Evaluator Consultant aT International Organization for Migration

Call for Applications / Expression of Interest

Appointment Title: Evaluator Consultant

Duty Station: Harare, Zimbabwe

Type of Appointment: Consultancy Contract

Estimated Start Date: 26 July 2021

CFA Reference Number: CFA2021/007

Closing Date: 14 July 2021

Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. With 169 member states, a further 8 states holding observer status and 402 offices in over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people. The IOM Constitution recognizes the link between migration and economic, social and cultural development, as well as to the right of freedom of movement. IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management:

• Migration and development

• Facilitating migration

• Regulating migration

• Forced migration

IOM activities that cut across these areas include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants’ rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.

1. Evaluation context

In December 2015, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) received funding support from the European Union under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) to implement the Promoting Migration Governance in Zimbabwe (PMGZ) project. The project was part of the overall National Indicative Programme (NIP) of the 11th EDF between the European Commission and the Government of Zimbabwe. Specifically, this project was implemented under the Governance and Institution building Sector under the NIP. The project was focused on improving migration management through facilitating review of the overall migration governance structure and processes while also ensuring that the migration legislation in Zimbabwe is aligned to the constitution of Zimbabwe. The PMGZ project supported the establishment of a migration governance framework in Zimbabwe so as to enhance the role of State and non-State actors in managing migration in a migrant-centred, gender-sensitive, and development-oriented manner. The project sought to improve the migrant protection environment and to enhance the participation of the Zimbabwean women and men in the diaspora in national decision making and development programmes. The migration issues of interest include labour migration, trafficking in persons (TiP), mixed migration flows (including refugee protection, unaccompanied minors and undocumented/stranded migrants), integrated border management, internal migration as well as migration and human development and migration and Gender.

The overall objective of the project was: to contribute to the establishment of a migration governance framework (policy, institutional and legislative) in Zimbabwe that supports State actors to manage migration in dialogue with non-State actors and in a migrant-centred, gender-sensitive, rights-based and development-oriented manner. The specific objectives were:

(1) To achieve strengthened institutional capacity and adoption of a coherent and gender-sensitive policy and legislative framework for a comprehensive approach to migration.

(2) To enhance participation and contribution of Zimbabwean women and men in the diaspora in national development initiatives in close collaboration with the Government.

The project aimed to contribute towards the realization of the following four interdependent results areas:

· Result 1: Strengthened institutional capacity for the coordination of migration management;

· Result 2: Coherent and gender-sensitive migration management policy framework in place;

· Result 3: Improved migration legislation, service provision and communication for the protection of migrants’ rights;

· Result 4: Improved neutral platforms for dialogue and schemes through which Zimbabweans in the diaspora contribute to decision making and national development.

The PMGZ project sought to contribute to these outcome areas just as the overall impact. However, under each of these outcomes are outputs that the project sought to deliver.

2. Evaluation purpose

The external evaluation will be conducted by and independent external evaluation consultant in coordination with the Policy and Support Unit in Regional Office in Brussels and the European Union Delegation in Zimbabwe to draw lessons from the intervention on its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency , coherence and sustainability.

3. Evaluation scope

The external evaluation will cover the duration of the project implementation from December 2015 to May 2020**:**

4. Evaluation criteria and evaluation questions

The evaluation is expected to address the following questions under the below criteria:

a) Relevance

· Did the project design, choice of activities and deliverables properly reflect and address the migration governance and management needs, taking into account IOM’s mandates, and alignment with the objectives of the 11th EDF –Governance and institution building sector?

· Were the actual activities and outputs of the project- within the period under evaluation- consistent with the overall goals and intended outcomes?

· What is IOM’s comparative advantage in this area and to what extent has this project maximized it?

b) Effectiveness

· Have the activities achieved, or are likely to achieve, planned objectives and outcomes as outlined in the project document?

