Consultant for Livelihoods Training At Caritas Austria

Please note that you can access the Terms of Reference and Annexes relevant for the application under the following link:


Introduction and Background

Since the beginning of the war in 2011, Caritas Syria (CS) has been very actively supporting people in need. Through its various projects, CS has offered different kinds of aid mainly in the sectors of food and basic assistance, education, elderlies support, psycho-social support for children, and shelter, as the war has deprived most Syrians of any source of income.

In order to support self-reliance of vulnerable households affected by the conflict in Syrian and Caritas Austria (CAUT) and CS have developed a project based on a NEXUS approach that aims to help vulnerable households (HHs) move from reliance on basic assistance towards resilient and sustainable livelihoods. The project targets IDPs, host and other conflict-affected communities in Homs and Hama with tailored assistance to distinct beneficiary categories that are differentiated along vulnerability criteria on the one hand, and eligibility criteria to receive business support (start up and restart package) on the other.

In order to strengthen the capacity of livelihoods projects implementing staff on livelihoods topics in Syria Caritas seeks the service of a facilitator/Trainer.

Objectives and Scope of the Assignment

The overall objective of the assignment is to provide livelihoods project staff with:

1.Introduction to most common livelihoods approaches

  • Provide participants a broader overview of the basics of the most common concepts, and approaches for livelihoods programming (Livelihoods Framework, Market Systems development, Graduation Approach etc.)
  • Livelihoods in the Syria context: Focus on the specific challenges and opportunities related to livelihoods in the context of Syria. Address the economic and social dynamics and hence the impact of the conflict onpeoples livelihoods and the specific needs and vulnerabilities of the affected population.

2. In depth training on Graduation Approach (GA)

  • Give an in depth and practical training on the GA
  • Giving practical guidance how the GA can be set up alongside the different stages of the project cycle including needs assessment, program design, targeting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of impact.
  • Provision of tools that can be utilized during the different stages of the project cycle.
  • Challenges, limitations and potential of applying the GA
  • How the GA can be utilized to promote inclusive programming with reference to protection mainstreaming and gender sensitivity

3. Training on tripple NEXUS

  • Introduction to the triple NEXUS approach in general
  • How can the triple NEXUS be integrated in livelihoods programming and in particular in the GA
  • Give guidance on how the GA can be utilized to link humanitarian assistance to sustainable livelihoods support.

Description of the Assignment

The consultant shall provide a 5 days on site training inside Syria (location to be confirmed but preferably Homs or Damascus) in Arabic language. Participants will be liveihoods programme staff from different Caritas sub-regional offices. Expected number of participants is 15 persons. The consultant shall use interactive methods in order to provide a practical learning experience. The timeframe for the assignment is November/December 2023. The consultants should be available during this period.

Deliverables and Timeline

The Consultant shall submit the following deliverables within below mentioned time frame:

  1. Training concept outlining detailed schedule and methods of how the training will be conducted (in English).
  2. Conduct a Pre and Post training assessment of the participants.
  3. Training of Livelihoods program: The consultant is required to provide the comprehensive on-site training to project staff as described in the ToR (in Arabic)
  4. Produce a training report and provide slides used during the training (in English)

Contracting: by 26.11.2023

Inception Meeting: by 26.11.2023

Training concept: By 10.12.2023

Conduct training: 5 days between 08.01.-21.01.2024

Training Report: By 31.01.2024

Consultant’s Qualification and Experience

  • Relevant academic degree (Economics, Development, Politics, International Relations etc.)
  • A minimum of 5 years’ proven experience with early recovery and livelihoods projects and in particular the graduation approach.
  • Relevant experience and understanding of local economic and political development context
  • Experience in project cycle management
  • Knowledge of OECD/DAC criteria
  • Experience in providing interactive trainings
  • International experience, especially in the Middle East countries
  • Excellent oral and written English & Arabic skills (training shall be provided in Arabic)
  • Ability to travel in the indicated project locations (Homs, Damascus) in Syria to provide on-site training

Responsibilities & conditions

Support by CAUT and partners: Travels can be supported and facilitated by CAUT and CS and partners. Applicants shall clearly state expected support in their proposal.

Safeguarding and protection: For the time of the assignment, the evaluator commits to safeguarding and protection policies and procedures that are shared and reiterated during the preparatory phase.

Distribution Policy: Intended users of deliverables are CAUT, project implementing partners, donor, and other Caritas Internationalis Member Organizations.

All deliverables generated through this project review will be subject to approval by CAUT before public dissemination.


Submission of offers

Interested applicants should submit their application via e-mail to with the subject line “Livelihoods Training R2R”.

Deadline for submission of applications: 14th November 2023, 23:59 CEST

Applications that do not include all the required documents will be disqualified. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Please use the Application Template (Annex 1) which you can find under the following ling:


The application should include as a minimum:

  1. Filled in application form (Annex 1) including:
    1. Your profile, your team (if applicable),
    2. your track record,
    3. your training methodology and outline of content,
    4. your budget in EUR (indicating daily fees per expert, envisaged travel costs, material costs if applicable, other costs), information of sub-contracts (if applicable), your references, declaration, lists of attachments
    5. Signed and stamped Declaration on data protection including a confirmation that the consultant will carry out the training in accordance with the Terms of Reference and that none of the team members meet any exclusion criteria in (Annex 2)
    6. CVs of the consultants
    7. At least three reference to trainings conducted in a relevant sphere per expert

Selection of offers

The following evaluation criteria will be applied:

Quality of Offer (Experience in sector and region, language, feasibility): 60%

Financial offer: 40%

Please note that you can access the Terms of Reference and Annexes relevant for the application under the following link:

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