Expert in advocacy and the fight against violence against women to lead advocacy workshops At Equal Rights and Independent Media

ERIM is looking for two experts to develop a national and regional advocacy strategy and lead advocacy workshops for better support for women survivors of violence in Morocco and Tunisia. The application can be made by a consulting firm or a consortium of individuals.


The project “SaMMa – the voice of equality” aims to promote the culture of equality and to fight against gender-based violence in Morocco and Tunisia, by acting both in support of local associations for the prevention of violence and the protection and care of victims, and in collaboration with the media to influence gender stereotypes that promote inequalities and violence. Led by a coalition of 5 civil society organizations, the project supports young feminist associations, most of them recently created, and alternative and independent media, which primarily target young people, with innovative approaches combining digital communication and field work. Finally, SaMMa draws on the expertise of partner organizations that work in collaboration and dialogue with national and local authorities to promote a change in the legal framework, practices and mentalities.

In the first phase of the project, a report was prepared on the protection and support mechanisms available to women survivors of violence in Morocco and Tunisia. This report, written following consultation workshops and interviews with CSOs and women survivors of violence in the countries concerned, includes a comprehensive analysis of laws and initiatives led by civil society. It also presents a set of recommendations that will serve as a basis for advocacy workshops.


Duration of the mission: 6 months, from July to December 2024 – indicative timetable available in the terms of reference.

The job offer on the ERIM website:

General objective: To lead advocacy workshops with stakeholders involved in the care of women survivors of violence in order to develop an advocacy strategy that meets the needs identified in the report produced during the first phase of the project.

Specific objectives :

  • Lead 2-day reflection workshops each in Morocco and Tunisia (1 workshop in each country) based on regional and national recommendations in order to develop an advocacy strategy enabling better support for survivors:
  • Strengthen the capacities of actors involved in the care of survivors through advocacy.
  • Develop national action plans in collaboration with stakeholders involved in implementing the advocacy strategy.
  • Establish a schedule of advocacy meetings with relevant institutions to implement the action plan.
  • Develop partnerships with identified stakeholders, including feminist associations, listening centres and ministers.

Responsibilities of the lead expert:

  • Coordinate work with other trainers following the framework meeting;
  • Lead the advocacy workshop in one of the countries of intervention;
  • Develop a national advocacy strategy report in one of the countries of intervention;
  • Consolidate other reports to develop the regional strategy;
  • Propose a mentoring plan for following up on advocacy meetings.

Responsibilities of trainers:

  • Participate in the framing meeting and coordination meetings with the main expert;
  • Lead an advocacy workshop in one of the countries of intervention;
  • Develop national advocacy strategy reports for both countries.

Expected results :

  • 3 two-day workshops will be organized for a total of 60 participants (one workshop in each target country, including a third country to be identified; 20 participants per workshop);
  • 1 national advocacy strategy is developed per country;
  • 1 regional advocacy strategy is developed based on national strategies;
  • 3 action plans developed during the advocacy workshops including planning of at least 8 advocacy meetings to be carried out by the end of the project.


  • A final report of the workshop in Morocco written by the consultant in charge
  • A final report of the workshop in Tunisia written by the consultant in charge
  • A regional advocacy strategy for the project written by the lead expert
  • A plan for mentoring advocacy meetings.


The main expert:

  • Higher university education (minimum Bac+5) in human and social sciences, economic sciences, political sciences, or equivalent;
  • At least 7 years of experience in the field of gender, the fight against GBV and strengthening of CSOs, and survivor support mechanisms;
  • An understanding of the current context of Morocco, Tunisia and the region regarding gender equality and the situation of women;
  • At least 5 years of experience in national, international or regional advocacy (e.g. writing advocacy strategies, advocacy meetings with governments or at the United Nations);
  • Ability to write reports;
  • At least 2 years of experience in conducting training and facilitating workshops;
  • Expertise in project management and human resources and ability to work with multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, including remotely;
  • Mastery of mentoring, monitoring and evaluation tools and approaches.

The trainers:

  • Higher university education (minimum Bac+5) in human and social sciences, economic sciences, political sciences, or equivalent;
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of gender, the fight against GBV and strengthening of CSOs, and survivor support mechanisms;
  • An understanding of the current context in at least 1 of the target countries (Morocco, Tunisia) concerning gender equality and the situation of women;
  • At least 3 years of experience in national, international or regional advocacy (e.g. writing advocacy strategies, advocacy meetings with governments or at the United Nations);
  • At least 2 years of experience in conducting training and facilitating workshops;
  • Ability to work with multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, including remotely.

Target audience :

  • Civil society organizations and feminist movements;
  • Accommodation and listening centers;
  • National and local authorities involved in the protection and care of women survivors of violence.


This activity is part of the ongoing advocacy and stakeholder strengthening efforts for better support for women survivors of violence at the national level, led by members of the SaMMa project consortium.

The steps of the mission will be as follows:

1. Framework meeting

The scoping meeting will allow the team selected for the mission to discuss the scope of the mission with the members of the consortium in order to set up a training strategy adapted to the needs of the project. The meeting will allow the experts to learn about the results of the study carried out in the first year of the project and will allow the experts to initiate the collaboration to ensure the regional aspect while remaining flexible with possible contextual differences.

Following the framing meeting, the experts will coordinate to review the training content for the target countries concerned.

2. Workshops

Following the various coordination meetings between the lead expert, trainers and consortium members, 1 advocacy workshop will be organized in each target country of the project with the aim of strengthening the participants’ capacities in advocacy and putting in place an action plan based on the pre-identified recommendations to organize advocacy meetings with the relevant stakeholders.

3. Consolidation and regional strategy

A summary report will be produced at the end of each advocacy workshop by the trainer highlighting the outcomes of the workshop and the national advocacy strategy developed. The lead expert will compile the strategies created during the workshops in the three countries (including a third country in the region to be identified) to develop a regional advocacy strategy that addresses the nuances and differences according to the context of each country. The lead expert will also be responsible for proposing a mentoring plan for the follow-up of the advocacy meetings planned in the country action plans developed during the workshops.


Budget :

  • Candidates will be selected based on the quality of the file and the best value for money.
  • Please note that partners based in Tunisia and Morocco will cover the costs of the workshops organized.
  • 1200 € maximum for trainers
  • €2000 maximum for the main expert

Distribution of payments:

  • 30% upon signing the contract
  • 30% after completion of the three workshops
  • 40% after validation of deliverables.

Selection process and evaluation of offers:

The offers will be evaluated on the basis of the expertise, experience and capacity of the consultants to meet the specific needs of the project, and on the basis of the financial offer. A selection committee composed of representatives of the partners will be responsible for evaluating the offers and selecting the consultants.

How to apply

The application can be made by a consulting firm or by a consortium of individuals.

Interested consultants can send the following:

  • A technical offer detailing the implementation methodology to accomplish the mission
  • A detailed timetable of the intervention;
  • A financial offer detailing the daily rate and the overall amount of consultant fees;
  • Three professional references related to the objective of the mission;
  • Examples of similar work

Proposals should be sent by email to the following addresses: and, specifying in the subject line “SAMMA – national and regional advocacy strategy – country” before midnight on August 14, 2024.

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