Evaluation Consultant: Final Evaluation of the Asia Pacific Red Ready Programme At International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies

Organizational Context

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 191-member National Societies (NSs). The overall aim of IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by NSs with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” IFRC works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises.

IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement), together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.

Job Purpose

The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess the results of the multi-year USAID/BHA-funded IFRC secretariat and American Red Cross Red Ready programme. This study will examine the extent to which the programme has achieved its objectives, outcomes, alignment with its inspirational frameworks and policy, sustainability, and impacts.

The Red Ready: Increasing the Capacity, Readiness and Resilience of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in East Asia and Pacific to Respond to Local Disasters programme was initiated in September 2018. The programme supported nine National Societies (NSs) – Indonesian Red Cross Society (Palang Merah Indonesia/PMI), Lao Red Cross Society (LRC), Malaysian Red Crescent Society (Malaysian RCS), Mongolian Red Cross Society (Mongolian RCS), Myanmar Red Cross Society (Myanmar RCS), Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society (PNGRCS), Philippine Red Cross (PRC), Timor-Leste Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha Timor Leste/CVTL) and Viet Nam Red Cross Society (VNRCS) – in enhancing their organizational disaster readiness and response capacity.

The analyses and recommendations of the evaluation will not only inform the IFRC and AmCross decision on how to improve and adapt the future Red Ready programme within Asia Pacific but also guide the replication of similar programmes in other regions.

Evaluation objectives:

  • To measure the achievement of the programme objectives and outcomes and examine the changes (positive or negative; intended or unintended) as a result or contributed by the programme.
  • To assess the alignment of the programme approach with its inspirational frameworks and policy and determine sustainability.
  • To document lessons learned and best practices and make recommendations for future programme and/or potential replication in other regions.

This evaluation will cover the entire Red Ready programme, including all nine National Societies at headquarters, selected branches, and the IFRC and AmCross Regional Offices, and will be done remotely. The terms of reference is available here:

TOR for Red Ready final evaluation_7 Sep 2023.pdf

Job Duties and Responsibilities

The selected consultant(s) will be responsible to ensure that the final evaluation of the Red Ready programme meets evaluation and research standards as per the IFRC Framework for Evaluations. The scope of work must include:

  • Provide a complete inception report. The inception report will be submitted once the consultant(s) is selected. The inception report will be developed in consultation with IFRC and AmCross. The inception report must include (1) evaluation purpose, (2) evaluation design and methods, (3) key respondents, (4) evaluation tools, (5) detailed work plan, (6) analysis plan, (7) deliverables, (8) additional information, and (9) annex for all tools developed and agreed.
  • Develop evaluation tools, including interview/discussion guides and other supporting data collection tools in accordance with the agreed measurement strategy and key respondents. This process will be done in close consultation with the programme team in development and final approval from the programme team.
  • Conduct data collection and coordinate with IFRC and AmCross throughout the evaluation process. The selection of key respondents will proceed in close coordination with IFRC, AmCross and the participant NSs.
  • Perform data management, quality assurance, and data analysis. The consultant(s) must be able to ensure the quality of data collected (both primary and secondary data) and perform data verification and triangulation for internal validity, including hosting a webinar with relevant stakeholders to validate the initial findings. Consultant(s) will provide data transcript to IFRC and is expected to provide weekly progress based on the agreed evaluation work plan.
  • Develop evaluation report. The consultant(s) will develop a report together. The final report will contain a short executive summary and a main body of the report, covering the background of the programme evaluated, a description of the review methods and limitations, findings, conclusions, lessons learned and clear recommendations. Recommendations should be specific and feasible. The report should also contain appropriate appendices, including a copy of the TOR, cited resources or bibliography, a list of those interviewed, an overview/analysis of responses of members on the questions asked in the interviews and any other relevant materials. The desired outline of the final report will be provided upon appointment.


  • Tertiary education relevant to the subject and research matter is essential.


  • Ten years of experience in conducting and leading qualitative research/evaluations; five of which should be with international organizations
  • Experience in conducting evaluation remotely and/or for USAID projects/programmes will be an advantage;
  • Significant professional experience with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement or within Asia Pacific preferred;

Knowledge, Skills and Languages

  • Excellent knowledge and skills in qualitative methodology; being able to show experiences in designing evaluation, managing, and analysing data;
  • Demonstrated expertise in organizational development, response capacity building and change management; experience with OCAC, PER, BOCA and other NSD tools will be an advantage;
  • Demonstrated high-quality report writing in English, as shown by samples of evaluation reports;
  • Consultant should have a small team to support their work. If that capacity is not available, other Evaluation Team members may be separately appointed to support the lead consultant.

How to apply

Interested applicants should submit their expression of interest by 5 pm, 16 October 2023 (Kuala Lumpur time) to pmer.apzo@ifrc.org. In the subject line, please state the consultancy you are applying for, your company name or last name and first name. (SUBJECT: Red Ready Programme Final Evaluation – Last Name, First Name).

Application materials should include:

  • Cover Letter outlining an expression of interest and experience relevant to the consultancy (1 page)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the applicant
  • Evaluation Proposal with table of contents as follows (3 pages maximum):
  • Consultant profile – This section should include a summary of the evaluation team, explaining all members’ educational background and relevant working and evaluation experiences. Details of each member’s background etc. must be summarized in the CV that is part of Annex.
  • Evaluation purpose – This section should include the evaluation purpose that refers to the TOR.
  • Scope of work – This section should include the scope of work that is cited from the TOR.
  • Evaluation approach – This section should include the approach suggested by the consultant to conduct this proposed evaluation, including a proposed methodology, measurement strategy, etc. The proposal that includes mitigation measures for the limitation stated above in the TOR will be allotted extra weight.
  • Data management and Quality control – The consultant team must explain the strategy to ensure data quality, data security, respondent confidentiality, and proper data management, especially on the aspect that the consultant will conduct the data collection remotely.
  • Evaluation timeframe – This section should include proposed work plan with a table comprised of description of evaluation activities, estimated days of implementation, and evaluation team member responsible for each planned activity, and unit cost (in Swiss Francs).
  • Reference – Provide at least 3 references with details including name of reference, position and organization, mobile phone number and email address, previous consultancy service.
  • Financial Proposal
  • One sample of the previously written report most similar to that described in this ToR.

Application materials are non-returnable, and we thank you in advance for understanding that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next step in the application process and the selection panel does not have the capacity to respond to any requests for application feedback. Please take note that incomplete applications will be rejected.

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