Job Description:
A major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross manages a network of more than 600 establishments and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. She is also at the head of 12 regional health and social training institutes.
Internationally, the CRF operates in 16 countries alongside National Societies and 2 regional platforms (PIRAC and PIROI), on the following themes: Health and Disaster Risk Management.
In the same way as in the professions that it develops and implements in France, the French Red Cross internationally places all its missions in a sustainable humanitarian action plan. This results in an articulation of emergency, post-emergency, crisis exit and reconstruction activities aimed at maximum efficiency. The objective is to carry out actions with lasting effects and to allow populations to regain their complete autonomy.
Our association also wants to strengthen its presence and the promotion of its priority commitments within the International Movement.
By joining us, you will share our commitment and ethics and develop your skills.
On September 8, 2023, an earthquake shook Morocco, causing nearly 3,000 deaths and 6,000 injuries. The Moroccan Red Crescent and the CR/CR Movement immediately go to the field, in close coordination with local authorities, to assess the situation and provide aid to those affected.
The French Red Cross was quick to mobilize in response to the crisis. On September 9, 2023, a call for donations was launched with the aim of contributing, as part of the CRCR Movement’s response, to relief actions on site, and to provide essential products.
The CRf then organizes, at the beginning of October, an exploratory mission to meet the Moroccan Red Crescent with a view to supporting the emergency response to the earthquake. After identifying unmet needs and defining cooperation modalities, the French Red Cross wants to support the Moroccan Red Crescent and act by opening a delegation on site.
Under the direct responsibility of the Head of Delegation, and in conjunction with the management control department at headquarters, the Administrative , Financial and Human Resources Coordinator will:
– Carry out the administrative and financial procedures for the opening of the delegation
– Set up accounting within the delegation to monitor the delegation’s expenses
– Guarantee control of the accounting and cash flow of the FIU in the country of intervention;
– Guarantee budgetary management and monitoring as well as having a consolidated budgetary vision;
– Evaluate risks in financial, accounting and budgetary management;
– Guarantee compliance with financial procedures, guarantee the necessary support for the programs;
Mission 1: Carry out the administrative and financial procedures for the creation of the CRF delegation in Morocco
Mission 2: Ensures the control and control of the financial activity of the FIU delegation in Morocco and reports it to headquarters
Mission 3: Monitoring and control of the budgetary management of the CRF delegation in Morocco
Mission 4: Financial management of the delegation
Mission 5: Responsible for the implementation, application and understanding of the financial procedures of the FIU delegation in Morocco
Mission 6: Reporting
Mission 7: Ensure the management of national human resources
Mission 8: Manages the administrative aspects of monitoring national human resources
Mission 9: Ensures the dissemination of information to employees:
Mission 10: Ensure the administrative management of expatriate delegates.
Mission 11: Manage the administrative management of the delegation
Mission 12: Representation and Coordination
Mission 13: Management: Ensures effective and dynamic leadership and leadership of its teams
Hierarchical link :
– Is responsible for the finance and HR team of the delegation
Functional links:
Collaborates internally with:
– The management control, accounting and donor department of the FIU headquarters
– Project managers, and the program coordinator
Collaborates externally with:
– the Moroccan Red Crescent
– all local stakeholders for the opening of a delegation (Tax Department, national social security fund, bank)
Join us
You want to join a large association that works daily with vulnerable people!
You are looking for meaning and want to flourish within a committed and values-driven company.
Vous donnez de l’importance aux principes et valeurs défendus et portés par la Croix-Rouge française (Humanité, Impartialité, Neutralité, Indépendance, Volontariat, Unité, Universalité)
Informations pratiques liées au poste
Conditions d’emploi
Type de statut : expatrié
Type de contrat : CDD de droit français/prime de précarité versé en fin de contrat
Salaire : fourchette salariale, selon la classification du poste sur la grille CRf et selon l’expérience du/de la candidat.e
Prime de fin d’année : équivalent à un 13ème mois au pro-rata au temps de présence
Perdiem : perdiem journalier qui varie en fonction du pays
Congés : 5 semaines de congés payés/an et 21 jours de récupération – Billet d’avion pris en charge à 100% par la CRf pour trajet domicile/mission pour les congés à 6 mois
Couverture santé : CFE + Mutuelle MSH (couverte 100%) – pris en charge à 75% par la CRf
Assurance MedEvac/rapatriation : OUI
Autres assurances : prévoyance (décès-invalidité)
Localisation : Rabat/Marrakech – MAROC
Durée: 6 mois
A pourvoir : 15 décembre 2023
La Croix-Rouge française se réserve la possibilité de clore un recrutement avant la date d’échéance de l’annonce et de dépôt des candidatures. Merci de votre compréhension.
Sans autre contact de notre part dans un délai de 3 semaines, veuillez considérer que nous ne donnons pas de suite favorable à votre candidature.
Candidatures féminines encouragées.
Formations en ligne :Pour mieux connaître le Mouvement Croix-Rouge, nous vous invitons à suivre deux formations en ligne, gratuites et accessibles à tous. La réalisation de ces formations constitue un plus dans votre candidature : W.O.R.C. (World of Red Cross and Red Crescent) : cette formation aborde des sujets tels que l’origine et l’histoire du Mouvement, ses principes fondamentaux, l’emblème, la Fédération internationale, le CICR et les sociétés nationales. Stay Safe, quant à elle, a pour objectif de développer une culture commune de la gestion de la sécurité au sein du Mouvement. Vous trouverez ces cours sur la Plate-forme d’apprentissage de la Fédération Internationale:
Qualifications et expériences :
Formation Bac +4/5 en gestion financière/comptabilité, et possédant entre 3 et 5 ans (au moins) d’expérience professionnelle confirmée dans le domaine de l’administration (finances, RH, admin) et en coordination de service administratif et financier. Expérience en termes d’ouverture de mission
Exigences du poste obligatoire :
2-3 years of experience in multicultural team management.
3-5 years of experience in a developing country.
Mastery of the pack Office.
Knowledge of the procedures of the main donors (mainly DUE, ECHO).
Good autonomy and ability to work under pressure.
Specific knowledge: movement / humanitarian / culture:
Experience or knowledge of the Red Cross movement desired.
Propensity for teamwork and listening.
Flexibility, creativity, initiative and adaptability.
Ability to analyze and synthesize.
Rigor in terms of security rules in a sensitive context.
Skills and experiences appreciated:
Knowledge of the Moroccan context is an asset.
Knowledge of CRF procedures.
Mastery of SAGA software.
Mastery of the Office pack (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), network work (G-Suite/Google Workspace)
French, read written spoken, obligatory
English, read written spoken correct level required
Arabic is an asset
Passport with a validity of more than 6 months at the time of planned departure
Up-to-date vaccination record / fitness to travel
Complete vaccination schedule required
How to apply