Data Collection Sudan At Ground Truth Solutions

Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) seeks the services of a data collection organisation to conduct a quantitative perception survey in two or three states of Sudan to understand perceptions, priorities and opinions people affected by the conflict in Sudan. The study will cover questions related to access to humanitarian assistance, the relevance and quality of support provided, interactions with humanitarian aid providers, mutual aid, community organising and support structures, and coping strategies.

About the project


The overall objective is to understand the perceptions of people affected by the conflict in Sudan to inform and improve the humanitarian emergency response efforts. The aim is to make data available for advocacy, ensuring key humanitarian actors understand people’s perceptions and priorities and use it for more effective programming. Additionally, NGOs can use the data to advocate for more support or access, increasing awareness of the humanitarian response and its challenges.

The consultancy

Scope of work

Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) seeks the services of a data collection organisation to conduct perception surveys exploring the aforementioned topics. A perception survey will be preceded by qualitative consultations conducted by GTS with different humanitarian actors to help inform the design of the survey tool. The findings from the surveys will be used to generate recommendations to humanitarian actors and funders and advocate for more effective emergency response.

For our work in Sudan, the collaboration with the selected data collection partner will include a research scoping and design phase and a data collection phase.

To read more about the scope, please review the detailed Terms of Reference here.


1. Verification and translation of survey tool.

2. Completion of face-face data collection.

3. Submission of translated open-ended questions.

4. A short report after the data collection covering the number of successfully and unsuccessfully completed interviews, adherence to agreed survey and sampling strategy, and any relevant observations and issues.

5. Completion of enumerator survey.


Data collection must be completed by November 2024, and all deliverables submitted by December 2024. A detailed work plan will be agreed upon at the beginning of the consultancy.

Relevant experience & skills


  • Proven experience with conducting large-scale representative quantitative surveys
  • Staff members with proven experience and strong background in survey and sample design and quantitative methodology
  • Fluency in written and spoken Arabic, any other local languages, excellent written and spoken English


  • Proven quantitative data analysis skills
  • Excellent communication and reporting skills
  • Experience working with civil society organisations and humanitarian actors
  • Experience with research in the field of social sciences, international development, humanitarian action, or any other related area of study/equivalent experience.

How to apply

How to express your interest?

Interested candidates are required to apply before 8 August 2024 at the following address indicating in the subject line the following: ‘Quantitative Data Collection – Sudan’.

The application must include:

  • A brief cover letter and CV / organisational profile.
  • A brief narrative proposal outlining a proposed methodological approach (maximum of 5 pages) including the states you have access to / are operating in; and a sample design, the deliverables and tasks; and expected number of days each task will take.
  • A financial proposal, (maximum of 2 pages) detailing the breakdown of costs, including staffing. The applicant must provide a budget for conducting 425 interviews per accessible state. The specific states included in the study, totalling two to three, will be selected after reviewing applications and defining the scope along with the selected partner at the contract stage.
  • 1 page (or more) on your experience working on similar projects (i.e.: prior publications and at least two references – please add contact details of your focal point with previous partners), with short description on how previous experience and projects were relevant to the current assignment.

Questions concerning this consultancy can be directed to the above email.

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