EORE Project Manager At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Situation Overview

Ukraine is heavily contaminated by Explosive Ordnance. Landmines were used in the conflict that erupted in early 2014, initially in Crimea and later in Donetsk and Luhansk provinces in Eastern Ukraine. An estimated two million people are exposed to the threat of landmines on either side of the 450km ‘contact line’. Despite singing of ceasefire agreements, for example, the Minsk Protocols that took effect in February 2015 and which halted large-scale military operations, armed clashes have continued. These armed clashes have seen the deployment of heavy weaponry and increased shelling of densely populated areas leaving behind the presence of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW). The most recent Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor suggests around 8% of the government controlled land, cover approximately 7,000km2, contain or are suspected to contain antipersonnel mines and other ERW. This region encompasses urban areas used to access schools, hospitals, markets, and agricultural land . According to the Landmine Monitor, Ukraine ranks 4th in the world for EO casualties, and 6th with the inclusion of States not party to the Mine Ban Treaty, making the east of Ukraine one of the most EO contaminated areas in the world.

The exact number of casualties from EO in Ukraine is unknown. However, based on the Landmine Monitor, Ukraine was third among the State Parties to the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention in terms of EO casualties in 2019, with a total of 324 casualties. A survey conducted by UNDP in 2020 suggests that despite discrepancies in casualty data, Ukraine still has some of the highest EO casualties in the world .

The same UNDP survey, which focused on Government-Controlled Areas and Non-Government-Controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts noted the following with regards to casualties:

  • Men in military occupation constitutes the largest proportion of EO casualties overall, but since 2018 increasing more civilian men have been victims of EO.
  • Adult men are more likely to be casualties than adult women.
  • Boys and adolescent boys under 18 are also more at risk of an EO accident compared to girls and adolescence girls. This discrepancy increases with age.
  • Common risk-taking behaviour includes manipulating the EO (pick up, tampering, handling or playing)
  • Livelihood, household work and traveling are other risky activities that may trigger an accident by EO

Unfortunately, the most recent outbreak of conflict in late February is only exacerbating the EO problematic. Aerial bombardment of cities will leave behind heavy ERW contamination. Worryingly, in addition to reported use of landmines, there has been reported use of cluster munitions in the conflict.

HI’s experience in EORE
HI has been conducting EORE activities since the mid-1990s and currently are active in EORE in close to 15 countries worldwide. HI has experience conducting EORE in similar contexts as Ukraine – for example, HI provided EORE in Gaza following the conflict, which included aerial bombardment, in May 2021. HI also has experience conducting EORE in urban environments such as in Syria and Iraq, and is currently also supporting the crisis in Ethiopia. HI’s experience in EORE stems across the emergency and development nexus and as such is capable to adapt their activities to the actual needs that may evolve over the project period.

In emergency settings, such as Ukraine, HI proposes to conduct EORE that will ensure life-saving messages are shared as fast as possible and to as many people affected by the explosive ordnance as possible. These messages and means of communications may be adapted, depending on the evolving situation. When possible, HI will also identify victims of EO and refer them to appropriate services for physical and mental support. HI has experience conducting referrals, notably in Iraq.

In addition to community based EORE, HI has recently begun training humanitarian actors with EO Safety Awareness Briefings. These trainings seek to keep humanitarian actors operating in potentially contaminated or suspected to be contaminated zones safe from the threat of EO.

HI is currently co-chairing the global level EORE Advisory Group. The purpose of the EORE Advisory Group is to provide overall guidance and improve the EORE sector in terms of integration, effectiveness, efficiency and relevance. HI will use their co-chair position to leverage on the guidance and suggestions of the EORE Advisory Group to provide a high quality EORE response to the challenges in Ukraine. In addition, HI is an active member of the Mine Action Area of Responsibility and will continue to coordinate and share information with other actors in this forum.

HI is deploying a multisectoral response, covering:

  • Armed violence reduction and humanitarian mine action
  • Integrated trauma-based PSS and Rehabilitation work
  • Support to health centers
  • Inclusive humanitarian action support (Humanitarian-to-humanitarian service)
  • Basic needs (Hygiene, NFI, Cash)

From operational bases, HI will implement the following activities under the AVR pilar:

  • Land contamination impact survey
  • Delivery of CPP messages
  • Provision of EORE to conflict affected communities on the risks and effects caused by EO
  • EORE Safety Briefings for Humanitarian Actors operating in areas suspected or confirmed to be contaminated by EO


Under the responsibility of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) Field Technical Specialist, the Project Manager contributes to the deployment of EORE and CPP activities. He/she ensures optimal quality and impact of his/her projects.

Responsibility 1: Management

  • You directly manage the project’s team members and support their field deployments
  • You organise and lead regular team meetings
  • You manage the recruitment and selection of new team members
  • You ensure strict application and respect of the programme’s Internal Regulations by the project team

Responsibility 2: Expertise

  • You provide the technical expertise for your project
  • You help to coordinate technical professional development and facilitates a community of practice, in collaboration with the Armed Violence Reduction Division
  • You manage relationships with technical authorities, local partners or other stakeholders

Responsibility 3: Implementation and Monitoring

  • You ensure project implementation, in collaboration with the relevant services and in line with general standards and procedures
  • You ensure project data management
  • You ensure project reporting
  • You prepare and steers project evaluation and capitalisation

Responsibility 4: Influence & Communication

  • You contribute to HI’s external influence by participating in relevant networks
  • You communicate on the project to partners, authorities and stakeholders when relevant

Responsibility 5: Strategy & business development

  • You contribute to programme or country operational strategy (StratOp)
  • You draft new project proposals for the continuity or expansion of the project
  • You contribute to the drafting of new proposals for new opportunities


  • You have at least 2 years of field professional experience in humanitarian mine action (EORE, Non-Technical Survey, CPP, etc. including work in low-to-middle income countries. Previous experience in East Europe is a strong asset
  • You also have professional experience with IEDs in an EORE context
  • You have good communication skills to promote participation and cooperation in EORE activities and in multi-disciplinary / sector-based work
  • You have general computer skills (use of MS Office package, Internet, Skype)
  • You are able to produce written an oral institutional communication in Ukrainian
  • You have the ability to communicate in English
  • You are able to produce clear, concise and responsible communication suited to the interlocutor (adult or child) by adapting communication and messages to an intercultural environment and remotely
  • You demonstrate a high level of motivation and proactivity
  • You are able to work under high pressure, without constant supervision and in a tensed and volatile context with strict security measures
    • You can work as part of a team/network and you can be audacious by showing initiative or being entrepreneurial


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission: https://hi.org/en/join-the-team

  • International contract starting as soon as possible
    The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation

    • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
    • Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
    • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
    • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
    • Salary from 2 448 € gross/month upon experience
    • Perdiem : to be determined
    • Hardship : 550 € net/month paid with your salary
    • Paid leaves : 25 days per year
    • R&R to be determined
    • Unaccompanied position
    • Collective housing taken in charge by HI
      If you are resident in the country: local package

How to apply

Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link: http://www.jobs.net/j/JkSjdeof?idpartenaire=136

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.

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