Consultant on Migration, Environment and Climate Change Research and Policy in the IGAD Region At International Organization for Migration

IOM is carrying out a project on “Addressing Drivers and Facilitating Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in the Contexts of Disasters and Climate Change in the IGAD Region” together with participating UN Agencies: the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD, hosted by the United Nations Office for Project Services, UNOPS) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and partners the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre (ICPAC), funded by the Migration, Multi Partner Trust Fund (MPTF).
This joint programme contributes to facilitating pathways for regular migration in the IGAD region and minimizing displacement risk in the context of climate change, environmental degradation and disasters in line with the vision and guiding principles of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). This will be achieved through addressing needs and gaps in I) Data and Knowledge; II) National and Regional Policy Frameworks; III) Disaster Displacement Preparedness and IV) Regular Migration Pathways.
To serve Pillars II) National and Regional Policy Frameworks and IV) Regular Migration Pathways, IOM is commissioning a consultant to support IOM’s Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) Division with the development of a study and a detailed report on the needs and opportunities for a stronger integration of human mobility in regional and national green economy and related policies and plans (whether separate or embedded within other policies such as national development policies/plans, just, green transition policies/strategies; labour, employment and decent work creation policies), considering current and predicted future climate impacts on human mobility in the region. The study and report will have a specific focus on the IGAD region (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda), providing concrete and practical recommendations for integrating labour mobility and migration into green economy and related policies and plans. Examples could be development and harnessing the skills of migrants and members of host communities in environment/climate-fragile areas, or harnessing the skills of the diaspora, whilst maintaining a focus on women and youth. The study aims to contribute to the reduction of vulnerabilities to adverse effects of climate change such as through job losses and livelihood destruction, and for the development of the Green Economy including, but not limited to, green jobs and sustainable livelihood opportunities.
In practical terms, the study is regional in nature but the policy recommendations from this study will be validated by IOM at the national levels in two countries (Kenya and Somalia), and community levels in two countries (Kenya and Somalia) through the implementation of practical, community-led, pilot projects, and the lessons learnt will be fed back to legislators through policy forum discussions. In particular, the incumbent will conduct “deep-dive” case studies for Kenya and Somalia, and work closely with IOM and/or national-level consultants in Kenya and Somalia, who will be responsible for designing pilot projects together with relevant governments and local communities, to ensure that the applicability and appropriateness of the recommendations from this study are concrete and practical enough to be ‘validated and tested’ through community pilot projects. After community piloting, the particular recommendation(s) will be discussed at local, national and regional policy forums, for potential integration into the relevant policies/plans.
The study contributes specifically to the implementation of the GCM and more broadly to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the IOM Regional East and Horn of Africa Strategic Objectives for Migration, Environment and Climate Change.


Outputs expected under this study:

  1. Identify references to human mobility (internal and cross-border, forced and voluntary, permanent and temporary, regular and irregular ) in regional and national policies, strategies, frameworks and plans (forthwith termed ‘policies’) including but not limited to; Green Economy including green jobs creation policies; ‘Just, Green transition’ policies; labour, employment and decent work creation policies; and National Development Policies (forthwith termed Green Economy related ‘policies’) in the IGAD region countries (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda).
  2. Undertake an in-depth analysis of the integration of human mobility in the existing Green Economy related ‘policies’ in the IGAD region. This could include labour mobility and migration, livelihoods and economic development and harnessing the skills of migrants, and of host communities in environment/climate-fragile areas, and the diaspora, with particular emphasis on women and youth. The report is expected to provide clear and concrete recommendations on the coherence and adequacy (or lack thereof) of migration references in the policies analyzed, considering climate change impacts, and necessity to reduce vulnerabilities to adverse effects of climate change such as through job losses and livelihood destruction. The analysis should also include a comparison of all IGAD Green Economy related ‘policies’ that exist , including climate-change related articles embedded within migration documents such as Article 16 in the IGAD Protocol on the Free Movement of persons.
  3. When inadequate or no mentions of human mobility or integration of human mobility is identified in Green Economy related ‘policies’, the report is expected to provide contextually relevant, clear, and practical recommendations for how mobility can be better integrated in the identified documents, to enhance policy coherence and ensure that migration in all its forms are factored into these key documents. Examples could be the promotion of labour mobility and migration, harnessing the skills of migrants for development, and including communities in environment/climate-fragile areas, and the diaspora, particularly women and youth, in climate change adaptation plans, for the reduction of vulnerabilities to adverse effects of climate change including job losses and livelihood destruction. The recommendations should aim at ensuring migrants and their communities are included in the development of Green Economy including, but not limited to, green jobs and sustainable livelihood opportunities, in recognition of the current and future impacts of climate change. This component includes consultations with government counterparts, and other relevant stakeholders, and will necessarily include close discussion with the IGAD Secretariat, IOM and ILO.
  4. Building from the regional aforementioned components, conduct in-depth case study analyses for Kenya and Somalia, and work closely with IOM and relevant stakeholders to ensure that the recommendations can be transferred into practical pilot projects at the local community levels.
  5. In consultation with national governments/relevant stakeholders, the recommendations provided must necessarily:
    a) Be specific to the Green Economy related ‘policies’ and the specific chapters and pages therein.
    b) Be appropriate to the Green Economy related ‘policies’, such that it is tailored to the particular focus of those policies, and the focus of the study on, inter alia, integrating labour mobility and migration, development and harnessing the skills of migrants, members of host communities in environment/climate-fragile areas, and the diaspora, particularly women and youth, for the development of Green Economy including, but not limited to, green jobs and sustainable livelihood opportunities..
    c) Provide practical examples of how the recommendations can be piloted in a climate-fragile, community setting, particularly in Kenya and Somalia, where the recommendations will be implemented under the Joint Programme.

With regards to the methodological approach, it will be based on a desk review of existing documents, expert interviews with relevant stakeholders, and online (email) and verbal (calls) consultations with relevant stakeholders to receive updated documents, to clarify questions, review the recommendations and as necessary.
The list of relevant stakeholders will be provided by IOM and can be complemented by the consultant as agreed.
Tools for data collection need to be established at the inception of the consultancy in collaboration with IOM. It is expected that the desk review consists of detailed content analysis based on clearly (pre-) defined indicators/categories/questions. Questionnaires need to be prepared for the consultations where relevant.

The measurable output of the work assignment is a detailed study report which:

  1. Describes the mobility/migration needs and gaps that exist in Green Economy related ‘policies’, plans and frameworks in the IGAD region.
  2. Recommends, in concrete detail and tailored to each of the relevant Green Economy related ‘policies’, how labour mobility and migration can be integrated for the development of Green Economy including, but not limited to, green jobs and sustainable livelihood opportunities. The recommendations should aim enhancing climate change adaptation and the reduction of vulnerabilities to adverse effects of climate change, including job losses and livelihood destruction. The recommendations should consider the following areas: decent job creation and sustainable livelihood opportunities; development and harnessing the skills of migrants, members of host communities in environment/climate-fragile areas, and the diaspora, particularly women and youth.
  3. Ensures that the recommendations are practical; realistic; and can potentially be piloted within a community that is vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change (e.g. a migrant-sending and/or returnee, farming community, pastoral community or displaced community etc), tailored to the contexts in Kenya and Somalia.

Delivery dates and details as to how the work should be structured:**
The assignment is expected to be completed in 35 days over a period of three months; commencing on the 18 October 2021 and be completed by the 17 January 2022.

Expected deliverables:
Deliverable 1: Inception report
Deliverable 2: First draft report
Deliverable 3: Second draft report
Deliverable 4: Presentation ppt
Deliverable 5: Final report

Indicated tasks and timelines


  • A minimum of a master’s degree in Political Science, Economic Policy, Migration Studies, development Studies or Law with focus on the East and Horn of Africa region/African continent.
  • At least 7 years of professional experience in the East and Horn of Africa region, in research and policy work on migration, environment and climate change or preferably all three areas;
  • Track record of research and policy publications on migration, environment and climate change or preferably all three areas combined;
  • Demonstrated solid, in-depth understanding of IOM’s mandate and work on migration and in particular, the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund Joint Programme;
  • Track record of effective coordination with multiple stakeholder for policy and research on migration, environment and climate change or preferably all three areas combined;
  • Demonstrated ability to collate and synthesize a wide range of information and literature from multiple sources in an easily comprehensible, accurate and intelligible manner;
  • Demonstrated ability to analyse a wide range of literature from multiple sources and present it in a comprehensibly summarized and intelligible manner;
  • Ability to extract information from a wide range of literature from multiple sources, analyse it and customize it in a succinct, relevant and well-defined manner, tailored to the needs of the organization.


  • Expert knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and processes, baseline assessment, monitoring & evaluation methodologies;
  • Expert knowledge of climate change, migration, displacement, free movement, adaptation, development, durable solutions and other policies, initiatives and conceptual frameworks at State and Regional levels in the IGAD region;
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research and policy development;
  • Strong analytical skills with ability to synthesize, review and write technical and policy documents required.
  • Knowledge of general graphic design programmes (e.g. Adobe InDesign, Photoshop) and good skills in report layout;


Required: Fluency in English is required (oral and written). Fluency in Somali and/or Swahili is advantageous.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit a technical and financial proposal with examples of past, relevant research on soft copies, CV and a cover letter indicating the Position Title and Vacancy Number with three professional referees (previous and current supervisors), and their contacts (both email and telephone) to International Organization for Migration (IOM), RO Human Resources Department, via e-mail:

CLOSING DATE: 20 September 2021

Please click here for more details. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

NO FEE: The International Organization for Migration (IOM) does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, process or training). IOM does not concern itself with information on applicants’ bank details.

Posting period:
From: 07.09.2021 to 20.09.2021

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