Evaluation of the Women’s Voice and Leadership Project in Jordan At Oxfam

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Terms of Reference for Endline Assessment and End-of-Project Evaluation of the Women’s Voice and Leadership Project in Jordan

Reference Number: [RFQ-JOAMM-25-0015]


Oxfam has been in Jordan since the 1990s. We work with local partners in Jordan for a future where everyone can reach their full potential, especially women and young people. We provide essential humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees as well as vulnerable Jordanians, while promoting longer term sustainable solutions to challenges facing Jordan, with a focus on Climate Justice, Economic Justice, and Gender Justice.

Under our Gender Justice programme, Oxfam in Jordan is implementing the “Women’s Voice and Leadership” WVL initiative, a multi-country project to build the capacity of women’s rights organizations to advance gender equality in the Middle East. This project focuses on three pathways: Improving the management programming and sustainability of local women’s rights organizations, supporting enhanced delivery of quality services and advocacy, and supporting women’s rights platforms, networks, and alliances to affect gender-sensitive policy change and policy implementation.

The Women’s Voice and Leadership project (WVL) aims to contribute to a greater systematisation of national level relationships and coordination – as well as spaces to develop relationships, networks, at national and regional levels as well as spaces to develop these feminist relationships, networks, and strategizing spaces at national and regional level. Moreover, the effectiveness of this project depends on the extent to which it is designed and adapted to the needs and priorities of locally owned Women’s Rights Organisations (WRO’s).

As the WVL project nears its conclusion, Oxfam seeks to conduct an Endline Assessment and End-of-Project Evaluation to measure its impact, sustainability, and key learnings. It will be used to complete the project’s final report.


The primary objectives of this consultancy are:

  1. Endline Assessment survey:
    • Provide Oxfam and project partners with Endline values for all indicators in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), utilizing benchmark baseline data.
    • Provide quantitative and qualitative evidence (means of verification) towards the achievement of outcomes and outputs.
    • Assess the degree to which the WVL project has managed to achieve its designated outputs and outcomes.
    • Evaluate the current capacities of WROs using Oxfam’s Capacity Assessment Tools.[1]
  2. End-of-Project Evaluation:
    • Assess the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, sustainability, and impact of the project.
    • Document progress on feminist leadership, partnership building, and transformative systemic change.[2] [3]Identify opportunities for sustaining the projects outcomes and expanding its impact.
    • Provide actionable recommendations for future programming and for partnerships selection.

Scope of Services

The consulting firm/ consultant(s) will undertake the following tasks:

1. Desk Research and Literature Review

  • Review all relevant project documents, including the WVL project implementation plan (PIP), Performance Measurement Framework, baseline data report, semi progress and annual reports, partners quarterly and annual reports, among other reports produced by Oxfam and/or partners during the lifespan of the project.
  • Analyze partners deliverables (i.e. research, policy briefs, training manuals, regional learning and networking reports, social media posts etc.) that were developed during the project and how it feeds into the project’s outcomes.

2. Design and Testing of Tools

Based on the findings of the literature review of WVL project documents, the consultant(s) will focus on developing robust methods and methodologies, ensuring the identification and application of appropriate data collection tools tailored to each thematic area:

  • Develop tools for qualitative and quantitative data collection.
  • Align tools with Oxfam’s evaluation principles and project indicators.

3. Data Collection

  • Conduct fieldwork using surveys, focus group discussions (FGDs), and key informant interviews (KIIs).
  • Prioritize inclusive methodologies that engage marginalized groups, such as women from rural areas, refugees, and persons with disabilities.

4. Evaluation of Indicators

  • Measure and validate endline values for PMF indicators, ensuring data is disaggregated by gender, age, socio-economic status, and other relevant variables.
  • Cross-reference and comparative analysis with baseline data to evaluate progress.
  • Update the endline values under the PMF, ensuring that means of verification are validated and indicative of the change.

5. Assessment of Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights (TLWR):

  • Evaluate how the program has fostered leadership that challenges and transforms gender inequalities.
  • Assess how the project advanced feminist leadership within WROs and the broader movement and contributed to gender justice outcomes.
  • Highlight contributions to enhanced enjoyment of human rights for women and girls, including how the project reached out to marginalized groups and addressed the needs of diverse identities and experiences of women.