International Organization for Migration· Did the stakeholders’ role and responsibilities distribution address the identified problems and meet the relevant needs as provided in the Technical Needs Assessment?

· To what extent are project stakeholders satisfied with the activities organized by the project and the quality of the outputs?

· Is there evidence that the stakeholders’ knowledge, understanding and capacity to carry out action plans for promoting migration governance in Zimbabwe have been improved?

· How have the different activities complemented each other in the capacity building of the project beneficiaries?

· What are the lessons learned or best practices from the interventions ?

c) Efficiency

· Have project implementation modalities, and internal monitoring and control been adequate in ensuring the achievement of the expected outcomes in a timely and cost-effective manner?

· To what extent did the project leverage in-house expertise, previous research and technical cooperation outcomes, existing databases, and other internal resources of IOM and/or external collaboration from international development partners and mechanisms, specifically the European Union?

· To what extent was the project timeline affected by possible constraints/problems? If so, how did these constraints affected project objectives and were they addressed in an appropriate manner?

d) Sustainability

· Is there evidence that national counterparts and regional partners are committed to continue working towards the project objectives beyond the end of the project?

· To what extent have project beneficiaries’ institutional capacities been enhanced?

· Is there awareness of bottle necks that impacted the project or further actions for improved capacities?

· Were project activities and outputs designed and implemented in such a way to ensure maximum sustainability of the project’s impact? For instance, to what extent did the national stakeholders (both state and non-state actors) have strong sense of ownership?

· Have efforts been made to sustain the knowledge and capacity gained in the project for future similar interventions to be carried out by IOM?

e) Coherence

· To what extent did the intervention fit amongst other similar interventions, e.g. complementarities with IOM IDF projects?

· How was the intervention coordinated with other interventions, such as the IDF projects among others to avoid duplication of effort.

· What frameworks, policies, legislations and other instruments was the project aligned to and or impacted on?

· How did those frameworks, policies, legislations and other instruments impact the project?

f) Gender and human rights

· To what extent did the design and implementation of the project incorporate gender mainstreaming considerations, and can evidence be identified in this regard?

· How were the national stakeholders/government counterparts sensitized on the gender dimension of project?

· To what extent did the project advance IOM’s efforts to promote service provision and communication for the protection of migrants’ rights within migration governance framework in Zimbabwe?

g) Partnerships and synergies

· How has the project advanced partnerships with national, regional counterparts, other UN agencies, the civil society and/or the private sector?

5. Evaluation methodology

The evaluation will be undertaken through a triangulation exercise of all available data to draw conclusions and findings. The evaluation methodology includes, but is not limited to, the following:

I. Desk review of project documents, reports of activities and other relevant materials;

II. Face-to-face interview and/ or telephone interviews with relevant IOM Zimbabwe project staff;

III. Face-to-face interview and/ or telephone interviews with a balanced sample of project participants, project partners and other relevant stakeholders of the project, and other stakeholders, as may be required; conduct follow-up interviews as may be necessary;

As part of the desk review, which will lead to an inception report, the evaluator will use the project document as well as additional documents such as mission reports; progress reports, financial reports, publications, studies – both produced under the project as well as received from national and regional counterparts. An exhaustive list – which includes the donor (European Union), project beneficiaries as well as other partners and counterparts involved in the project will be provided to the evaluator.

The evaluator will further elaborate on the evaluation methodology in an inception report, determining thereby the exact focus and approach for the exercise, including developing tailor made questions that target different stakeholders (based on a stakeholder analysis), and developing the sampling strategy and identifying the sources and methods for data collection. The inception report must include an evaluation matrix. The evaluation must follow the IOM Data Protection Principles, UNEG norms and standards for evaluations, and relevant ethical guidelines.**

The evaluator is required to submit a separate final list of those interviewed in the Annex of the evaluation report. The evaluator is ensure a wide representation of stakeholders, bearing in mind the need to address relevant cross-cutting themes of rights-based approach to programming, gender mainstreaming, environmental sensitivity and sustainability, and sustainability of results.

