CONSULTANT: Update “Protocol for the Development and Use of Social and Behavior Change Materials in Health


Title of Consultancy: Update “Protocol for the Development and Use of Social and Behavior Change Materials in Health”

Location: Cambodia (or can be completed from remote location)

Pact Staff Point of Contact: Yang Nanny

Expected Period of Performance (Start Date): November 1st, 2021 (part-time)

Expected Period of Performance (End Date): May 30th, 2022 (part-time)


The promotion of healthy behaviors is a priority issue for the Cambodian Ministry of Health as stated in the National Health Strategic Plan, 2008-2015, and reinforced in the policy statement of the National Health Strategic Plan, 2016-2020. As one of the commitments in the strategic plan under outcomes: “Increased health literacy and demand for quality assured health services by communities”, the Ministry of Health (MoH) aims to produce easy-to-understand and user-friendly Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials to support health education and health promotion activities and promote appropriate health seeking behavior1.

In alignment with the above objective of the MoH, USAID’s Promoting Healthy Behaviors Activity (PHB) in Cambodia works in close partnership with the Royal Government of Cambodia, particularly the National Centre for Health Promotion (NCHP). The goal of the two entities working together is for PHB to support NCHP in term of capacity strengthening and achieving NCHP’s vision “to be the lead coordinator of Social and Behavior Change (SBC) in Cambodia”.

NCHP produced the “Protocol for the Development and Use of Behavior Change Communication Materials in Health” in 2008 (referred to as ‘The SBC Protocol’). This protocol has provided guidance to SBC and health practitioners at all levels – national, provincial, operational district, health center and community. With support from PHB, NCHP has developed and updated their “Guideline for BCC in Health” to “SBC Practitioner’s Guideline”. NCHP has expressed the need to revise/update the existing protocol, with the support of the PHB project.

PHB will work in collaboration with NCHP to update the SBC protocol, with NCHP being the client and end user of the protocol.


A. Place of Performance

Services required under this solicitation may be carried out in Phnom Penh, Cambodia or from any other remote location. In the case that a successful applicant is to complete this consultancy from a remote location, they will work closely with a counterpart in Cambodia who will assist in any fieldwork required to achieve the objectives of this scope of work.

B. Period of Performance

All goods and services required under this solicitation will be delivered from November 1st, 2021 and will conclude by May 30th, 2022. It is anticipated that this consultancy will require a part-time effort during this period, with the majority of services completed in 27 days. The period of 6 weeks will be work-heavy with the actual writing of the guide; and then at intervals LoE will be dedicated to address feedback from NCHP; towards finalization of the document.

C. Scope of Work

Consultancy objectives:

The assignments are intended to fulfil the following key objectives:

1) Update the existing document in length of 21 pages- “Protocol for the Development and Use of Behavior Change Communication Materials in Health” from 2008 to be more practical and responsive to the new dynamic, technological, and social context of the health sector in Cambodia.

2) Provide training to NCHP key staff on how to use the updated protocol “Protocol for the Development and Use of Social and Behavior Change Materials in Health”

Consultancy Methodology

The proposed methodology should generally include processes as following:

  1. Review current protocol and identify areas for adaptation based on inputs from the end users and the current communication landscape in Cambodia, and protocol from other countries with similar contexts (Singapore, Thailand, etc).
  2. Carry out an internal review and analysis of all information gathered to generate key findings
  3. Consult with a diverse group of stakeholders which will include focal persons of NCHP, focal person of Promoting Healthy Behavior (PHB) responsible for the development of the SBC Practitioner Guideline, health practitioners at National Center for Health Promotion (NCHP) and select Provincial Health Promotion Unit (PHPU) representatives and other relevant stakeholders to gather input around:

§ What information should be in the protocol,

§ HOW the information can be used and

§ HOW the users want to ‘consume’ the information. (i.e. what media shall we use to share the protocol).

Note: In the case that this scope of work is being completed from a remote location, the consultant will work with a counterpart in Cambodia to carry out the consultations outlined above.

  1. Based on the prior steps, update the existing document, “Protocol for the Development and Use of Social and Behavior Change Materials in Health”, to better meet the needs of the relevant stakeholders and to be in line with best practices for SBC protocol documentation.

Audiences: Users of the “Protocol for the Development and Use of Social and Behavior Change Materials in Health” will be health promotion practitioners, including NCHP, Provincial Health Promotion Unit (PHPU), Operational District (OD), and other SBC practitioners-NGOs.