6 . Impact Measurement and Learning:

  • Outcome Harvesting: Identify and document significant changes resulting from the program, focusing on both intended and unintended outcomes.
  • Reflective Learning: Create spaces for collective reflection to understand what strategies were effective and how they contributed to feminist leadership development and include recommendations to be considered for future opportunities
  • Assess Oxfam in Jordan’s own contribution to the project; the role it played in the WVL-ME partnership – and capture learning and recommendations for future, partnership and accompaniment to feminist movement building in Jordan and in the region.

7. Data Analysis and Reporting

  • Conduct a rigorous analysis of qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate project outcomes and impact.
  • Prepare a comprehensive evaluation report that includes:
    • Findings on efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, sustainability, and impact.
    • Stories of change showcasing significant successes or challenges.
    • Lessons learned and actionable recommendations for future programming.

Deliverables and Timeline

Click Here to view the deliverables and timeline

Proposed Timeframe: Approximately 30 working days, with the final report and all supporting annexes and raw data delivered by [15th of April 2025].

Scope and Key Questions and Variables to Be Assessed

The evaluation will cover the implementation period from April 2022 to March 2025 and will have a nationwide scope in Jordan, focusing on assessing the Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) Project. It will examine the project’s alignment with national and international gender equality frameworks, its implementation processes, and its outcomes.

1. Relevance

  • How well did the WVL Project align with national gender policies, strategies, and the specific needs of women’s rights organizations (WROs) and feminist movements in Jordan?
  • How did the project adapt to remain relevant amidst political, economic, and social transformations in Jordan, such as, shrinking civic space, labor market dynamics or legal reforms and the ongoing conflict and Gaza and Lebanon?
  • To what extent did the project address the local gender equality needs and priorities, and how responsive was it to stakeholder feedback?

2. Effectiveness

  • What policy and systemic changes did the WVL Project facilitate to strengthen the enabling environment for women’s rights and gender equality?
  • To what extent did capacity-building interventions enable WROs to advocate effectively, influence policy, and implement impactful programs?
  • Were project outcomes and outputs achieved as planned?
  • Ahat was the extent of reach and engagement of WROs and feminist networks – and the extent to which the project supported collaborations between partners and contributed towards a stronger local feminist movement?
  • Were there any unintended positive or negative outcomes, and how were they managed or leveraged?

3. Efficiency

  • How effectively were resources utilized, and was the project cost-effective?
  • Did the project meet its objectives within the allocated budget and timelines?
  • Did the WVL Project engage all implementing partners equitably, and were resources allocated effectively to maximize impact?
  • Was the grant size, duration, and fund disbursement mechanism optimal to achieve project objectives, including responsiveness funds for nascent WROs and network-based actions?

4. Sustainability

  • What impact has the wider context (including resistance and backlash to women’s rights and feminist work in Jordan – as globally) had on the projects ability to promote women’s individual and collective voice and leadership?
  • Within this context, to what extent has the WVL Project fostered leadership, ownership, and sustainability among WROs, feminist movements, and other national stakeholders?
  • How did the project support the resilience and independence of WROs post-project?
  • What opportunities exist within the Jordanian context currently for sustaining the project’s achievements and advancing gender-sensitive SDGs and women’s leadership in Jordan in the future?

5. Impact

  • Given the context of the available operating environment for women’s rights and feminist activists, organisations and movements in Jordan currently, to what extent did the WVL Project contribute to changes in social norms, policies, and empowerment outcomes for women?
  • To what extent did the WVL Project assist WROs in developing new programs and ensuring financial sustainability?
  • How did the multi-year funding, impact WROs capabilities in enhancing delivery of quality services and advocacy to advance women/girls rights and gender equality?

6. Partnership and Collaboration

  • How did the WVL Project’s partners, including Oxfam and other stakeholders, leverage their expertise to implement the project effectively?
  • To what extent did the project foster quality and sustainable partnerships among WROs, INGOs, feminist networks, and government actors?
  • How successful was the WVL project in addressing WROs Gaps and objectives in supporting increased enjoyment of human rights for women and girls and in the advancement of gender equality?
  • To what extent did the project incorporate participatory approaches in decision-making and monitoring?

