Étude qualitative – Redevabilité & Engagement communautaire At Ground Truth Solutions

Project name:
Qualitative study – Phase 2 of the joint UNICEF and Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) project titled “Summative Assessment of Accountability and Accountability” community engagement for the 2023-2027 UNICEF programming cycle »

Organization : Ground Truth Solutions
Address : Wohllebengasse 16 / 6, 1040, Vienna, Austria< /span>We would like to inform you that individual applications will not be processed. Only applications from companies or organizations registered in CAR or abroad will be processed and documents justifying this registration will be processed during the final selection phase. / profile of the independent service provider (2 pages maximum).1. IntroductionSubmission documents:
Submission deadline: January 1, 2024

2. Methodology (4 pages maximum). Please include the following in this section:

  • Your choice of methodology, accompanied by a convincing justification. For example, do you exclusively offer the organization of focus groups or do you opt for individual interviews, and why?
  • The number and composition of interviews or focus groups, accompanied by a thorough justification of your choices.
  • How you want to identify focus group participants, along with a rationale
  • A description of the approach to selecting a community co-facilitator for interviews/focus groups.
  • Anticipated challenges and potential strategies to overcome them.
  • Your proposed approach for creating final transcripts of focus groups or interviews, detailing the process envisaged.
  • Your proposal to ensure the protection of data and the anonymity of participants.

3. Calendrier : Un aperçu détaillé de la mise en oeuvre de cet exercice, jour par jour. Cet aperçu devra inclure : l’appel de lancement avec GTS et UNICEF, la formation des enquêteurs, la prise de contact avec les autorités locales, le recrutement de co-facilitateur·rice·s locaux·les, la modération des entretiens et des groupes de discussion, la soumission des transcriptions détaillées, et la rédaction du rapport final et toutes les autres étapes jugées cruciales par le candidat.

4. Aperçu de la composition de l’équipe : Qui fera quoi, et quand ? Prière d’ajouter les CVs des membres de l’équipe.

5. Budget en euros (EUR) pour deux options de collecte de données : Scénario 1 – 5 localités, Scénario 2 – 13 localités (voir détails ci-dessous).

6. Expérience de collectes de données similaires (avec un aperçu du nombre de groupes de discussions facilités ainsi que leurs objectifs, le nombre et type de transcriptions rédigés, les entretiens individuels
menés) y compris les coordonnées des personnes qui pourraient être contactées à titre de référence.
Envoyer à : rca@groundtruthsolutions.org

Attention : Seules les candidatures comprenant tous les documents requis et respectant les critères détaillés (taille des documents, informations demandées) seront acceptées.


  • GTS recherche les services d’un prestataire indépendant ayant une forte expérience en recherche qualitative et en engagement communautaire en RCA afin de faciliter un dialogue avec les membres des communautés enquêtées par GTS en novembre 2023, ainsi qu’avec des acteur·rice·s humanitaires qui opèrent sur terrain.
  • Les entretiens/groupes de discussion seront menés en personne dans les lieux pré-identifiés par GTS et UNICEF, en février 2024.
  • Les services demandés au prestataire indépendant comprennent :
    • Co-développement avec GTS de la méthodologie pour les entretiens/groupes de discussion.
    • Co-développement des guides d’entretiens et groupes de discussions
    • Co-formation des facilitateurs et facilitatrices.
    • Organisation et mise en oeuvre de la collecte de données à travers des entretiens qualitatifs audio-enregistrés, en collaboration avec des co-facilitateur·rices communautaires.
    • Transcription mot à mot des entretiens et/ou groupes de discussion, ainsi que leur traduction en français.
    • La participation à une session conjointe pour l’analyse des données.
    • Soumission d’un rapport final, qui inclut un résumé analytique ainsi qu’une liste brève des recommandations clés ressortit au long des dialogues.

2. Contexte

  • Entre août 2023 et avril 2024, l’organisation humanitaire internationale Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) met un oeuvre un projet en partenariat avec l’UNICEF, qui vise à améliorer la qualité et redevabilité de ces activités sur la base des points de vue des communautés.
  • In November 2023, a quantitative survey of approximately 2,000 people was carried out in the urban periphery of 13 different locations to better understand their experiences, perceptions and preferences regarding the humanitarian assistance they receive. receive. The following sub-prefectures were targeted: Bimbo and Mbaiki, Bangui and Bégoua, Bangassou, Ndélé, Kaga-Bandoro, Bossangoua, Paoua, Bouar, Berberati, Bambari and Bria.
  • It is possible to communicate an overview of the preliminary results of phase 1 to the candidate, in order to facilitate their understanding of the framework of this project and to refine their methodological approach.

    3. Objective

  • Based on the results of the quantitative survey, the project plans a phase dedicated to dialogue with people in the communities surveyed, as well as field staff from humanitarian organizations operating in these communities.
  • The objective of this dialogue is to identify avenues for improving collaboration between the community, UNICEF and partner organizations through community engagement approaches.
  • To do this, it is necessary
    • To deepen the understanding of the quantitative results;
    • To obtain the point of view of humanitarians on community engagement;
    • Collect recommendations from communities based on existing capacities and structures – to improve barriers and weaknesses identified during the quantitative survey, as well as on the functionality of feedback mechanisms and community platforms.

4. Methodology

  • Dialogue with communities materializes through group discussions and/or individual interviews, involving three distinct groups of key actors:
    • Community leaders and chiefs;
    • Community members; as well as
    • Staff of humanitarian organizations in the field.
  • Localities targeted by the study:
    • Scenario 1: The capitals of the following 6 locations are targeted:
      1. Bangui and surroundings (Bimbo, Begoua, Mbaiki)
      2. Bria ou Bangassou
  • Scenario 2: The following 10 localities are targeted:
    3. Bambari
    4.Bangui and surroundings (Bimbo, Begoua, Mbaiki)
  • In each locality, we envisage an exchange for each key stakeholder group.
  • Exchanges with the first two groups aim to collect their recommendations to humanitarian actors, as well as to deepen understanding of the role that communities can play
    themselves in the 39;improvement of the themes covered. As for the dialogue with the third group, it will make it possible to further explore the role of humanitarian actors and to understand their perspectives in the face of the identified challenges.
  • In view of the idea of ​​a collaborative approach between the community and humanitarian actors at the heart of this project, it would be possible to organize discussions in a common group, in which humanitarian actors as well as members of the community are found.
  • The participating communities have the following common criteria:
    • They are over 18 years old.
    • They potentially obtained humanitarian aid from a partner of the six sections of UNICEF involved in this project (WASH, Education, Health, Child Protection, Social Policy, Social Behavior Change sections)
    • They are located in the localities targeted during the 1st phase of the project, the quantitative survey.
  • The GTS client emphasizes the crucial importance of conducting, wherever possible, all exchanges with a locally trusted co-facilitator.

5. Key dates

  • Start date / signature of the contract planned for: Friday, January 17, 2023
  • End of contract: Friday, February 16, 2024. Submission of verbatim transcriptions of interviews continuously from the start of data collection, and no later than February 16, 2024, accompanied by the final report.
  • These dates are provisional.

How to apply

Send to: rca@groundtruthsolutions.org
Attention: Only applications including all required documents and respecting the detailed criteria (size of documents, requested information) will be accepted.

We would like to inform you that individual applications will not be processed. Only applications from companies or organizations registered in CAR or abroad will be processed and documents justifying this registration will be processed during the final selection phase.

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