Purpose of updating the SBC protocol: To obtain a more practical and responsive SBC protocol and IEC materials that can be aligned to the new dynamic, technological, and social context of the health sector in Cambodia.

D. Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant will work closely with and report to Ms. Lim Dalis, Capacity Development and Advocacy Manager at Pact. The consultant will perform the following tasks:

Main Tasks Estimated # Day(s) Recommended Timeline

Planning and Data Collection

· Kick-off meeting to clarify the purpose, methodology,

and timeline of the assignment (SoW), etc. 0.5 W1 of Nov, 2021

· Conduct desk review on the existing BCC protocol and

SBC protocol from other countries 5 W2-W3 of Nov, 2021

· Meet with NCHP focal person and end users to discuss

and agree on key learnings and recommendation for

update/change from the desk review stage. (For remote

consultants, this will be completed with Cambodian

counterpart) 7 W4 of Nov, 2021

Drafting outline and reporting

· Draft key findings outline/content in line with PHB and

NCHP guidance 1 W1 of Dec, 2021

· Draft SBC protocol based on agreed outline/content

and inputs/feedback/comment from NCHP 3 W2 of Dec, 2021

· Submit first draft of updated SBC protocol to Pact and

NCHP W3 of Dec, 2021

· Revise first draft of the updated SBC protocol based on

NCHP’s feedbacks 2 W4 of Dec, 2021-W1 of Jan, 2022

· Submit 2nd draft of the updated SBC protocol to Pact

and NCHP W2 of Jan, 2022

· Revise 2nd draft of the updated SBC protocol based on

NCHP’s feedbacks 2 W3-W4 of Jan, 2022

· Conduct final feedback session with NCHP director 1 W1 of Feb, 2022

· Update the drafted version based on the feedback of

NCHP director 2 W2 of Feb, 2022

· Finalize all contents of the updated protocol 3 W3-W4 of Feb, 2022

· Conduct consultative workshop with key stakeholders

to review the protocol (3rd version) 1 W1 of Mar, 2022

· Update the SBC protocol based on inputs/feedback

from the consultative workshop 2 W2 of Mar, 2022

· Involve in the design layout of the updated protocol

(offer 2 options of layout) 1 W3of Mar, 2022

· Involve in developing final selection of the

artwork/design layout of the updated SBC protocol with

feedback from NCHP 1 W4 of Mar, 2022

· Submit final revise draft of the SBC protocol to Pact and

NCHP W1 of Apr, 2022

· Revise the updated SBC protocol based on NCHP’s

feedback (final round) 1.5 W2-W3 of Apr, 2022

· Revise the updated SBC protocol based on MoH’s

feedback 1 W4 of Apr-W1 of May, 2022

· Submit final version of the updated SBC protocol to

Pact and NCHP W2 of May, 2022

Training and action plan

· Provide training to NCHP key person on how to apply

the updated SBC protocol 1 W4 of May, 2022

Total 35 Days

Note: The timeline is subject to change as needed upon discussion with consultant.

E. Deliverables

· An outline for the updated “Protocol for the development and use of SBC materials.” and get input from NCHP

· A summary key finding report from analysis of all information gathered including areas for adaptation based on inputs from NCHP, end users, and desk review

· A first draft of the SBC protocol for NCHP review and comment

· A second draft of the SBC protocol for NCHP review and comment

· A third draft of the SBC protocol after consultative workshop for final round review by NCHP

· Inputs on the layout design of the final version of “Protocol for the development and use of SBC materials”

· A final version of “Protocol for the development and use of SBC materials” after MoH’s feedback English version

· Provide orientation training to NCHP staffs on how to apply the updated SBC protocol


A. Technical Proposal

The technical proposal in response to this solicitation must address how the offeror intends to carry out the statement of work contained in Section II. It should also contain a clear understanding of the work to be undertaken and the responsibilities of all parties involved. Please note that technical proposals will be evaluated based on the evaluation criteria set forth in Section IV. Offerors shall provide all documentation in English. The technical proposal should be in font size 12, Times New Roman, single spacing. Proposals should not exceed 7 pages. Please note that technical and cost Applications should be

separate files. Proposals will be considered from individual consultants, teams of multiple consultants, or from firms or organizations. Proposals will be considered from Cambodian, expatriate, or international consultants or organizations.

