COOPI – Consultant Protection Project Writing At COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale

COOPI is looking for an home-based Project Writing Consultant to write a protection proposal for Nigeria

COOPI started its operations in North-East Nigeria in 2014 to carry out a rapid evaluation of the most relevant constraints suffered by the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) displaced by the food crisis and the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin.
COOPI’s aim is to support the most basic and pressing needs of communities affected by the conflict. COOPI is providing a multi-sectoral emergency response to the IDPs, returnees and host population focused on food security, nutrition, protection and education. COOPI main area of intervention is Yobe State and Borno state and expanding our programs to North West of Nigeria in Sokoto and Kaduna States.

Purpose of the consultancy

COOPI Nigeria seeks an experienced proposal writer professional to lead and support COOPI Nigeria team in preparing this concept note in collaboration with COOPI Nigeria team, West Africa Regional Team, Area Manager and consortium partners. COOPI Nigeria will complete rapid protection assessment in target areas by 6th August meanwhile previous assessments and concept notes developed for the similar areas can be shared with the proposal/ CN writer.

Sector of intervention: Protection (Sub Sectors Child Protection, GBV and General Protection)

The consultant will participate to the CN development and ensure that proposals/ CN is highly competitive, responsive to donor guidelines and priorities, and align with the organization’s values and consortiums approach (integrated to link protection with health, WASH, Nutrition and Food security sectors of IMC and ACF).

  • Proposal/ CN writer work with COOPI Nigeria team and field team involved in the needs assessment;
  • Analyse context and protection gaps through secondary and primary data source and incorporate in CN;
  • Collaborate with COOPI, IMC and ACF grant writing team to integrate various sectors and incorporate themes and overall sectorial approach;
  • Work with COOPI Nigeria and regional team and consortium partners to determine concepts by participating in CN planning and designing meetings.

The Regional Office and Head of Mission will monitor the progress of the consultancy according to above illustrated dates and deliverables. By the end of the consultancy a synthetic report should be submitted including the completion of all tasks.

The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Regional Coordinator, Area Manager, HQ USAID Grants Officer and the day-to-day supervision of the Head of Mission.

Key tasks and deliverables

  • Workplan. The consultant must propose a detailed workplan with the activities foreseen in the consultancy. This workplan must be approved by the HoM or PM.
  • Desk review. In this first deliverable, the consultant will analyse the context of the country / area of intervention and the sector of intervention. For this, it will carry out a review of the documents sent by the country, relevant documents related to the consultancy and the strategic documents of COOPI (SOP, guidelines, good practices)
  • First draft of the Concept Note. The first draft should include the narrative part, the logical framework and the budget.
  • Second draft of the Concept Note after internal and consortium members comments & integration requests. The second draft should include the narrative part, the logical framework and the budget
  • Final version of the Concept note after internal and consortium members second round of comments & integration. The final version must include the narrative, the logical table of the budget and any other annex necessary for the final delivery (not the administrative annexes)


Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

  • Experience working with INGOs
  • Experience with proposal/ CN writing, particularly for protection sectors in complex context
  • Previous successful CNs/proposals
  • USAID/OFDA/BHA proposals writing experience
  • Fluent in English
  • Familiarity with West African context

How to apply

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