Expression of Interest: Identifying an Implementing Partner for Capacities on Health Sector Response to Gender Based Violence in Asia and the Pacific at United Nations Population Fund

Invitation for Expression of Interest

UNFPA is in the process of identifying a potential implementing partner for the implementation of a project to strengthen regional and national capacities on health sector response to gender based violence (GBV) in Asia and the Pacific.

Although GBV has been accepted as a critical public health and clinical care issue, the critical role that the health system and health-care providers can play in terms of identification, assessment, treatment, crisis-intervention, documentation, referral and follow up is poorly understood or accepted within national health programmes and policies in various countries.

In particular, this initiative hopes to develop sustained capacity through an institution in rolling out regionally and nationally contexualised guidelines and tools to strengthen health sector response to GBV.

Key Objective:

In order to support capacity strengthening of health systems in Asia and the Pacific to address gender based violence in line with global standards, UNFPA Asia Pacific Office is seeking to partner with an institution. The partnership will be guided by implementing partner modality as per UNFPA’s programming policy tools and guidelines.

Scope of Work:

In line with the long term vision to contribute to sustained capacity development in the area of health sector response to gender-based violence, UNFPA intends to engage in a partnership with a suitable institution to provide technical support to:

i. Adapt international guidelines on health sector response to GBV to country contexts

ii. Utilise GBV quality assurance tool to conduct assessment of health sector’s response capacity to GBV incidents

iii. Contexualise in-service training package for health sector providers on responding to GBV based on international guidelines

iv. Develop contexualised teaching aid materials to integrate content about identification of, response to and referral of GBV cases in pre-service curriculum building on international guidelines and tools

v. Strengthen health care providers’ participation in GBV referral pathways and case management systems to ensure a strong multi-sectoral response to GBV

vi. Conduct implementation research on utlisation of global guidelines of health sector response to GBV in select sites

vii. Roll out regional capacity building initiatives on recent global guidelines on health sector response to GBV

How to apply

Those interested in participating in the process should send their expression of interest to with subject line “EOI on Health Sector Response to GBV” by 14 June 2021 enclosing the information listed below.

  • Full legal name and address of applying institution
  • Copy of valid legal registration
  • Mandate or mission statement of organization
  • Statement of organization’s expertise in the areas of capacity development in health sector response to GBV with the required description in the TOR.
  • Short description of the organization’s existing operations in health sector response to GBV, including how long the operations have been carried out,
  • CVs of proposed team of relevant experts

Upon receipt of the above information from prospective implementing partners, UNFPA will review applicants for placement on a short-list of potential implementing partners.

Those short-listed candidates may be invited to submit formal proposals to become an implementing partner. The Invitation for Proposal will provide a more detailed description of the scope of work.


  • Due to the high volume of communications, UNFPA is not in a position to confirm receipt of the expression of interests.
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