Deputy Team Leader – Grey Timber Study At DAI Global

INRM Project Description: The purpose of the Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) Task Order (TO) is to serve as a cross-sectoral support mechanism under the USAID’s Environmental and Natural Resource Management (ENRM) Framework. This DC-based project will support uptake of the ENRM Framework across the Agency by providing strategic support to USAID’s Missions, technical offices and other Operating Units on integrated programming in the following thematic areas: (1) Supporting strategic planning based on timely analysis and best available evidence; (2) Supporting and facilitating Mission-led ENRM project and activity design and adaptive management; (3) Testing new approaches in integrated ENRM programming; (4) Supporting monitoring, evaluation and learning of multi-sectoral programs; and (5) Supporting communications and knowledge management. The INRM project will serve as a USAID Mission support mechanism that will promote integrated programming across environment- and non- environment sectors (for example, food security and biodiversity, health and climate change, land use and environmental protection, etc.) and across the program cycle (assessment; strategy; activity design; piloting new approaches; adaptive management, and monitoring, evaluation and learning; and communications). Activities under the INRM project may be identified and funded by USAID Washington-based offices and/or by Missions. The project is jointly managed by multiple USAID Offices within the Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation (DDI).

Overview of Study: USAID’s Asia Bureau has provided funds to INRM to conduct a study on grey/laundered/illegal timber in forest product commodity chains in the Asia/Pacific Region. The study is meant to be objective, using – to the extent possible – credible and reliable data and sources of information, with an overarching goal of describing and presenting the magnitude of the issue and associated implications. Study results will be used as a springboard for consultations and identification of actions and solutions to reduce the volume of grey/laundered/illegal timber in forest product commodity chains. One possible outcome of the study and consultations is increasingly proactive forest industry associations who self-police and increase confidence in the legality and sustainability of forest product commodity chains, thereby enhancing the longevity of the industry.

Overview of Job Description: The Deputy Team Leader will assist the Team Leader with the development and management of implementation of the following three initial, broad tasks associated with the study:

  1. Methodology Development: Develop a methodology for collecting data and information and then estimating the value and volume of grey/laundered/illegal timber in forest product commodity chains in the Asia-Pacific region.
  2. Analysis: Analyze collected data and information to calculate estimates of the value and volume grey timber in forest product commodity chains.
  3. Convene Expert Consultation Sessions: Organize and convene forest industry consultation sessions with a wide range of stakeholders to present and discuss study findings and to identify potential actions to reduce the volume of grey/laundered timber in forest product commodity chains.


Phase 1 of study:

· Assist the Team Leader with the following tasks:

  1. Through consultations, research, background reading, and a literature review (including scientific/academic articles on the subject), develop a methodology to determine broad estimates of the value and volume of grey/laundered timber in forest product commodity chains in the Asia-Pacific region.
  2. As part of the methodology, develop a comprehensive list of key stakeholders and informants and an associated key informant interview questionnaire. Conduct interviews with key stakeholders and informants using the questionnaire.
  3. Identify required data sources and assess their availability.
  4. As part of the methodology, develop a comprehensive list of forest product commodities and associated HS codes for which trade (import and export) data are available.
  5. Applying the methodology, collect data and information from a wide range of sources and stakeholders to estimate trade flow volumes and value, including imports and exports, of forest/wood products (e.g., industrial roundwood, sawnwood, plywood, and veneer). Potential data sources could include customs data, official trade data and statistics, import/export documents, and timber harvest data.
  6. Applying the methodology, collect data and information from a wide range of sources and stakeholders to estimate the volume and value of grey/laundered/illegal timber in forest/wood product commodity chains. Potential data sources could include illegal log seizures, duplicate bills of lading/cargo manifests, timber harvest data triangulated with certified/legal concessions and their management plans, and duplicate CITES permits.
  7. Organize and analyze the data and information to develop an overall portrayal of forest product trade flows and trends in the Asia-Pacific region, including:
  8. Imports and exports (volume and value) for individual countries and
  9. Estimates of the volume and value of grey/laundered/illegal timber in the forest product commodity chains.
  10. Produce a synthesis report for phase 1 with recommendations on (1) focal forest product commodity chains that are traceable and in which more precise estimates of the volume and value of grey/laundered/illegal timber are possible, and (2) focal Asia-Pacific countries where the issue seems most acute and in which more in-depth studies and analyses are possible and should be undertaken.

