Consultant for gender analysis for PROTECT project At Caritas Austria

Caritas Austria is an international NGO that implements activities in the areas of emergency aid and rehabilitation, as well as development cooperation, in countries affected by conflict or natural disasters.

Currently, Caritas Austria is looking for an international gender expert(s) to carry out a gender analysis for the PROTECT project , implemented in the country Burkina Faso (Regions Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun). The project is co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation Agency (ADA) and Caritas Austria’s own contributions.

The objective of the gender study is to gather information in the project areas on the views, perspectives and living conditions of different members of the population from different backgrounds (age group, social class, disability, status (IDP, resident household (RM)), ethnicity, education), their roles and relationships within the different sectors concerned by the project and the specific challenges they face. The study will also analyse adaptation processes of households (and their individual members belonging to different social groups) to the security crisis and forced internal displacement of the population following terrorist attacks in the affected areas. The analysis is expected to formulate recommendations to address them.

The objectives of gender analysis are as follows:

  • This will involve identifying ways to change perspectives, reduce or even eliminate gender inequalities/disadvantages of certain groups and prevent GBV, taking into account the financial and personal resources available in the project context or the scope of other actors operating in the project region.
  • Part of the gender study will involve mapping the risks of gender-related violence, sexual abuse and exploitation and sexual harassment in the two project intervention communities.
  • This will involve identifying and assessing the different types of VBG/SEAH risks that the population faces in the two communities.
  • The gender study also aims to provide recommendations for the adaptation of the defined project objectives and the identification of the resources needed for this.
  • The complaints mechanism will also be analyzed.
  • It will also involve analyzing and mapping government services and existing structures (such as women’s associations) for psychological and psychosocial support and medical treatment for people affected by or survivors of GBV in the target communities. It is a question of finding appropriate structures with which agreements can be concluded for the care of people affected by or survivors of GBV.
  • It will also involve defining mitigation strategies to avoid potential negative impacts of the project’s implementation and strategies and ensuring alignment with the project’s “do no harm” policy.

Further information regarding the objectives of the gender analysis and the context of the project can be found in the Terms of Reference (Annex 1).

We therefore invite you to submit an offer for the performance of the gender analysis for the project.

Please find all tender documents under the following link: , Password: KSyQktfrKf

How to apply

Requests for clarification: Requests for clarification can be sent no later than 30/08/2024 to

Submission of the offer:

For your request, please use the offer request form (appendix 2) .

The file must include at least:

  • CVs of all consultants involved, including professional references
  • Completed application file (Annex 2) incl. profile, background, methodology, financial proposal (in EUR), signed declaration (requirement of legally valid signature of bidders, including proof of the signatory’s authority to represent, an electronic signature may be accepted)
  • At least one sample of a recently written gender analysis
  • Legal registration document

Selection criteria:

  • Completeness and conformity of the offer with the requirements mentioned in this call for tenders and the ToR;
  • Technical and professional capacity (tasks that can be covered by the bidder);
  • Qualification and experience of the experts involved;
  • Working according to international ethical standards

Note on the financial offer: The financial offer must be presented in the application template (in euros), VAT included.

Award criteria: Best value for money – Quality 70%, Price 30%.

Deadline for receipt of offers: Offers must be submitted by e-mail no later than 8 September 2024 , 23:59 CET to Valerie Matheis:

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