External Project Evaluator – Poland At Terre des hommes

Terre Des Hommes is looking for an external project evaluator based in Poland who is responsible for collecting and analyzing data, to monitor progress against the project indicators and producing a final evaluation report that assesses the performance and impact of the project on refugee children and their families in Poland.


In response to the crisis in Ukraine and neighbouring regions sparked by a violent military operation starting February 24, 2022, Giro 555/SHO initiated a fundraising campaign to support the most affected people. Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL) by being part of the SHO alliance has set up a regional response, and engaged with different partners in countries neighbouring Ukraine, including with FDDS and TdH Italy in Poland, to design and implement an intervention to protect refugee and displaced children and their families from exploitation and abuse, and contribute to addressing their most life-saving needs.

Scope and objectives of the evaluation

The evaluation will focus on data collection for a set of indicators outlined in the project results framework. The evaluation study report will be used as a final measurement to monitor the project progress against the set indicators measured over the course of the project implementation.

The external evaluation will tentatively be implemented in the period from mid July to mid September 2024 over a period of 8 weeks. The scope of the evaluation is the entire Respond to the Needs of Refugee Children from Ukraine and Their Families in Poland project, encompassing all project components and phases.

The final evaluation’s purpose is to provide an overall external assessment of the performance and the results of the project as well as to document changes brought on by the project to the lives of the project beneficiaries and identify key lessons learned.

Specific objectives:

  • Design a data collection plan and data collection tools in alignment with the programme’s Results Framework;
  • Define endline values for relevant indicators in the result framework;
  • Assess the project design, implementation and achievement by using the six OECD DAC evaluation criteria: (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability) accompanied by examples and including quotes from participants .
  • Identify and document lessons learned, significant changes and best practices
  • Provide recommendations for future project design and relevant stakeholders
  • Facilitate/ensure the participatory involvement of local stakeholders to build ownership of the evaluation.


The consultant/firm is requested to propose a methodological approach but the evaluation should at the minimum include desk research, key informant interviews and both quantitative / qualitative methods to answer the evaluation questions. The proposal should include: sampling strategy, data collection tools, data collection, data management and analysis strategy.


  • Inception report including evaluation design, work plan, final data collection tools in English and local language, methodology (template of the report will be provided)
  • Training materials for data collectors including data collection and quality assurance mechanisms/ instruction/ guidelines/ protocol (“Child safeguarding and ethical evaluation” presentation template will be provided by TdH)
  • Field report after completion of the field data collection
  • Online data collection forms in KOBO or other effective mobile data collection applications if used
  • Final completed evaluation report in English addressing all comments/ feedbacks from TdH NL and/ partners and including a clear set of actionable recommendations (template of the report will be provided)
  • Final comprehensive slide presentation of the evaluation results
  • Provide presentation of findings in the validation workshop/ meeting and dissemination workshop.
  • Data: Signed Informed consent with respondents and photos, all completed questionnaires if hard copies are used, raw quantitative and qualitative data, final clean data used for data analysis, final data analysis outputs (in table, graph…) that was used for report and slide presentation (including data analysis by indicators)


The consultant will include a financial proposal which outlines a detailed breakdown of all costs required for conducting the evaluation.

Required essential qualifications.

  • At least a master’s degree in economics, developmental studies, business administration and social science or related field for the lead consultant/ a minimum of bachelor’s degree in the relevant academic areas with 7 years of progressive experience in research can be acceptable.
  • Extensive experience in research work and in assessments/evaluations. Knowledge of Research Methodologies and application of various tools including practical experience in assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian interventions.
  • Strong experience in humanitarian action and knowledge of humanitarian standards (CHS, Sphere, Code of Conduct).
  • Good understanding or previous working experience in Poland or Ukraine is considered an advantage.
  • Fluent in English, knowledge of Polish and Ukrainian/Russian is preferred and will be considered an advantage.

How to apply

Individuals/firms that meet the above requirements should submit an expression of interest (EOI) which should include:

  • Technical Proposal detailing the approach, methodology and work plan of the assignment
  • Financial Proposal including daily rates in EUR with detailed breakdown (transportation, enumerators, accommodation, meals, taxes etc.)
  • CV of the lead consultant and contact details of two professional referees.
  • Copies of at least 2 (two) similar assignments done in the last 3 years.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview.

You can apply here

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