  1. Proposal Cover Sheet. The first page of the proposal must use the Proposal Cover sheet as per Attachment 1. This section does not count against the page limit above.
  2. Capability Statement: Provide a short description of offeror’s capabilities that qualify the consultant/organization to be chosen to conduct the scope of work. This should be one (1) page. In an annex to the technical proposal, you should provide a copy of registration or incorporation in the public registry (if available), or equivalent document from the government office where the offeror is registered, copy of company tax registration, or equivalent document (if available), and copy of trade license, or equivalent document (if available).
  3. Technical Approach: The technical approach should state clearly the offeror’s understanding of the requirements in Section II as well as the proposed approach to accomplish the objectives and achieve results. Offerors should demonstrate their experience and approach to building inter-personal relationships and buy-in from the relevant stakeholders. If an offeror will require partnership and support from other individuals (e.g. an international consultant may require support from a counterpart based in Phnom Penh) this should be clearly stated as part of the technical approach. Clarity, completeness, and directness are imperative. Elaborate formats are not desirable. This section should not exceed three (3) pages.
  4. Key Personnel Management. Please describe how proposed consultants/staff will work to achieve the offeror’s proposed technical approach to the scope of work. Where applicable, the offeror should include a management and staffing plan including both key and non-key personnel for activities along with details on the roles and responsibilities of the staff. CVs for key personnel may be included in an annex to the technical proposal and will not count against the page limit. This section should be one (1) page.
  5. Summary Work Plan. Describe the key activities you will undertake under this contract. At a minimum you must include a description of the activity, expected outputs, and estimated completion date. This section should be one (1) page.
  6. Summary Past Performance and Reference. Describe the individual/organization’s previous experience within the technical area for

projects of the same or similar scope and size. Offerors must include details demonstrating their experience and technical ability, in implementing the technical approach/ methodology and the summary work plan. Offeror shall list at least two contracts they/it has held over the past three (3) years for the same or similar work. Provide the following information for each contract: This section should be one (1) page.

a. Customer’s name, address, and telephone numbers of customer’s lead contact and technical personnel;

b. Contract size and dollar value;

c. Brief description of the technical work, including responsibilities;

B. Cost Proposal

Cost proposals will be evaluated separately from technical proposals. The cost proposal shall include a detailed budget that reflects clearly the costs necessary to implement the proposed contract and must include all taxes that are required to provide the services requested. Costs should be represented in USD. The anticipated award will be an all-inclusive Fixed price contract. No profit, fees, taxes, or additional costs can be added after award. The cost proposal must be valid for at least 90 days.

  1. Proposal Cover Sheet. The first page of the proposal must use the Proposal Cover sheet as per Attachment 1. This section does not count against the page limit above.
  2. Summary Budget. The offeror should present a summary budget by line item.

Pact may require additional, more detailed budget information prior to issuing a subcontract.

C. Certifications: Offerors responding to this RFP must include the following disclosures and certifications as part of the proposal submission in an annex to the cost proposal.

  1. Disclose any close, familial, or financial relationships with Pact or project staff. For example, if an offeror’s cousin is employed by the project, the offeror must state this.
  2. Disclose any family or financial relationship with other offerors submitting proposals. For example, if the offeror’s father owns a company that is submitting another proposal, the offeror must state this.
  3. Certify that the prices in the offer have been arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other offeror or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition.
  4. Certify that all information in the proposal and all supporting documentation are authentic and accurate.

D. Submission of Proposals: The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday, October 11th, 2021, at 05:00pm Cambodia time. Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only (either PDF or Microsoft Word and Excel) to Offeror’s proposals should not contain any unnecessary promotional material or elaborate presentation formats (black and white is preferred). Offerors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment. The technical proposal and cost proposal must be kept separate from each other. Please reference the RFP Number and RFP Name in the e-mail subject line. Offerors are

responsible for ensuring that their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. Late offers may be considered at the discretion of Pact. Pact cannot guarantee that late offers will be considered.


A. Review Process. Pact will establish a selection committee that includes representatives from various company departments and external professionals if necessary. All technical reviewers will be subjected to a screening process to eliminate any conflict of interest. Evaluation will be based on the criteria set forth in Section B. Evaluation Criteria.

