The SEP (Strategic Engagement and Partnerships) Talent Resourcing Lead (the Lead) will provide comprehensive day-to-day support to the Head of Strategic Engagement and Partnerships and HR Manager in carrying out duties related to mobilizing and securing talent (staff-on-loan, interns, trainees, consultants etc) and ensure operational continuity for 2022/23 in relation to Ukraine and Impacted Countries Emergency Appeal. The Lead will work in close coordination with SEP, HR, Regional Office for Europe, and Country Cluster Support teams to ensuring up-to-date mapping of staffing needs and the co-development of relevant job descriptions. This work will inform the Lead’s efforts in mobilizing the relevant talent from Partner National Societies, local tertiary education institutions, outsourcing agencies and the private sector. The Lead will also be responsible for providing comprehensive support to the preparations, delivery and follow up to the onboarding of new talent.
Project objectives:
-Establish a comprehensive and systemic Region-wide mapping exercise for human resourcing needs in Europe.
-Work with Regional managers and the HR Team to ensure relevant job descriptions are drafted, reviewed and made available.
-Establish a comprehensive pool of resourcing opportunities though Partner National Societies, and external Sources.
-Establish a traineeship, internship and volunteering programme at the Regional Office for Europe.
-Establish partnerships with leading Universities, the Hungarian Red Cross and Budapest-based Corporates for traineeship, volunteering and Internship opportunities. -Explore staffing opportunities through Budapest-based embassies.
-Identify funding opportunities for covering associated staffing costs, including SOCS and Per Diem provisions. Organise a Career Day at ROE Offices (or a relevant University) with leading Budapest-based Universities.
Desired outcomes:
-A comprehensive staffing needs maps updated quarterly, with job descriptions for potential partner reference.
-Establish a pool of resourcing opportunities available through National Societies and various external sources.
-Dedicated internship, traineeship and volunteering programmes established at ROE.
-Established several partnerships with Hungarian tertiary education institutions, the Hungarian Red Cross and leading Budapest-based Corporates.
-Establish a mechanism for cooperation with Budapest-based Embassies on staffing support.
-A dedicated funding pot for trainees, interns, and volunteers A Career Day organised and carried out with a participation of at least 30 attendees.
-Consultancy outputs Regular updates and reports on the progress of desired outcomes as per agreed schedule.
-Regular consultation meetings with ROE HR and SEP Teams Development of concept notes, proposals and briefing notes and when required.
How to apply
To apply please follow the link: