ways in which donors and the international humanitarian and development sectors can better engage, support, and utilize the skills, ambitions, and agency of youth civil society in Iraq.

How to apply

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