Executive Director At Action for Humanity


Action for Education (AFE) is a fast-growing education non-profit working with refugee and asylum-seeking communities. Founded in 2018, AFE has held a large national presence in Greece, on the Aegean islands and in Athens. In recent years, AFE’s operations have reached over 500 monthly students across 6 education centres, with a primary focus on children and young adults. AFE also has a global network of activists, former volunteers and partners, developed and engaged through media campaigns and advocacy actions.

AFE is established as a UK Charity, a Swiss Verein and Greek non-profit. It has an international Board of Directors comprising 10 members, as well as an Advisory Group offering specialist support in key organisational areas. The organisation currently works with a 13 staff, including advocacy, fundraising, finance, communications, project coordinators and programme directors. Projects are implemented by rotating teams of 30-40 volunteers.

In early 2021, AFE developed an ambitious new 3-year strategy and aims for an impactful, ethically-driven journey to scale. This includes deepening the quality of existing services, responding to a fast-changing national situation in Greece, as well as exploring international scaling of its education services.

About the role

For the past 3 years, AFE has had a co-directorship model. From early Autumn 2021, we are looking for new leadership to drive the organisation forward. The two current Directors are retiring from their positions and the organisation is looking to replace them with one Executive Director who will be supported with an enhanced team of staff and enlarged Board. The two outgoing Directors will take up positions on the Board, providing ongoing guidance to the incoming Executive Director.

This is a highly ambitious role, requiring a great deal of experience, sensitivity and entrepreneurship. The ideal candidate will demonstrate extensive experience working in the context, excellent leadership skills, and a strong knowledge of organisational processes, including financial management, strategic development, human resources, project management and external relations.

Moreover, the successful candidate will demonstrate outstanding interpersonal skills and be driven by a genuine passion for refugee education in emergencies. They will be guided by a strong moral compass, never compromising on the highest ethical standards. They are expected to bring a bold new leadership style and engage in independent, creative and critical thinking.

The Executive Director will be someone who commits to the organisation for the long-term, at least 2 years. During this time, they will be responsible for operational and external affairs. This includes overseeing the implementation of the charity’s strategy, its external representation and education programmes.

Minimum commitment: 2 years
Contract type: Full time
Salary: €1,500/month
Location: Greece (with international travel)
Expected start date: beginning August

Chief Responsibilities


  • Maintaining strong communication with the AFE Board
  • Design, supervise and execute high-level strategy
  • Build and spread organisational culture based on AFE’s values and approach
  • Identity and explore new opportunities in line with AFE’s mission
  • Identity situational developments and adapt organisational approach


  • Oversee the growth and development of AFE’s public relations
  • Represent AFE externally
  • Liaise with stakeholders, including local authorities, partners, donors and the public


  • Oversee financial processes, including budgeting, reporting and grant management
  • Develop and implement AFE’s fundraising plan and activities
  • Oversee the recruitment of project leadership staff
  • Oversee the implementation of AFE’s advocacy plan
  • Oversee AFE’s impact management plan
  • Oversee implementation of policy

Your skills

  • You are an experienced, value-driven and dynamic leader
  • You have excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • You speak with knowledge, confidence and critical reflection on migration issues
  • You have a historical and current understanding of the refugee situation in Greece
  • You thrive meeting new people, forging new relationships and networking
  • You embody the values and vision of Action for Education
  • You are a bold and creative thinker, who is excited about shaking up the status quo!
  • You have demonstrable knowledge of organisational development and management

How to apply

Applications for the Executive Director will be accepted until 23:59 BST on 9th July. All applications must be made through this form. As part of this, candidates will upload their CV, a Covering Letter and answer a number of short screening questions.

Longlisted candidates will be invited to a short initial interview with the current Directors on Friday 9th July. Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to a full interview. The final 3 candidates will have an additional interview with a panel of existing Project Coordinators and Board Members. Decisions will be announced by 16th July.

Apply here

Interested candidates are welcome to request additional support or send clarifying questions to info@actionforeducation.org.

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