Digital Marketing Agency Consultancy at Population Services International


Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services

Search for technical partner for mobile learning solutions for Frontline health worker

Department: Digital Health & Monitoring

Period: October 2021 – August 2023

Who we are

With over 50 years of experience, working in over 50 countries with global programs targeting malaria, HIV, and reproductive health, Population Services International (PSI) is the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization. PSI is reimagining healthcare, by putting the consumer at the center, and wherever possible – bringing care to the front door. We are working to fix market failures, shape future health markets and shift policy and funding to better support consumer empowered healthcare.

Through the Digital Health and Monitoring program, PSI aims to improve consumer health and well being by using digital technologies to increase access and personalize the delivery of quality information, products and services, throughout their life course. Our vision is to engage Sara (our target audience) with trustworthy, reliable information and quality products and services, so she can make her own choices about health.


PSI’s Global Services Hub is looking for a Technical Partner with proven expertise in mobile learning (mLearning) solutions to help us create, execute and maintain a mLearning platform for frontline health workers across multiple countries. We want to offer digital learning approaches to frontline health workers and reach them remotely utilizing the technology they already use to build and sustain their capacity and transform behaviors to effectively deliver high-quality care to the communities they serve. The mLearning solution will (i) deliver quality and engaging learning content interactively, (ii) support frontline health workers in their learning experience by offering self-paced learning approaches, (iii) deliver mobile learning solutions by making learning content available on frontline health workers’ preferred channel (i.e. WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, LMS, and others), (iv) monitor, customize reports and visualize key performance indicators on learning experience, (v) offer user management to register, validate and authenticate users, (vi) be capable of growing in a modular way in terms of content and accommodate a wide variety of users, like Ministry of Health officers, PSI employees and partner organizations, and (vi) be interoperable with other digital solutions implemented by PSI, like DHIS2.


Scope of Work

The Technical Partner will work closely with PSI’s Digital Health and Monitoring team on a project by project basis to:

  1. Create and support execution of the mLearning solution in line with PSI’s vision for this
  2. Deliver mLearning solutions for the desired frontline health workers’ communication channel
  3. Offer content management solutions to support upload of learning content for the desired learning channel
  4. Monitor and report on the learning platform key performance indicators on learning experience (ie. engagement rate, completion rate by module and by course, average of pre-and post-test scores, knowledge improvement rate, and others)
  5. Manage and deliver course completion certificates
  6. Support registration, validation and authentication of users to ensure access to learning courses to desired users, only
  7. Deliver the mLearning solution with multilanguage capabilities
  8. Deliver brand identity for the mLearning platform

In addition to this, the Technical Partner might work with the PSI’s Digital Health and Monitoring team

  1. Support user management to offer tailored learning approaches based on users’ needs (ie. blended learning, refreshment courses, video conferencing, etc.)
  2. Integrate current PSI’s data and data sets into the mLearning platform, as need be (ie. PowerBI and DHIS2 reports)
  3. Configure and develop analytics dashboards for courses, users, program management and donors based on the agreed indicators
  4. Implement solutions to offer live support to frontline health workers through call centres, chatbots, mobile applications or others



mLearning solution for frontline health workers. Expected user base: 10000

Brand creation deployment

Built-in reports to monitor key performance indicators

User authentication and validation processes

Course certificate management solution

Interoperability with other PSI’s digital solutions



The assignment is expected to run from October 1st 2021 to September 30th 2023.


Bidders are asked to provide:

  • Technical proposal with a case study that best demonstrates your approach capabilities, and results for a learning solution preferably health-related targeting users in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). We will be analysing based on the following six areas:
  • Frontline health workers experience: How does your learning solution respond to frontline health workers’ needs? How engaging is the learning content presented to frontline health workers? How easy is it to navigate learning content and undertake courses with a self-paced approach? How do you measure and optimize frontline health workers’ learning experience?
  • Mobile solutions: How do your mLearning solutions respond in low bandwidth contexts? How easy is it to adapt your mLearning solutions to multiple communication channels (ie. WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Zalo, etc)?
  • Content management: How does your mLearning platform support PSI in uploading content for mLearning courses? How easy is it to add multiple courses?
  • User management: How does your mLearning platform authenticate users when they want to undertake a course? How do you validate users to release certificates? How easy is it to create and release certificates in bulk? How does your mLearning platform support PSI in giving access to courses to designated users, only? How does your mLearning platform group users based on desired characteristics (i.e. score, geography, communication channel, etc)?
  • Data driven decision-making: How does your mLearning platform monitor and report key performance indicators? How does your mLearning platform integrate other data sets from external sources like DHIS2 or PowerBI reports?
  • Interoperability: How does your mLearning platform support interoperability with other digital solutions?
  • Digital Health ecosystem: How does your technology fit within the Principles for Digital Development that PSI has endorsed?
  • Financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs.
  • An Agency profile which includes:
  • Details of the firm
  • Team profile (years of experience, technical expertise, previous work and time with agency) that will be assigned to this contract, including their proposed level of effort and daily rate. Full CVs of the proposed team should be submitted as annexes
  • Two client references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience
  • Key clients, projects and volume of business handled in 2019/2020.

Submission instructions

Bidders should submit a Technical proposal, a Financial proposal and an Agency profile as three separate PDF attachments clearly marked “Technical proposal”, “Financial proposal” and “Agency profile” and sent as 1 (one) email to:

NB: The Technical proposal, the Financial proposal and the Agency profile must be submitted separately but in one email only.

Submission timeline:

  • Interested applicants can send their questions on this Terms of Reference to
  • Closing date for submission of complete applications is 30th September 2021 at 5:00 PM East Africa Time.

PSI reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and is not bound to give reasons for its decision.

Population Services International is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, or disability status


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