B. Evaluation Criteria. The award will be decided on Best Overall Value as determined by a Selection Committee on the basis of the criteria set forth below, as demonstrated in the Offeror’s proposal. Only proposals conforming to the solicitation requirements will be considered. This RFP will use the tradeoff process to determine best value. That means that each proposal will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and expectations below, which are stated in the table below. Cost proposals are not assigned points, but for overall evaluation purposes of this RFP, technical evaluation factors other than cost, when combined, are considered more important than cost factors. If technical scores are determined to be equal or nearly equal, cost will become the determining factor.

Evaluation Criteria Expectations Score

Responsiveness to the

Scope of work Technical know-how – Does the proposal clearly explain, understand and respond to the objectives of the assignment as stated in the Scope of Work? 20

Feasibility of approach

and methodology Approach and Methodology – Do the proposed approach and detailed activities /timeline fulfill the requirements of executing or significantly contributing to the Scope of Work effectively and efficiently, if any including innovation? 30

Demonstrate strong

interpersonal and

facilitation skill

Demonstrating the ability to work closely with different stakeholders and to facilitate their input to achieve the objectives. 15

Key Personnel

Qualifications Personnel Qualifications – Do the proposed consultant/team members have necessary or relevant skills, knowledge, and capabilities to significantly contribute to the Scope of Work? 15

Offeror’s Past

Experience and

Implementation of

Similar Assignments Company/Consultant Background and Experience – Does the company/consultant have experiences relevant to the project Scope of Work? 20



A. Disclaimers

· Pact reserves the right to modify by written notice the terms of this solicitation at any time in its sole discretion. Pact may cancel the solicitation at any time

· Pact may reject any or all proposals received.

· Issuance of solicitation does not constitute award commitment by Pact.

· Pact reserves the right to disqualify any application based on applicant’s failure to follow solicitation instructions.

· Pact will not compensate applicants for their response to the solicitation.

· Pact reserves the right to issue an award based on initial evaluation of applications without further discussion.

· Pact may choose to award only part of the scope of work in the solicitation or to issue multiple awards the scope of work.

· Pact reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.

· Pact may contact offerors to confirm contact person, address, and that the proposal was submitted for this solicitation.

· Pact may contact listed past performance references without notice to the offeror. Pact also reserves the right to contact other past performance information sources that the offeror did not list in the proposal.

· By submitting a proposal, the offeror confirms they understand the terms and conditions.

· Information pertaining to and obtained from the Offeror as a result of participation in this solicitation is confidential. The offeror consents to the disclosure of the documents submitted by the offeror to the reviewers involved in the selection process. Please note that all reviewers are bound by non-disclosure agreements.

· Pact reserves the right to inspection and testing all goods and services prior to acceptance. Payment shall only be made for accepted goods and services.

· The selected Offer shall not publish any information developed under this award, nor disclose, confirm, or deny any details about the existence or subject matter, or use Pact’s name in connection with Offer’s sales promotion or publicity without prior written approval by Pact.

B. Attachments

Attachment 1: Proposal Cover Sheet (below)

Attachment 2: Pact General Terms and Conditions (Annex).

Attachment 1: Proposal Cover Sheet

Instructions: Please fill in the information requested highlighted in yellow below. This page should be the first page in your Technical Proposal Submission and in your Cost Proposal Submission.

Project RFP No.: RFP No:

RFP Title: Update “Protocol for the Development and Use of Social and Behavior Change Materials in Health”

Submission Date: Month/Day/Year -Time AM/PM – Time Zone

Internal Proposal Number (for vendor use if applicable)

Anticipated Performance Start Date Month/Day/Year

Offeror Contact

information Name Insert here Title Insert here Email Insert here Phone Insert here Address Insert here DUNS # Insert here Type of Entity Insert here

Persons authorized to negotiate for

Offeror Insert Name, title, and contact information

Total Cost Proposed Insert total cost here

Total Pages submitted (include all

annexes) Insert total pages here

Offeror Agreement

By signing this document, Offeror hereby certifies to the accuracy and completeness of all pricing

information, technical data, delivery dates, representations and certifications included in their

offer as well the acceptance of all of the terms and conditions set forth in the RFP/Solicitation.

The Offeror confirms that all prices and delivery dates shall be valid for a period of ninety (90)

days following the anticipated performance start date stated above, unless otherwise clearly

specified by Offeror

How to apply

Email CV to

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