6. Description of Duties

The evaluator reports to the Chief of Mission. The evaluator will undertake the evaluation exercise in coordination with the project management unit and the project manager. The evaluator needs to integrate gender considerations in evaluations to the extent possible and needs to ensure a complete, fair, engaging, unreserved, and unbiased assessment. In case of difficulties, uncertainties, or concern in the conduct of the evaluation, the evaluator needs to report immediately to the Chief of Mission to seek guidance or clarification.

The evaluator shall act independently, should observe the UNEG guidelines, standards, and norms for evaluations in the UN system, as well as IOM Guidelines for Evaluation, in the conduct of this assignment. The evaluator will submit a copy-edited final report to IOM.

The project team will support the evaluation, by providing desk review documents, contact details of project stakeholders as well as any additional documents that the evaluator requests. The project team will review and provide comments on the inception, draft and final reports with a view on quality assurance and factual accuracies.

  1. Evaluation work plan and Deliverables:

The total duration of the evaluation is equivalent to 26 calendar days of work.






Review project documents and relevant literature/documentation


Evaluator/Project Team


Draft documentation/relevant literature

Preparation of data collection tools and inception report including an evaluation matrix



Home-based in close collaboration with IOM staff

Interview guide and data/ inception report

Interviews with IOM staff, UN and the donor.


Evaluator/IOM Project staff/UN, EU focal persons

In Zimbabwe, IOM office/ UN, EU offices

Interview guide/data

Other interviews with Government stakeholders and other project stakeholders


Evaluator/IOM Project staff

In Zimbabwe, respective offices of the identified project participants/stakeholders

Interview guide and data

Data analysis and draft report write up




Data analysis

Final report write up/incorporating comments, preparation of an evaluation brief and presentation of final evaluation report to IOM and the European Commission in Harare




Final edited copy of evaluation report, Power Point presentation, Final Internal Evaluation document submitted to IOM

8. Method of payment

The payments should be done upon deliverable of the following:

Inception report delivered and approved by IOM


First draft of the final report delivered and approved by IOM


Final report package including an evaluation brief delivered and approved by IOM


All payments terms shall be issued per the terms and condition of the Purchase Order (PO) based on the disbursement of satisfactory submission of documents above mentioned. The annexes should include data collection instruments, list of stakeholders interviewed during the evaluation, list of documents reviewed, the evaluation matrix and the evaluation ToR.

9. Profile of the Evaluation Consultant

IOM Zimbabwe proposes to engage a qualified and well experienced evaluation consultant, who should be a holder of a Master’s degree in Social Sciences or closely related field with no less than six years relevant work experience to conduct the evaluation assignment. The consultant is expected to follow the OECD-DAC standard evaluation criteria as adopted by the EU and to adhere to the IOM Evaluation Guidelines and UNEG norms, standards and ethical guidelines.

How to apply

Interested consultant(s) to submit a technical and financial proposal outlining how they intend to carry out the evaluation, the number of days and the daily consultancy fee charged. Proposal should not exceed ten pages and should be sent via email to procurementbids@iom.int not later than 14 July 2021. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

The submission should include the followings:

· A technical and financial proposal

(The financial proposal should be “all-inclusive” and include a breakdown. The term ‘all-inclusive[1]” implies that all costs – professional fees, communications, utilities, consumables, insurance, visa, accommodation in Zimbabwe, etc.- that could possibly be incurred by the Contractor are already factored into the financial proposal);

· A cover letter;

· A detailed CV;

· Three references;

· Examples of two recent evaluation reports produced.

Posting period: 8 July 2021 to 14 July 2021

IOM will be responsible for the round air ticket of the consultant from country of origin to Harare, Zimbabwe. In case needed, IOM will also be responsible for transportation of the consultant from Harare to additional cities.

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