· Lead on the following tasks:

  1. Broadly examine, research and analyze the forest industry chains of custody for forest product commodity chains in countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
  2. Broadly examine, research and analyze the current status of sustainable forest management and chain of custody certification in the Asia-Pacific region countries.
  3. Broadly examine, research and analyze the current status of timber legality assessment systems in the Asia-Pacific region countries.
  4. Based on the two tasks above, broadly identify probable points of entry for grey/laundered/illegal timber in the forest product commodity chains in the Asia-Pacific region.
  5. Consolidate information and analysis on the four tasks above into the synthesis report for phase 1.

Phase 2 of study:

· Assist the Team Leader with the following tasks:

  1. Based on phase 1 results, continue collecting more data and information on the trade flows for the selected forest product commodity chains in the selected countries in order to present a more comprehensive and detailed description and more accurate data.
  2. Analyze the collected data and information and, in collaboration with the Team Leader, estimate the value and volume of grey/laundered/illegal timber in the selected commodity chains. Synthesize the information, data and analysis into a report with sections on the selected countries and the selected commodity chains for each country. Include in the report, discussion topics and recommendations (i.e., a menu of options for actions/solutions) for the expert consultation sessions regarding how to reduce the volume of grey/laundered/illegal timber in forest product commodity chains.
  3. Develop a presentation, based on the study findings, for the expert consultation sessions.

· Lead on the following tasks:

  1. In order to collect detailed and more accurate data and information, develop SOWs for in-country experts to assist with data collection and stakeholder consultations. In collaboration with the INRM Operations Team, advertise for these positions and hire selected in-country consultants. Manage and supervise these consultants.
  2. Examine, research and analyze (in detail for the selected forest product commodity chains in the selected countries) the forest industry chains of custody.
  3. Examine, research and analyze (in detail for the selected forest product commodity chains in the selected countries) the current status of sustainable forest management and chain of custody certification.
  4. Examine, research and analyze (in detail for the selected forest product commodity chains in the selected countries) the current status of timber legality assessment systems.
  5. Based on the tasks above, identify probable points of entry for grey/laundered/illegal timber in the selected forest product commodity chains in the selected countries.
  6. Consolidate information and analysis on the tasks above into the synthesis report for phase 2.

Expert consultation sessions:

· Assist the Team Leader with the following tasks:

  1. Identify a comprehensive, wide-ranging list of experts and representatives from key stakeholder groups to potentially invite to the consultation sessions.
  2. Develop a detailed agenda for consultation sessions.
  3. Develop and facilitate consultation sessions, including presentations and validation of study findings and recommendations and subsequent discussions and co-creation of provisional, strategic interventions.
  4. Develop and facilitate brainstorming session on how to highlight the issue to key Asia-Pacific decision makers.
  5. Develop a report on consultation sessions with recommendations on high-priority provisional interventions that could be implemented at critical points in the commodity chains in collaboration with private sector forest industry companies operating in the Asia-Pacific Region.

All tasks will be performed in accordance with established DAI policies and procedures, as well as USAID regulations.


· 10-15 years of experience in international forest management and chain of custody certification and/or timber legality assessment systems.

· Experience in/knowledge of forest industry, timber trade and forest/wood products desired.

· Experience in/knowledge of trade and commodity chains in the Asia-Pacific region desired.

· Experience in/knowledge of illicit and licit materials, products, and commodities in forest industry supply chains desired.

· Existing Asia-Pacific forest industry stakeholder networks desired.

· Experience in conducting studies for donor-funded development projects.

· Experience managing multi-disciplinary teams.

· Experience convening and conducting workshops and/or expert consultations.

· Strong written and oral communication skills.

· Advanced degree in Forestry or an associated field.


· Description of proposed study/data collection methodology.

· Report on first study phase findings and analysis.

· Report on second study phase findings and analysis.

· Presentation(s) for expert consultation sessions.

· Report on expert consultation sessions.

Reporting: The Deputy Team Leader for the Grey Timber study will report to the Team Leader for the study.

Period of Performance: November 2021 – February 2023 (tbc)

How to apply

Please use the following link to apply –

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