Experienced Consultant to support the development of a discussion paper on strengthening gender-sensitivity of the German humanitarian WASH assistance At German Toilet Organization

  1. Background:

In 2014 and 2015, the Federal Foreign Office worked closely with the German WASH Network (GWN) to develop the “Federal Foreign Offices Humanitarian WASH strategy”. The focus areas of action of the strategy are strengthening (1) WASH coordination and partnerships, (2) WASH capacity development and quality management, and (3) complementarity between humanitarian and development WASH interventions. Since 2015, the strategy has been operationalised and implemented by WASH network member organisations within the framework of consortium projects.

A programme evaluation concluded that in focus area 2 “WASH capacity development and quality assurance“, the main focus of the project activities was on capacity building, while the demand side, i.e. ensuring quality from the point of view of the target groups, was rarely addressed. On the basis of this assessment, the WASH network decided to initiate a quality assurance process. On the basis of learning events and consultations with the member organisations, a working group has developed a draft quality framework with voluntary commitments, titled “WASH Q”.

WASH Q builds on the most important global frameworks for humanitarian WASH assistance (CHS, SPHERE, WASH AQA) and aims to strengthen their operationalization by GWN members and their local partners. At the heart of WASH Q is people-centred, rights-based, and well-coordinated humanitarian aid that strengthens local systems. The assistance should be inclusive, just, transparent, and as climate- and environmentally friendly as possible. In order to progressively improve these quality characteristics, the participating organisations should sign voluntary commitments, identify their weaknesses and develop individual action plans to progressively improve their assistance in line with the commitments. To support these internal processes and to measure success, a set of criteria will be developed for each commitment. A continuous learning and exchange process with the other participants, moderated by the WASH Network Secretariat, is intended to support them in the implementation of the measures. Jointly identified gaps and needs in the area of knowledge management or capacity building can be jointly addressed by the GWN.

A gap repeatedly identified in discourse and studies (e.g. Global WASH Gap Analysis 2021) are the significant inequalities that exist in WASH for women and men, especially in humanitarian crises. The IASC Gender Handbook states that inequalities often exist before crises, but are often exacerbated by humanitarian crises. The special needs of women are not sufficiently taken into account and supported through the assistance. Women don’t feel safe in shared toilets, esp. when exposed to the risk of gender-based violence and sexual abuse at night, or not given adequate access to gender-sensitive facilities or the desired products for menstrual hygiene management. In humanitarian contexts as well as low-income countries, it is mostly women who are responsible for fetching water, washing clothes, child care or care of sick households’ members. Inadequate WASH services are therefore a particular burden for women and other marginalised groups with particular vulnerabilities, such as people with disabilities, children and the elderly.

In addition, women often do not have the same rights, resources, representation that would allow for real participation with influence on decisions throughout the program and life cycle of WASH interventions. This applies not only to the affected people in need and their representatives, but also to the programmatic and institutional humanitarian actors and other stakeholders involved.

A feminist approach to humanitarian assistance does not only include the consideration of vulnerabilities of women, but also their perceived strengths. Rethinking the current common approaches from a “female” perspective generally should lead to more collaborative and empathetic work with more sustainable results.

In order to strengthen the gender sensitivity of the interventions of the German humanitarian WASH assistance and gender equality in all phases of the humanitarian programme cycle and the institutions involved, the GWN seeks the support of an expert or consultancy firm, with gender-sensitive competencies in data collection.

  1. Objectives of the consultancy

The aim of the consultancy service is to develop a discussion paper with recommendations for increasing gender sensitivity and gender equality in the field of humanitarian WASH assistance. Based on a literature review and a consultation / data collection involving feedback from field level practitioners the consultancy should a) identify practical challenges and key recommendations to overcome them and b) define quality criteria / key indicators for the WASH Q framework in this topical area and present these in a concise paper (max. 10 pages). The consultancy is carried out in close coordination with a GWN working group. Necessary working group meetings will be supported by the consultant in the conception, implementation and documentation.

  1. Methodology and products

The methodology of the consultation will be finalised in the inception phase. Below is a first suggestion as a basis for discussion for the preparation of the offer:

  1. Kick-off & Conception
    1. Kick-Off Meeting with WASH Network Members (length: 2 hours)
      • Draft agenda
      • Technical contribution (presentation)
      • Draft minutes
    2. Concept Development
      • Methodology / Questionnaire
      • Timeline
      • Proposed outline of discussion paper
  2. Data collection and review
    1. Literature Desk Review
    2. Data collection
      • Key Informant Interviews (mainly with field level staff)
      • Online survey
      • Optional (depending on methodology / design): Focus-Group discussions
    3. Consolidation,visualization and sharing of data with core group for comments
      • Excel spreadsheet
      • Presentation including problem statement, critical evaluation of the material identified in the desk review and conclusion recommendation section
    4. Working group meeting to review data and discuss key conclusions (length: 2 hours)
      • Draft agenda
      • Presentation
      • Draft minutes
  3. Development of discussion paper
    • Draft of the discussion paper V1
    • Collection of feedback from the WG members
    • Consolidated draft V2
  4. Review and publication
    1. Presentation of the handout at a WASH network meeting in March 2024
      • Presentation
      • Transcript and draft minutes of the session
    2. Collection and incorporation of written feedback by the network members
      • Consolidated Draft V3
    3. Publication Webinar
      • Draft Agenda
      • Presentation
      • Documentation
  5. Milestones / Timeline

    The consultation is to take place in the period from 22 December 2023 – 30 April, 2024 and the effort is forecast to be around 23 working days. The detailed table with time estimates can be found in the Terms of Reference

  6. Matters relevant to the contract
  • The planned term of the contract is from December 22, 2023 – April 30, 2024
  • Duty Station: remote / home based
  • Communication and reporting to the German Toilet Organization, as the contractee and host organisation of the secretariat of the German WASH Network

Requirements for submitting an offer

  • At least 3 years of relevant experience in working on gender-related issues
  • At least 5 years of experience in the WASH sector of international cooperation / humanitarian assistance with operational experience abroad
  • Proven experience in the development of global products of knowledge or quality management in international cooperation / humanitarian aid
  • Experience in humanitarian capacity building or sector coordination is desirable
  • A university degree in a relevant field
  • Fluent in spoken and written English; Knowledge of German, Arabic and French is an advantage;
  • Proof of official registration and proof of tax

How to apply

The offer should be written in English and contain the following points:

  • Professional offer with a brief description of the proposed methodology
  • Implementation plan that takes into account the availability of the service provider (e.g. Gantt chart)
  • Financial offer with budget including daily rates
  • A summary of expertise and experience with similar tasks of all team members

The deadline for submitting bids is 21 December 2023. Please submit your offer by email to johannes.rueck@washnet.de

Link: Terms of Reference (8 Dec 2023)

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