Consultant in Mediation, Conciliation or Restorative Justice for ABA ROLI México / Mediation, Conciliation and Restorative Justice Consultant for ABA At American Bar Association

Terms of reference

Consultant in Mediation, Conciliation or Restorative Justice for ABA ROLI México


For 30 years, and through our work in more than 100 countries, the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative (ABA-ROLI) and our partners have sought to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights and promote understanding of the law and citizens’ rights. In collaboration with our partners in the country, including government ministries, judges, lawyers, bar associations, court administrators, legislatures, and civil society organizations, we design programs that are accountable for local needs and that prioritize sustainable solutions for Urgent challenges to the rule of law.

Description for the position of Consultant within the Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Program (MASC)

The ABA ROLI Mexico office is offering mediators specialized in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation and Restorative Processes the possibility of participating as instructors in our Specialized Workshops Course on Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Criminal Disputes, a project financed by the Government of the United States of America.

The consultant’s participation will be that of instructor and speaker within our Specialized Online Courses in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation or Restorative Boards.

El consultor deberá elaborar y entregar en tiempo su material de apoyo (diapositivas, videos educativos, lecturas y tareas), impartirá de manera sincrónica ponencias magistrales a través de Zoom, participará como instructor dentro de los talleres que por motivo del curso se designen y se encargará de dar seguimiento oportuno y retroalimentar las dudas de los participantes dentro del curso.

El programa busca principalmente apoyar y fortalecer la consolidación de México de su Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Penal proporcionando capacitación en mediación, conciliación y justicia restaurativa para las facultades de derecho. Está diseñado específicamente para brindar a los estudiantes de derecho mexicanos habilidades mejoradas para operar en el sistema acusatorio, así como desarrollar su capacidad y la de los profesores de derecho con el fin de desarrollar el conocimiento y proporcionar instrucción sobre mediación, conciliación y justicia restaurativa para otros sobre el sistema de justicia penal.

Duración: Cada curso tiene una duración de 5 días, cada día será de 8 horas divididas de la siguiente manera:

  • 4 horas sincrónicas (ponencias, talleres).
  • 4 horas asincrónicas (Elaboración de diapositivas, videos educativos, tareas).


  • Atender las comunicaciones con el personal de ABA ROLI México.
  • Asistir a las reuniones que programe el personal de ABA ROLI México.
  • Enviar en tiempo la documentación e información que le requiera el personal de ABA ROLI México.
  • Estar preparado y conectado 30 minutos antes al inicio de cualquier actividad con ABA ROLI México.
  • Entregar en tiempo los materiales que le sean requeridos por el personal de ABA ROLI México (diapositivas, videos, actividades, etc.).
  • Utilizar material (videos, imágenes, documentos) de dominio público, que no vulneren derechos de autor o la propiedad intelectual de otras personas.
  • Evitar cualquier tipo de propaganda pública o privada dentro de sus intervenciones o del material proporcionado a los participantes.
  • Evitar hacer opiniones acerca del trabajo de otros consultores con el objetivo de desprestigiar o evidenciar algún error.
  • Contar con los instrumentos tecnológicos suficientes (Internet y equipos digitales) para poder desempeñar su trabajo sin dificultades técnicas durante sus intervenciones.
  • Revisar y dar seguimiento a las actividades y preguntas que los participantes tengan durante el desarrollo del curso.

Calificaciones Básicas

  • Título universitario en Derecho o Administración de un colegio o universidad acreditada;
  • Título de Maestría en Mediación Penal, Conciliación Penal o Justicia Restaurativa de un colegio o universidad acreditada;
  • Experiencia como docente en materias de Mediación Penal, Conciliación Penal o Justicia Restaurativa;
  • Experiencia como conferencista en temas de Mediación Penal, Conciliación Penal o Justicia Restaurativa;
  • Gestión de plataformas virtuales (redes sociales y aulas virtuales);
  • Fluidez profesional en español (oral y escrito).

Calificaciones preferidas

  • Experiencia de trabajo en un entorno profesional con personas de diversos orígenes culturales;
  • Experiencia trabajando como consultor a distancia, con el uso de plataformas de video conferencia.

El/La consultora debe ser organizado, orientado al detalle, profesional, eficiente, ético, responsable, confiable, flexible, tener fuertes habilidades de comunicación, capaz para completar el trabajo hasta el final.


Para aplicar, por favor envíe su CV y una carta de presentación a, antes del 30 de junio del 2021.

Terms of Reference

Mediation, Conciliation and Restorative Justice Consultant for ABA ROLI Mexico


For 30 years, and through our work in more than 100 countries, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA-ROLI) and our partners have sought to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and advance public understanding of the law and citizen rights. In collaboration with our in-country partners – including government ministries, judges, lawyers, bar associations, court administrators, legislatures, and civil society organizations – we design programs that are responsible to local needs and that prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

Description for Mediation, Conciliation and Restorative Justice Consultant Position

The office of ABA ROLI Mexico is offering mediators specialized in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation and Restorative Processes the possibility of participating as instructors in our Workshops specialized in Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Criminal Law, a project financed by the Government of the United States of America.

The consultant’s participation will be that of an instructor and speaker in our Online Courses Specialized in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation or Restorative Boards.

The consultant must prepare and deliver on time the support material (slides, educational videos, readings and homework), the consultant will deliver lectures synchronously through Zoom, she/he will participate as an instructor in the workshops designated for the course and will be responsible for providing timely follow-up and feedback on the questions of course participants.

The program seeks primarily to support and strengthen Mexico’s consolidation of its New Criminal Justice System by providing training in mediation, conciliation and restorative justice for law schools. It is specifically designed to provide Mexican law students with enhanced skills to operate in the adversarial system, as well as build their capacity and that of law professors in order to develop knowledge and provide instruction on mediation, conciliation and restorative justice for others in the criminal justice system.

Duration: Each course has a duration of 5 days, each day will be 8 hours divided as follows:

  • 4 synchronous hours (lectures, workshops).
  • 4 asynchronous hours (slides, educational videos, homework).


  • Attend communications with ABA ROLI Mexico staff.
  • Attend meetings scheduled by ABA ROLI Mexico staff.
  • Send on time the documentation and information required by ABA ROLI Mexico staff.
  • Be ready and connected 30 minutes before the start of any activity with ABA ROLI Mexico.
  • Deliver on time the materials required by ABA ROLI Mexico staff (slides, videos, activities, etc.).
  • Use materials (videos, images, documents) in the public domain that do not infringe copyright or the intellectual property of others.
  • Avoid any type of public or private propaganda in their interventions or in the material provided to participants.
  • Avoid making opinions about the work of other consultants with the aim of discrediting or highlighting any error.
  • Have sufficient technological tools (Internet and digital equipment) to be able to perform their work without technical difficulties during their interventions.
  • Review and follow up on the activities and questions that participants have during the course.

Skills required:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Law or Administration from an accredited college or university;
  • Master’s degree in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation or Restorative Justice from an accredited college or university;
  • Teaching experience in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation or Restorative Justice;
  • Experience as a lecturer in Criminal Mediation, Criminal Conciliation or Restorative Justice;
  • Management of virtual platforms (social networks and virtual classrooms);
  • Professional fluency in Spanish (oral and written).

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience in professional environments with people from diverse cultures;
  • Experience working as an online professor, using video conference platforms.

The consultant must be organized, detail-oriented, professional, efficient, ethical, responsible, trustworthy, flexible, have strong communications skills, capable of completing tasks to the end.


To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to and by June 30, 2021.

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to, before June 30, 2021.

To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to and by June 30, 2021.

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