7. Adaptive Management and Learning

  • How flexible and responsive was the WVL Project to challenges and changes during implementation?
  • What mechanisms were in place for capturing, sharing, and integrating lessons learned?
  • How did contributions of the WVL project towards feminist knowledge production and regional learning spaces enhance leadership capacities of WROs?

Skills and Experience Required

The consulting firm/consultant(s) will have a team with combined expertise in gender equality and protection programming, with proven experience in undertaking end of projects evaluation and baselines/endlines. An understanding of Jordan’s political context and the scope within this for women’s rights work and feminist movement building would be a significant advantage. Team members will have 5-7 years of relevant experience in their respective areas of responsibilities. The consulting firm/consultant(s) and team members will sign and abide by Oxfam non-staff code of conduct. The following will be used in assessing the qualification of the consultants/team members:

  • Specialization in protection, gender equality, human rights, and women’s rights especially in Jordan
  • Experience of work with, accompaniment to or evaluation of feminist movement building initiatives would be an advantage.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting participatory endline and end-of-project evaluations.
  • Proven capacity and experience in planning and organizing survey logistics.
  • Strong qualitative and quantitative research skills, including participatory methodologiesGood network of experienced enumerators, supervisors, and data entry clerks – where applicable.
  • Knowledge on women’s right agenda and gender equality related legal and policy framework.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and ability to establish good and effective relationships with national partners.
  • Have excellent written, spoken communication skills in English and Arabic.
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver high quality written reports that analyze the data and information accurately and respond to research ask and questions.
  • Knowledge on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) will be an added advantage.

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment and selection of the consulting firm/consultant(s) shall be done based on technical proposals and financial proposals. The most competitive proposal shall be selected based on the maximum total value in terms of merit, technical score, and price. A point scoring out of 100 points, shall be applied based on the following percentage for the two major components (technical and financial)

Evaluation of Technical Proposals will include seventy (70) points of the overall score, under the following criteria.

Click Here to view the criteria

Evaluation of financial Proposals shall be done only for those companies meeting minimum score for technical proposal.

  • Thirty (30) pointsshall be the maximum total score given to the financial component (price) Cost-effectiveness and value for money.
  • Upon opening all the financial proposals, the maximum score is given to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals from interested consultants shall be allocated scores in inverse proportion to the lowest price.

    Click Here to view

Submission Requirements

Applications should include:

  • A cover letter detailing the interest in the assignment and relevant experience.
  • Overview of the consultancy firm with updated CVs of consultants and role of each under the scope of this assignment.
  • Narrative proposal: including outline of evaluation approach and principles; proposed work plan and clear detailed methodology with timeline.
  • Financial proposal: including daily consultancy fees and other expenses incurred during the scope of this assignment.
  • A sample of relevant written work.

[1] Endline assessment data will be collected through re-assessing WROs capacities utilizing Oxfam Capacity Assessment Tools for Gender Just Organisational Strengthening.

[2] Structural Changes in Power Dynamics

Current Practice: The WVL project works to empower WROs and feminist movements by providing them with resources, capacity-building, and networking opportunities.

Systemic Alignment: Focus on shifting societal and institutional power dynamics by advocating for legislative changes, enforcing gender-sensitive policies, and ensuring women’s participation in decision-making processes at all levels (local, national, and international).

[3] Key Outcomes for Systemic Change in the WVL Project:

Institutional Shifts: Gender-responsive policies and practices across sectors.

Cultural Norms: Reduced acceptance of harmful gender norms and stereotypes.

Policy Advocacy: Sustained influence on legislative and budgetary priorities to benefit women and girls.

Empowered Ecosystem: A resilient network of WROs that can drive systemic change independently.

How to apply


Please Click Here to see full TOR

Interested applicants with required qualification and experience must submit their applications online as per the following email zlebade@oxfam.org.uk, The submission should include technical and financial (price offers) as separate components, Sample of relevant written work CV and covering letter. Under subject RFQ-JOAMM-25-0015 (Endline Assessment and Evaluation)

BID/EOI CLOSING DATE 9th of February 2025

TBD based on EOI date.

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